
This is MiscReadOnlyColorWell.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	MiscReadOnlyColorWell.m -- an NXColorWell that can bemade read-only
//		Written by Morgan D. Wise Copyright (c) 1994 by Morgan D. Wise.
//		Adapted for MiscKit inclusion by Don Yacktman.
//				Version 0.1.  All rights reserved.
//		This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//	This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author
//	and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//	"LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
//	for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.

#import "MiscReadOnlyColorWell.h"

@implementation MiscReadOnlyColorWell

- setReadOnly:(BOOL)flag
	_isReadOnly = flag;
	[self setBordered:!flag];		
	return self;

- (BOOL)isReadOnly
	return _isReadOnly;

- (NXDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender
	if (_isReadOnly) return NX_DragOperationNone;
	else return [super draggingEntered:sender];

- (const char *)getInspectorClassName
    return "ReadOnlyColorWellInspector";

- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream
	[super read:stream];
	NXReadType(stream, "c", &_isReadOnly);
	return self;

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream
	[super write:stream];
	NXWriteType(stream, "c", &_isReadOnly);
	return self;

// This drawSelf:: allows a ColorWell to be placed in a ScrollView;
// Perhaps it should be placed in a category used to override the
// one in NXColorWell instead...
// donated by Michael T. H. Scott mths@longshot.demon.co.uk
- drawSelf: (const NXRect *)rects : (int)rectCount
	NXRect rect = bounds;
	int index = ( rectCount == 1 ) ? 0 : 1;
	NXRectClipList(&rects[index], index + 1);
	if ( [self isBordered] )
		NXDrawButton(&rect, &rects[0]);
		if ( [self isActive] &&
			 NX_WIDTH(&rect) > 3.0 && NX_HEIGHT(&rect) > 3.0 )
			NXRect highlightRect;
					  NX_X(&rect) + 1.0,
					  NX_Y(&rect) + 2.0,
					  NX_WIDTH(&rect) - 3.0,
					  NX_HEIGHT(&rect) - 3.0);
		NXInsetRect(&rect, 6.0, 6.0);
		NXDrawGrayBezel(&rect, &rects[0]);
		NXInsetRect(&rect, 2.0, 2.0);
		NXDrawGrayBezel (&rect, &rects[0]);
		NXInsetRect(&rect, 2.0, 2.0);

	if ( NX_WIDTH(&rect) > 0.0 && NX_HEIGHT(&rect) > 0.0 )
		[self drawWellInside: &rect];
    return self;


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