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//		Written by Carl Lindberg Copyright (c) 1994 by Carl Lindberg.
//				Version 1.0.  All rights reserved.
//		This notice may not be removed from this source code.
//	This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author
//	and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file
//	"LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution.  Please refer to that file
//	for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions.

#import <misckit/MiscString.h>

#define NUMREG 11
#define NUMSTR 2
void main() {

 id ts2, tstr = [MiscString newWithString:" 678HelLo My dear 44bonnie.3"];
 int i,j,spot,len,num,k;
 id a = [MiscString new],b= [MiscString new],c= [MiscString new];
 int numreg = NUMREG;
 char *regarr[NUMREG] =  {"[0-9]",

char *strarr[NUMSTR] = {" 678HelLo My dear 44bonnie.3",
                        "678HelLo My de(**)ar 44bo{}nnie.3"};

for (k=0;k<NUMSTR;k++) {
[tstr setStringValue:strarr[k]];

for (i=0;i<numreg;i++) {
  printf("String is : \"%s\"\n",[tstr stringValue]);
  printf("numOf '%s'       : %d\n",regarr[i],num = [tstr numOfRegex:regarr[i] caseSensitive:YES]);
  printf("numOf '%s' nocase: %d\n",regarr[i],[tstr numOfRegex:regarr[i] caseSensitive:NO]);

  printf("(-1 is MISC_STRING_LAST)\n");
  for (j=-1;j<=num;j++) {
   spot = [tstr grep:regarr[i] occurrenceNum:j caseSensitive:YES before:a middle:b after:c];
   printf("%d: retval: %d  before: '%s'  middle: '%s'  after: '%s'\n",j,spot,
      [a stringValue],
      [b stringValue],
      [c stringValue]);
   spot = [tstr spotOfRegex:regarr[i] occurrenceNum:j caseSensitive:YES length:&len];
   printf("spot: %d  len: %d\n",spot,len);
   spot = [tstr rspotOfRegex:regarr[i] occurrenceNum:j caseSensitive:YES length:&len];
   printf("rspot: %d  len: %d\n",spot,len);

 ts2 = [tstr copy];
 spot = [ts2 replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:regarr[i] with:"[]" caseSensitive:YES];
 printf("After replace all '%s' with '[]': '%s'\n",regarr[i],[ts2 stringValue]);
 printf("(%d replacement(s))\n",spot);
 [ts2 free];
 for (j=-1;j<=num+1;j++) {
   ts2 = [tstr copy];
   [ts2 replaceRegex:regarr[i] with:"[]" occurrenceNum:j caseSensitive:YES];
   printf("replace %dth '%s' with '[]':  '%s'\n",j,regarr[i],[ts2 stringValue]);
   [ts2 free];
 printf("Matches '%s'? %d\n",regarr[i],[tstr matchesRegex:regarr[i]]);
 [tstr free];
 [a free];
 [b free];
 [c free];

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.