
This is MiscAwakeAction.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Copyright (C) 1995 Steve Hayman
// Use is governed by the MiscKit license

#import "MiscAwakeAction.h"
#import <apps/InterfaceBuilder.h>

@implementation MiscAwakeAction

 * The meat of the class.  Send a message somewhere.
- fire
    if ( _target && action && [_target respondsTo:action] ) {
	[_target perform:action with:self];
    return self;

 * We get "awakeFromNib" when our nib file is loaded by a running
 * application, after all the outlets are set up.
 * Good time to fire the target/action.
- awakeFromNib
    return [self fire];

 * Bug in 3.1 and later: [NXApp isTestingInterface] always yields
 * NO during read/write/awake.  Use this workaround.  See NeXTanswers
 * #1525.  This idea is from FilenameList.m in the StringList miniexample
- awake
    // test to see if mainMenu is visible, which it isn't while test
    // interface mode is being set up. 
    if([NXApp conformsTo:@protocol(IB)]) {
	if(! [[NXApp mainMenu] isVisible]) {
	    // main menu not visible, must be entering test mode
	    // (although this also happens when we are loading a .nib
	    //  at IB startup time, i.e. if you doubleclick on a .nib
	    //  and ib is opening it while starting up. no big deal.

	    return [self perform:@selector(fire) with:nil 
		afterDelay:1 cancelPrevious:YES];
    return nil;

- target
    return _target;
- setTarget:t
    _target = t;
    return self;
- (SEL)action
    return action;
- setAction:(SEL)a
    action = a;
    return self;

- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream
    int version;

    [super read:stream];
    version = NXTypedStreamClassVersion(stream, "MiscAwakeAction");
    switch (version) {
	NXReadTypes(stream, "@:", &_target, &action);
	if ( [NXApp respondsTo:@selector(isTestingInterface)]
	    && [NXApp isTestingInterface] ) {

	    [self perform:@selector(fire) with:nil afterDelay:1 

	NXLogError("[%s %s] - unknown version of %s in typed stream",
		[[self class] name], sel_getName(_cmd), 
		[[self class] name]);
    return self;

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream
    [super write:stream];
	NXWriteTypes(stream, "@:", &_target, &action);
    return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.