This is CounterView.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
// Written by Don Yacktman Copyright (c) 1994 by Don Yacktman. // Version 1.0. All rights reserved. // // This notice may not be removed from this source code. // // This object is included in the MiscKit by permission from the author // and its use is governed by the MiscKit license, found in the file // "LICENSE.rtf" in the MiscKit distribution. Please refer to that file // for a list of all applicable permissions and restrictions. // #import "CounterView.h" @implementation CounterView - initFrame:(const NXRect *)frm { [super initFrame:frm]; running = NO; [self counter]; [self reset]; return self; } - drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount { NXRect theBorder; [self getFrame:&theBorder]; theBorder.origin.x = 0.0; theBorder.origin.y = 0.0; NXDrawGrayBezel(&theBorder, NULL); NXInsetRect(&theBorder, 4.0, 4.0); if (running) NXSetColor(NX_COLORGREEN); else NXSetColor(NX_COLORRED); NXRectFill(&theBorder); return self; } - keyDown:(NXEvent *)myevent { PSobscurecursor(); // subclasses which override need to do this. if (myevent->data.key.charSet == NX_ASCIISET && (myevent->flags&(NX_CONTROLMASK|NX_ALTERNATEMASK|NX_COMMANDMASK)) == 0) { if ((myevent->data.key.charCode) == ' ') { // allow pause [self tap:nil]; } else if ((myevent->data.key.charCode) == 's') { // allow new game if (running) [self stop:nil]; else [self start:nil]; } else if ((myevent->data.key.charCode) == 'r') { // allow new game [self clear:nil]; } } return self; } - mouseDown:(NXEvent *)event { if (!running) { [self clear:nil]; [self start:nil]; } else [self tap:nil]; return self; } - (MiscStopwatch *)counter { if (!counter) counter = [[MiscStopwatch alloc] init]; return counter; } - reset { [beatsPerMeasure setIntValue:4]; [self clear:nil]; return self; } - clear:sender { beatsCounted = 0; [self stop:nil]; [beatsPerMinute setIntValue:0]; [measuresPerMinute setIntValue:0]; [secondsElapsed setIntValue:0]; [[self counter] clearTiming:nil]; [beatsPerMinute setBackgroundGray:0.666]; [measuresPerMinute setBackgroundGray:0.666]; [self update]; return self; } - start:sender { running = YES; [[self counter] continueTiming:nil]; [beatsPerMinute setBackgroundGray:1.0]; [measuresPerMinute setBackgroundGray:1.0]; [self update]; [self enableButtons:YES :NO :YES :YES]; return self; } - stop:sender { if (running) [self tap:nil]; running = NO; [[self counter] pauseTiming:nil]; [beatsPerMinute setBackgroundGray:0.666]; [measuresPerMinute setBackgroundGray:0.666]; [self update]; [self enableButtons:YES :YES :NO :NO]; return self; } - tap:sender { int bm; id sc = [self counter]; float seconds, bpm, mpm; if (!running) return [self start:nil]; // get the basic infor we need beatsCounted++; [[self counter] calcElapsedTime:nil]; seconds = [sc microsecond] / MISC_TIME_MAX_MICROSECONDS + [sc second] + 60 * [sc minute]; bm = [beatsPerMeasure intValue]; // avoid divide by zero if (bm < 1) bm = 1; if (seconds < 1) seconds = 1; // do calculations bpm = floor((beatsCounted * 600) / seconds) / 10; mpm = floor((bpm * 10) / bm) / 10; // update the interface [beatsPerMinute setFloatValue:bpm]; [measuresPerMinute setFloatValue:mpm]; [secondsElapsed setIntValue:seconds]; return self; } - enableButtons:(BOOL)cb :(BOOL)sb :(BOOL)sb2 :(BOOL)tb { [clearButton setEnabled:cb]; [startButton setEnabled:sb]; [stopButton setEnabled:sb2]; [tapButton setEnabled:tb]; return self; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse { return YES; } - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { return YES; } @end
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