
This is MiscGaugeView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

  CLASS:				MiscGaugeView
  See the interface file for more information on this class.

  This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author
  and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
  "LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
  for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "MiscGaugeCell.h"
#import "MiscGaugeView.h"

// The cell our Control will display.
id  myCellClass;

@implementation MiscGaugeView 

+ initialize
	if (self == [MiscGaugeView class])
		// By default use the MiscGaugeCell cell.
		myCellClass = [MiscGaugeCell class];
	return self;

+ setCellClass: aClass
	myCellClass = aClass;
	return self;

- initFrame: (const NXRect *)frameRect
	// Basic initFrame method which just calls the more complicated 
	// initFrame:min:max... method with some generally good default values.
    [self initFrame:frameRect min:0.0 max:100.0 
    		startAngle:215.0 range:250.0 tickInterval:10]; 
	return self;

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect min:(float)min max:(float)max 
	startAngle:(float)start range:(float)range tickInterval:(int)interval
	if ([super initFrame: frameRect] == nil)
		return nil;
	// Set ourselves to use our gaugecell. Free the old cell.
 	[ [self setCell: [ [myCellClass alloc] init] ] free];
//	[self setOpaque: NO];
	[self setStartAngle: start];
	[self setAngleRange: range];
	[self setTickInterval: interval];
	[self setMinValue: min];
	[self setMaxValue: max];
	[self setFloatValue: min];
	[self setTitleFont: [Font newFont: "Helvetica" size: 10 
					matrix: NX_IDENTITYMATRIX] ];
	return self;

- (float)maxValue { return [ (MiscGaugeCell *)[self cell] maxValue]; }
- (float)minValue { return [ (MiscGaugeCell *)[self cell] minValue]; }

- setMaxValue: (float)max 
	// Don't redraw if the new max is the same as the old.
	if (max != [ (MiscGaugeCell *)[self cell] maxValue])
		[ (MiscGaugeCell *)[self cell] setMaxValue: max]; 
		[self update];
	return self; 

- setMinValue: (float)min 
	// Don't redraw if the new min is the same as the old.
	if (min != [ (MiscGaugeCell *)[self cell] maxValue])
		[ (MiscGaugeCell *)[self cell] setMinValue: min]; 
		[self update];
	return self; 

- (float)startAngle { return [ [self cell] startAngle]; }
- (float)angleRange { return [ [self cell] angleRange]; }
- (int)tickInterval { return [ [self cell] tickInterval]; }
- (float)tickRatio { return [ [self cell] tickRatio]; }
- (float)handRatio { return [ [self cell] handRatio]; }

- setStartAngle:(float)newValue
	if (newValue != [ [self cell] startAngle])
		[ [self cell] setStartAngle: newValue];
		[self update];
	return self;

- setAngleRange:(float)newValue
	if (newValue != [ [self cell] angleRange])
		[ [self cell] setAngleRange: newValue];
		[self update];
    return self;

- setTickInterval:(int)newValue
	if (newValue != [ [self cell] tickInterval])
		[ [self cell] setTickInterval: newValue];
		[self update];
    return self;

- setTickRatio: (float)newRatio
	if (newRatio != [ [self cell] tickRatio])
		[ [self cell] setTickRatio: newRatio];
		[self update];
	return self;

- setHandRatio: (float)newRatio
	[ [self cell] setHandRatio: newRatio];
	[self updateCellInside: [self cell] ];
	return self;

//- (NXColor)backgroundColor { return [ [self cell] backgroundColor]; }
- (NXColor)gaugeColor { return [ [self cell] gaugeColor]; }
- (NXColor)textColor { return [ [self cell] textColor]; }

- setBackgroundColor: (NXColor)color
	if (NXEqualColor (color, [self backgroundColor]) == NO)
		[ [self cell] setBackgroundColor: color];
		[self update];
	return self;

- setGaugeColor: (NXColor)color
	if (NXEqualColor (color, [self gaugeColor]) == NO)
		[ [self cell] setGaugeColor: color];
		[self update];
	return self;

- setTextColor: (NXColor)color
	if (NXEqualColor (color, [self textColor]) == NO)
		[ [self cell] setTextColor: color];
		[self update];
	return self;

//- (float)backgroundGray	{ return [ [self cell] backgroundGray]; }
- (float)gaugeGray { return [ [self cell] gaugeGray]; }
- (float)textGray { return [ [self cell] textGray]; }

- setBackgroundGray: (float)gray
	if (gray != [self backgroundGray])
		[ [self cell] setBackgroundGray: gray];
		[self update];
	return self;

- setGaugeGray: (float)gray
	if (gray != [self gaugeGray])
		[ [self cell] setGaugeGray: gray];
		[self update];
	return self;

- setTextGray: (float)gray
	if (gray != [self textGray])
		[ [self cell] setTextGray: gray];
		[self update];
	return self;

- titleFont { return [ [self cell] titleFont]; }
- (const char *)title { return [ [self cell] title]; }
- (int)titlePosition { return [ [self cell] titlePosition]; }

- setTitleFont: newFont
	[ [self cell] setTitleFont: newFont];
	[self update];
	return self;

- setTitle: (const char *)newTitle
	[ [self cell] setTitle: newTitle];
	[self update];
	return self;

- setTitlePosition: (int)newPos
	// Valid positions are NX_ATTOP and NX_ATBOTTOM.
	if (newPos != [self titlePosition])
		[ [self cell] setTitlePosition: newPos];
		[self update];
	return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.