
This is MiscCSIB.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Copyright (C) 1995 Vince DeMarco
// Use is governed by the MiscKit license

#import "MiscCSIB.h"

@implementation MiscCircularSlider(IBSupport)

- (const char*)getInspectorClassName
    return "MiscCircularSliderInspector";

// override for IB
- getMinSize:(NXSize *)minSize maxSize:(NXSize *)maxSize from:(int)where
//	if ([self sliderStyle] == MISC_SLIDER_STYLE) {
// ***** need to come up with something here.
//	} else {
		// Anything smaller than this is nuts
		minSize->width = 15.0;
		minSize->height = 15.0;
		// Hope you never need one bigger than this!  That would be silly!
		maxSize->width = 2000.0;
		maxSize->height = 2000.0;
//	}
	return self;


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