
This is MiscDragView-Delegate.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f4\fmodern Courier;\f0\fswiss Helvetica;\f1\fmodern Ohlfs;}
\pard\tx540\tx1140\tx1680\tx2300\tx3340\tx3920\tx4500\tx5040\tx9200\tx11520\f4\b0\i0\ulnone\fs24\fc0\cf0 /***************************************************************\
  CATEGORY:			MiscDragView (Delegate)\
 * Copyright (C) 1995 Robert Todd Thomas\
 * Use is governed by the MiscKit license\
	See the header for more information on this category.\
#import <appkit/appkit.h>\
#import "MiscDragView-BackwardCompat.h"\
#import "MiscDragView-Delegate.h"\

\f0\b @implementation MiscDragView (Delegate)
\f4\b0 \

\f0\b - delegate
\f4\b0 \
    return delegate;\
// The delegate will only be sent messages that it can respond to.\

\f0\b - setDelegate: (id)theDelegate
\f4\b0 \
\{	if(!theDelegate)\
	\{	[self unregisterDraggedTypes];\
		[self setImage:nil];\
		[self setAcceptingImage:nil];\
    delegate = theDelegate;\
	if ([delegate respondsTo:@selector(image:)])\
		[self setImage:[delegate image:self]];\
	else if([delegate respondsTo:@selector(image)])\
		[self setImage:[delegate image]];\
	if ([delegate respondsTo:@selector(acceptingImage:)])\
		[self setAcceptingImage:[delegate acceptingImage:self]];\
	else if([delegate respondsTo:@selector(acceptingImage)])\
		[self setAcceptingImage:[delegate acceptingImage]];\
	[self initDragTypes];\
	return self;\
// Sent from "mouseDown" just before the dragging starts to take place\

\f0\b - _sourceDragInitiated: sender
\f4\b0 \
	// here for backward compatibility, please use new delegate\
	// methods\
	if ([delegate respondsTo: @selector(sourceDragInitiated:)])\
		[delegate sourceDragInitiated: sender];\
	// newly renamed delegate methods\
		if ([delegate respondsTo: @selector(didInitiateSourceDrag:)])\
		[delegate didInitiateSourceDrag: sender];\
	return self;\
// Sent when "draggedImage: endedAt: screenPoint: deposited:" is given \
// control and success is whether the image was deposited in another\
// view somewhere.\

\f0\b - _sourceDragFinished: (BOOL)successful
\f4\b0 \
	// here for backward compatibility, please use new delegate\
	// methods\
	if ([delegate respondsTo: @selector(sourceDragFinished:)])\
		[delegate sourceDragFinished: successful];\
	// new delegate method\
	if ([delegate respondsTo: @selector(didFinishSourceDrag:)])\
		[delegate didFinishSourceDrag: successful];\
	return self;\
// Sent when "draggingEntered:" is given control.\

\f0\b - _destinationDragInitiated: sender
\f4\b0 \
	// here for backward compatibility, please use new delegate\
	// methods\
	if ([delegate respondsTo: @selector(destinationDragInitiated:)])\
		[delegate destinationDragInitiated: sender];\
	// new delegate method\
	if ([delegate respondsTo: @selector(didInitiateDestinationDrag:)])\
		[delegate didInitiateDestinationDrag: sender];\
	return self;\
// Sent when "concludeDragOperation:" is given control\

\f0\b - _destinationDragFinished: (BOOL)successful
\f4\b0 \
	// here for backward compatibility, please use new delegate\
	// methods\
    if ([delegate respondsTo: @selector(destinationDragFinished:)])\
		[delegate destinationDragFinished: successful];\
	// new delegate method\
    if ([delegate respondsTo: @selector(didFinishDestinationDrag:)])\
		[delegate didFinishDestinationDrag: successful];\
	return self;\

\f0\b @end
\f4\b0 \


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