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// // StringTest.m -- test out the String class // Written by Don Yacktman Copyright (c) 1993 by Don Yacktman. // Version 1.0. All rights reserved. // // This notice may not be removed from this source code. // // This program is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author // and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file // "LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution. Please refer to that file // for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions. // #import <appkit/appkit.h> #import <misckit/misckit.h> #import <stdio.h> void main() { id string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6, string7; int i; string1 = [[[MiscString alloc] init] setStringValue:"The first string."]; string2 = [[MiscString alloc] initString:"01234567890123456789"]; printf("string1 = \"%s\", length = %d.\n", [string1 stringValue], [string1 length]); printf("string2 = \"%s\", length = %d.\n", [string2 stringValue], [string2 length]); string3 = [string1 copy]; [string3 concatenate:string2]; printf("String1 + String2 = \"%s\", length = %d.\n", [string3 stringValue], [string3 length]); printf("String1 = \"%s\", length = %d.\n", [string1 stringValue], [string1 length]); [string3 free]; printf("string1!=string1: %d, string1!=string2: %d\n", [string1 compareTo:string1], [string1 compareTo:string2]); string3 = [string2 left:5]; string4 = [string2 right:5]; string5 = [string2 midFrom:5 to:10]; string6 = [string2 midFrom:6 length:5]; printf("left5 = %s right5 = %s mid5to10 = %s mid6len5 = %s\n", [string3 stringValue], [string4 stringValue], [string5 stringValue], [string6 stringValue]); [string3 free]; [string4 free]; [string5 free]; [string6 free]; string6 = nil; string5 = [[MiscString alloc] initString:"first"]; string3 = [string1 subStringLeft:string5]; string4 = [string1 subStringRight:string5]; printf("Substrings from string1 and \"first\"...Left:\"%s\" Right:\"%s\"\n", [string3 stringValue], [string4 stringValue]); [string5 setStringValue:"don:*:23:21:Don Yacktman:/LocalLibrary/Users/don:/bin/csh"]; printf("Extract parts from \"%s\" delimiting with ':':\n", [string5 stringValue]); printf(" Part #3 is \"%s\"\n", [[string5 extractPart:2 useAsDelimiter:':'] stringValueAndFree]); printf(" Part #10 is \"%s\"\n", [[string5 extractPart:9 useAsDelimiter:':'] stringValueAndFree]); printf("Return was %s.\n", [string5 extractPart:10 useAsDelimiter:':'] ? "empty object" : "nil"); printf(" First part is \"%s\"\n", [[string5 extractPart:DAY_FIRST useAsDelimiter:':'] stringValueAndFree]); printf(" Last part is \"%s\"\n", [[string5 extractPart:DAY_LAST useAsDelimiter:':'] stringValueAndFree]); printf("Extract all parts with while loop:\n"); i = 0; while (string6 = [string5 extractPart:i useAsDelimiter:':']) { printf(" part #%d is: \"%s\".\n", i++, [string6 stringValueAndFree]); } [string5 setStringValue:"/Net/darth/Users/don/Projects/daymisckit_proj/daymisckit-1/DAYString.m"]; printf("Given: %s\n", [string5 stringValue]); printf(" Path is: %s\n", [[string5 pathName] stringValueAndFree]); printf("Filename is: %s\n", [[string5 fileName] stringValueAndFree]); //Carl's tests... string7 = [MiscString newWithString:" Hello, how are you? "]; printf("Carl's string: \"%s\", length = %d\n", [string7 stringValue], [string7 length]); printf("Numwords: %d\n",[string7 numWords]); printf("3rd word: \"%s\"\n",[[string7 wordNum:2] stringValueAndFree]); printf("trimmed: \"%s\"\n",[[string7 trimSpaces] stringValue]); printf("Numwords: %d\n",[string7 numWords]); printf("Reversed: \"%s\"\n",[[string7 reverse] stringValue]); printf("Reversed again: \"%s\"\n",[[string7 reverse] stringValue]); printf("ToUpper: \"%s\"\n",[[string7 toUpper] stringValue]); printf("ToLower: \"%s\"\n",[[string7 toLower] stringValue]); printf("Inserting \"Oh! \" at 0: \"%s\"\n", [[string7 insert:"Oh! " at:0] stringValue]); printf("Char at 0: '%c'\n",[string7 charAt:0]); printf("ReplaceFrom 0to2 with \"YOHO!