
This is MiscCoordConverterServer.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

DMA Release 0.8  Copyright ©1995 by Genesis Project, Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


Implimented by:	MiscCoordConverter

Declared In:	misckit/miscgiskit/MiscCoordConverterServer.h

Protocol Description

This protocol must be implemented by a class that  wishes to act as a coordinate conversion service. An object containing coordinate points uses this protocol to request conversion to another coordinate system.

Method Types

Conversion requests	- convert:to:

Instance Methods

- (BOOL) convert:(id <CoordConverterClient>)aCoord to: (id <CoordConverterClient>)bCoord

Convert or copy, as required, the selected block of points in aCoord to the selected block of points in bCoord.  The conversion job will be rejected if the selected block sizes are not the same; if the number of dimensions are not the same; if aCoord or bCoord does not conform to the MiscCoordConverterClient protocol; or if no transform is available to go from aClass to bClass.  Returns YES if the conversion is carried out.  Returns NO if the conversion job is rejected.

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