
This is ManyOrOneMatrix.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Copyright (C) 1995 Don Yacktman
// Use is governed by the MiscKit license

#import "ManyOrOneMatrix.h"

// I haven't done anything yet, so all methods just do super.

// ***** is an unfinished section, or something needs to be done there

@implementation ManyOrOneMatrix

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
{ // *****
	return [super initFrame:frameRect];

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect mode:(int)aMode prototype:aCell
		numRows:(int)rowsHigh numCols:(int)colsWide
{ // *****
	return [super initFrame:frameRect mode:aMode prototype:aCell
			numRows:rowsHigh numCols:colsWide];

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect mode:(int)aMode cellClass:factoryId
		numRows:(int)rowsHigh numCols:(int)colsWide
{ // *****
	return [super initFrame:frameRect mode:aMode cellClass:factoryId
			numRows:rowsHigh numCols:colsWide];

- free
{ // *****
	return [super free];

- (int)mode;
{ // *****
	return [super mode];

- setMode:(int)aMode;
{ // *****
	return [super setMode:aMode];

- (BOOL)isEmptySelectionEnabled;
{ // *****
	return [super isEmptySelectionEnabled];

- clearSelectedCell;
{ // *****
	return [super clearSelectedCell];

- selectCellAt:(int)row :(int)col;
{ // *****
	return [super selectCellAt:row :col];

- selectAll:sender;
{ // *****
	return [super selectAll:sender];

- setState:(int)value at:(int)row :(int)col;
{ // *****
	return [super setState:value at:row :col];

- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent;
{ // *****
	return [super mouseDown:theEvent];

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
{ // *****
	return [super free];

- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream;
{ // *****
	return [super free];


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