This is MiscCalendarMatrix.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
// Copyright (C) 1995 Jon Kutemeier // Use is governed by the MiscKit license #import <appkit/Application.h> #import <appkit/Font.h> #import "misckit/MiscCalendarViewConstants.h" #import "misckit/DateDelegateProtocol.h" #import "MiscCalendarMatrix.h" #import "DateSelectionCell.h" #import "SimpleDate.h" @implementation MiscCalendarMatrix + initialize { [MiscCalendarMatrix setVersion:1]; return self; } - initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect { NXSize spacing, newCellSize; id aCell; [super initFrame:frameRect mode:NX_RADIOMODE prototype:[[DateSelectionCell alloc] init] numRows:NUM_MATRIX_ROWS numCols:NUM_MATRIX_COLS]; [self setEmptySelectionEnabled:YES]; [self clearSelectedCell]; [Font setUserFont:[Font newFont:"Helvetica" size:11 style:0 matrix:NX_FLIPPEDMATRIX]]; [self setFont:[Font newFont:"Helvetica" size:11 style:0 matrix:NX_FLIPPEDMATRIX]]; spacing.height = MATRIX_SPACING_HEIGHT; spacing.width = MATRIX_SPACING_WIDTH; [self setIntercell:&spacing]; newCellSize.height = MATRIX_CELL_HEIGHT; newCellSize.width = MATRIX_CELL_WIDTH; [self setCellSize:&newCellSize]; [self sizeToCells]; [self sizeBy:1 :1]; simpleDate = [[SimpleDate alloc] init]; [self setDateDelegate:simpleDate]; aCell = [[self cellList] objectAt:0]; cellTextColor = [aCell textColor]; cellHighlightTextColor = [aCell highlightTextColor]; cellHighlightColor = [aCell highlightColor]; cellBackgroundColor = [aCell backgroundColor]; overwriteCellColors = NO; [self displayDate:self]; return self; } - initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect mode:(int)aMode cellClass:cellId numRows:(int)numRows numCols:(int)numCols { return [self initFrame:frameRect]; } - initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect mode:(int)aMode prototype:aCell numRows:(int)numRows numCols:(int)numCols { return [self initFrame:frameRect]; } - free { [simpleDate free]; return [super free]; } - setDateDelegate:aDateObject { if ([aDateObject conformsTo:@protocol(DateDelegate)]) dateDelegate = aDateObject; return self; } - dateDelegate { return dateDelegate; } - overwriteCellColors:(BOOL)yn { overwriteCellColors = yn; return self; } - (BOOL)cellColorsOverwritten { return overwriteCellColors; } - setCellBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor { List *myCellList; id aCell; int i; myCellList = [self cellList]; for (i = 0; i < [myCellList count]; i++) { aCell = [myCellList objectAt:i]; if (overwriteCellColors || NXEqualColor(cellBackgroundColor, [aCell backgroundColor])) [aCell setBackgroundColor:aColor]; } cellBackgroundColor = aColor; return self; } - (NXColor)cellBackgroundColor { return cellBackgroundColor; } - setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)aColor forCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos { [[self cellAt:xPos :yPos] setBackgroundColor:aColor]; return self; } - (NXColor)backgroundColorForCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos { return [[self cellAt:xPos :yPos] backgroundColor]; } - setCellHighlightColor:(NXColor)aColor { List *myCellList; id aCell; int i; myCellList = [self cellList]; for (i = 0; i < [myCellList count]; i++) { aCell = [myCellList objectAt:i]; if (overwriteCellColors || NXEqualColor(cellHighlightColor, [aCell highlightColor])) [aCell setHighlightColor:aColor]; } cellHighlightColor = aColor; return self; } - (NXColor)cellHighlightColor { return cellHighlightColor; } - setHighlightColor:(NXColor)aColor forCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos { [[self cellAt:xPos :yPos] setHighlightColor:aColor]; return self; } - (NXColor)highlightColorForCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos { return [[self cellAt:xPos :yPos] highlightColor]; } - setCellTextColor:(NXColor)aColor { List *myCellList; id aCell; int i; myCellList = [self cellList]; for (i = 0; i < [myCellList count]; i++) { aCell = [myCellList objectAt:i]; if (overwriteCellColors || NXEqualColor(cellTextColor, [aCell textColor])) [aCell setTextColor:aColor]; } cellTextColor = aColor; return self; } - (NXColor)cellTextColor { return cellTextColor; } - setTextColor:(NXColor)aColor forCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos { [[self cellAt:xPos :yPos] setTextColor:aColor]; return self; } - (NXColor)textColorForCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos { return [[self cellAt:xPos :yPos] textColor]; } - setCellHighlightTextColor:(NXColor)aColor { List *myCellList; id aCell; int i; myCellList = [self cellList]; for (i = 0; i < [myCellList count]; i++) { aCell = [myCellList objectAt:i]; if (overwriteCellColors || NXEqualColor(cellHighlightTextColor, [aCell highlightTextColor])) [aCell setHighlightTextColor:aColor]; } cellHighlightTextColor = aColor; return self; } - (NXColor)cellHighlightTextColor { return cellHighlightTextColor; } - setHighlightTextColor:(NXColor)aColor forCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos { [[self cellAt:xPos :yPos] setHighlightTextColor:aColor]; return