
This is MiscTaggedImage.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.0  Copyright ©1994 by Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	NXImage

Declared In:	<misckit/MiscTaggedImage.h>

Class Description

This subclass of NXImage simply adds the ability to keep track of NXImages by giving them integer tags, much as may be done for AppKit Control/Cell objects.  It implements the standard ħtag and ħsetTag: used by the AppKit already and adds +findImageWithTag: to provide limited searching ability.

Instance Variables

int tag;

tag	The image's tag.

Method Types

	+ findImageWithTag:
	- setTag:
	- tag

Class Methods

+ findImageWithTag:(int)aTag

Locates and returns the image which was most recently assigned the tag aTag, if any.  Returns nil if no image has the tag aTag.  Remember that more than one image may have the same tag, however.

See also:  ħsetTag: and ħtag

Instance Methods

-  setTag:(int)newTag

Sets the image's tag to newTag.

See also:  +findImageWithTag: and ħtag

-  (int)tag

Return's the image's tag.

See also: +findImageWithTag: and ħsetTag:

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