\": \"%s\"\n", [[string7 replaceFrom:0 to:2 with:"YOHO!"] stringValue]); printf("spotOf 'o': %d\n",[string7 spotOf:'o']); printf("spotOf 'o' nocase: %d\n", [string7 spotOf:'o' caseSensitive:NO]); printf("rspotOf 'O': %d\n",[string7 rspotOf:'O']); printf("rspotOf 'O' nocase: %d\n", [string7 rspotOf:'O' caseSensitive:NO]); printf("10th rspotOf 'O': %d\n",[string7 rspotOf:'O' occurrenceNum:10]); printf("replace \"YOHO!\" with \"My!\": \"%s\"\n", [[string7 replace:"YOHO!" with:"My!"] stringValue]); printf("String now is \"%s\"\n", [[string7 setStringValue:" Hello, I am fine today. Right? "] stringValue]); printf("Squashed: \"%s\"\n",[[string7 squashSpaces] stringValue]); printf("endcmp \"Right?\": %d\n",[string7 endcmp:"Right?"]); printf("endcasecmp \"RIGHT?\": %d\n",[string7 endcasecmp:"RIGHT?"]); printf("endcmp \"RIGHT?\": %d\n",[string7 endcmp:"RIGHT?"]); printf("endcasecmp n:3 \"nacHT?\": %d\n", [string7 endcasecmp:"nacHT?" n:3]); [string7 replaceCharAt:0 withChar:'J']; printf("replaceCharAt:0 withChar:'J': \"%s\"\n", [string7 stringValue]); printf("insertChar 'a' at 1: \"%s\"\n", [[string7 insertChar:'a' at:1] stringValue]); // tests for v1.3: [string1 setStringValue:"not empty"]; printf("Not empty (\"%s\"): %s (length = %d)\n", [string1 stringValue], ([string1 emptyString] ? "YES" : "NO"), [string1 length]); [string1 freeString]; printf("Empty (\"%s\"): %s (length = %d)\n", [string1 stringValue], ([string1 emptyString] ? "YES" : "NO"), [string1 length]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("Replace all 'i' with '!': \"%s\".\n", [[string1 replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:'i' withChar:'!'] stringValue]); [string1 setStringValue:"One "]; [string7 setStringValue:"one "]; [string2 setStringValue:"Two "]; [string3 setStringValue:"Three "]; [string4 setStringValue:"Four "]; [string5 setStringValue:"Five"]; [string7 catStrings:"two ", "three ", "four ", "five", NULL]; printf("catStrings: \"%s\".\n", [string7 stringValue]); [string1 concatenateStrings:string2, string3, string4, string5, nil]; printf("concatenateStrings: \"%s\".\n", [string1 stringValue]); printf("String now is \"%s\"\n", [[string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."] stringValue]); printf("(All tests below restart with above string)\n"); printf("Number of 's': %d\n", [string1 numOfChar:'s']); printf("Number of 's' nocase: %d\n", [string1 numOfChar:'s' caseSensitive:NO]); printf("Replace all 's' with '!': \"%s\".\n", [[string1 replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:'s' withChar:'!'] stringValue]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("Replace all 's' with 's' nocase: \"%s\".\n", [[string1 replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:'s' withChar:'s' caseSensitive:NO] stringValue]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("Replace all 's' with \"Hi!\": \"%s\".\n", [[string1 replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:'s' with:"Hi!"] stringValue]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("Replace all 's' with \"Hi!\" nocase: \"%s\".\n", [[string1 replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:'s' with:"Hi!" caseSensitive:NO] stringValue]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("Replace all 's' with \"\" nocase: \"%s\".\n", [[string1 replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:'s' with:"" caseSensitive:NO] stringValue]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("numOfChars 'siw' nocase: %d\n", [string1 numOfChars:"siw" caseSensitive:NO]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("spotOfChars 'siw': %d\n", [string1 spotOfChars:"siw"]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("spotOfChars 'siopen w' nocase: %d\n", [string1 spotOfChars:"siw" caseSensitive:NO]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("spotOfChars 'siw' #3 nocase: %d\n", [string1 spotOfChars:"siw" occurrenceNum:3 caseSensitive:NO]); [string1 setStringValue:"Something wicked this way comes."]; printf("Replace all 'siw' with '!' nocase: \"%s\".\n", [[string1 replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:"siw" withChar:'!' caseSensitive:NO] stringValue]); [string3 free]; [string4 free]; [string5 free]; [string1 free]; [string2 free]; [string7 free]; exit(0); }
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