self; } - (NXColor)highlightTextColorForCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos { return [[self cellAt:xPos :yPos] highlightTextColor]; } - mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent { id theCell = nil, previousCell = nil; NXEvent *nextEvent; NXPoint mouseLocation; BOOL looping = YES; int row = -1, col = -1, previousRow = -1, previousCol = -1, oldMask; nextEvent = theEvent; if ([self mode] == NX_HIGHLIGHTMODE) { /* Save our normal window event mask, and add the mouse dragged */ /* event mask */ oldMask = [window addToEventMask:NX_MOUSEDRAGGEDMASK]; while (looping) { /* Find the current coordinates of the mouse... */ mouseLocation = nextEvent->location; /* ... and convert them into our view coordinate system */ [self convertPoint:&mouseLocation fromView:nil]; /* Find the row and column of the mouse */ [self getRow:&row andCol:&col forPoint:&mouseLocation]; if ( (row >= 0) && (col >= 0) && ((row != previousRow) || (col != previousCol)) ) { theCell = [self cellAt:row :col]; if ([theCell isEnabled]) { if (previousCell && (previousCell != theCell)) [previousCell incrementState]; [theCell incrementState]; [self display]; previousCell = theCell; } previousRow = row; previousCol = col; } else if (((row < 0) || (col < 0)) && previousCell && [previousCell isEnabled]) { [previousCell incrementState]; [self display]; previousCell = nil; } nextEvent = [NXApp getNextEvent:NX_MOUSEUPMASK | NX_MOUSEDRAGGEDMASK]; looping = (nextEvent->type == NX_MOUSEDRAGGED); } [window setEventMask:oldMask]; } else return [super mouseDown:theEvent]; return self; } - displayDate:sender { int numberOfDays, startCell, currentDay = 0, x, y, day; id dayCell, aDate = nil; [[self window] disableFlushWindow]; if ((aDate = [self dateDelegate])) { currentDay = [aDate day]; /* Get the number of days for the month that the date object */ /* is set to */ numberOfDays = [aDate numberOfDaysInMonth]; /* Get the starting day of the month */ startCell = [aDate startDayOfMonth]; } else { currentDay = 1; numberOfDays = 31; startCell = 4; } // Clear out the titles of the first row of dayCells // from the start of the matrix to the x coordinate // that corresponds to the day of the week that the // month start on for (x=0, y=0; x < startCell; x++) { dayCell = [self cellAt:y :x]; if (x == 0) [dayCell setDrawEntireBottomEdge:NO]; [dayCell setStringValue:""]; [dayCell setEnabled:NO]; } // Fill in the titles of all the dayCells. When x hits // the seventh column of the matrix, we wrap around // to the first column and continue filling in values // on the next row for (day = 1; day <= numberOfDays; day++, x++) { if (x == 7) { x = 0; y++; } dayCell = [self cellAt:y :x]; [dayCell setIntValue:day]; [dayCell setEnabled:YES]; if (day == currentDay) [self selectCellAt:y :x]; if (x == 0) [dayCell setDrawEntireBottomEdge:NO]; if (x == 6) [dayCell setDrawRightEdge:YES]; } // Clear out the titles of the rest of the dayCells // from the last day of the month to the end of // the matrix. When x hits the seventh column of // the matrix, we wrap around to the first column // and continue blanking dayCells on the next row until // y hits the seventh row. We are then done with // this matrix for (; y < 7; x++) { if (x == 7) { x = 0; y++; } dayCell = [self cellAt:y :x]; if (x == 0) [dayCell setDrawEntireBottomEdge:NO]; if (x == 6) [dayCell setDrawRightEdge:YES]; [dayCell setStringValue:""]; [dayCell setEnabled:NO]; } [self display]; [[self window] reenableFlushWindow]; [[self window] flushWindowIfNeeded]; return self; } - read:(NXTypedStream *)aStream { float red, green, blue; int version; [super read:aStream]; version = NXTypedStreamClassVersion(aStream, "MiscCalendarMatrix"); NXReadTypes(aStream, "@@", &dateDelegate, &simpleDate); NXReadTypes(aStream, "fff", &red, &green, &blue); cellBackgroundColor = NXConvertRGBToColor(red, green, blue); NXReadTypes(aStream, "fff", &red, &green, &blue); cellHighlightColor = NXConvertRGBToColor(red, green, blue); NXReadTypes(aStream, "fff", &red, &green, &blue); cellTextColor = NXConvertRGBToColor(red, green, blue); NXReadTypes(aStream, "fff", &red, &green, &blue); cellHighlightTextColor = NXConvertRGBToColor(red, green, blue); if (version == 1) NXReadTypes(aStream, "c", &overwriteCellColors); return self; } - write:(NXTypedStream *)aStream { float red, green, blue; [super write:aStream]; NXWriteTypes(aStream, "@@", &dateDelegate, &simpleDate); NXConvertColorToRGBA(cellBackgroundColor, &red, &green, &blue, 0); NXWriteTypes(aStream, "fff", &red, &green, &blue); NXConvertColorToRGBA(cellHighlightColor, &red, &green, &blue, 0); NXWriteTypes(aStream, "fff", &red, &green, &blue); NXConvertColorToRGBA(cellTextColor, &red, &green, &blue, 0); NXWriteTypes(aStream, "fff", &red, &green, &blue); NXConvertColorToRGBA(cellHighlightTextColor, &red, &green, &blue, 0); NXWriteTypes(aStream, "fff", &red, &green, &blue); NXWriteTypes(aStream, "c", &overwriteCellColors); return self; } @end
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