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MiscKit Release 1.2.5, MiscString Version 1.95 Copyright ©1993, 1994 by Don Yacktman. All Rights Reserved. MiscString Inherits From: Object Conforms To: NXTransport Declared In: misckit/MiscString.h Class Description A MiscString object contains a simple text string and provides methods for its manipulation, encompassing all the functions available in <strings.h>. The MiscString object automatically handles the freeing and copying of character strings. Although it simplifies string operations, it does not yet incorporate the benefits of the NXAtom type, which you may wish to use instead. Certain tradeoffs have been made between speed and robustness, typically in favor of robustness. If there is enough demand, a MiscFastString class may someday appear. Another free string class, RCString, is also available (under the GNU General Public License) which incorporates regular expression matching, reference counting, and other useful functions. Some of these features will probably eventually appear in the MiscString class to a certain degree. Depending on your needs, you may find the RCString class to better suit your needs. Another free string class is the MOString by Mike Ferris, which is a part of the MOKit. There are also now commercial string classes available from several sources, which you may want to consider. This particular class is free and may be used in commercial applications, so the price is very attractive. A MiscString is created through the normal process of ±alloc and ±init. It may be set to a specific string by means of the ±setStringValue: and ±takeStringValue: methods. As a shortcut, +newWithString: is also available. To copy an existing MiscString, use the ±copy and ±copyFromZone: methods. To copy a portion of a string, use the ±subStringLeft:, ±subStringRight:, ±left:..., ±midFrom:..., and ±right...: methods. Use the ±concatenate:... and ±cat:... methods to concatenate another string (or many strings) onto the end of the string in the buffer. If the current buffer is too small, it is enlarged. To tokenize or create copies of substrings, use the ±extractPart:..., ±fileName..., ±pathName..., ±subStringLeft, and ±subStringRight methods. Using ±encrypt: creates a MiscString encrypted by the crypt(3) function. You can use ±reverse to reverse the MiscString's contents. Use ±free to free a MiscString and it's buffer or ±freeString to free just the buffer. Inserting characters or strings into a MiscString may be performed via any of the ±insert:at:, ±insertChar:at:, ±insertString:at:, ±padToLength:withChar:, and ±addChar: methods. Deleting a portion of the MiscString is performed by the ±trimLeadSpaces, ±trimTailSpaces, ±trimSpaces, ±squashSpaces, and ±removeFrom:... methods. A whole series of ±replace... methods provide flexible substring and character replacement options. The ±length method returns the length of the string currently in the buffer and ±stringValue returns a pointer to the string itself. The ±emptyString method returns YES if the MiscString is empty, which would correspond to a string of zero length or a NULL pointer in C. The ±index:... methods return a pointer to the nth occurrence in the buffer of a specific character and ±rindex:... return a pointer to the nth occurrence from the end (right to left). The ±spotOf:... and ±rspotOf: methods work similarly, but return an integer which gives the character number of the occurrence. You can find out about what types of characters are in a MiscString by using ±hasType: and ±isAllOfType:. The constants that can be passed to request various lexical groups are described in the ±hasType: method documentation below. You may compare strings to each other by means of the various ±isEqual:..., ±cmp:..., ± casecmp:..., ±endcmp:..., ± endcasecmp:..., ±compareTo:..., and ±endCompareTo:... methods. The ±isEqual:..., ±compareTo:..., and ±compareTo:... methods are preferred, since they use NXStringOrderTables to make the comparison and are therefore more accurate with respect to international, accented, and ligature characters. If you need to use a table different from the default, use the ±setStringOrderTable: method. Use the ±numWords method to count words in the MiscString, and ±wordNum: to create a new MiscString containing a specific word. Note that these methods do more than tokenizing via spaces; all whitespaces (space, tab, return, linefeed; as recognized by NXIsSpace()) delimit the words. Consecutive whitespace characters are treated as a single delimiter. Use the ±toUpper and ±toLower methods to change all characters in the MiscString to upper or lower case. Note that the NX...() functions are used to perform this conversion, so it should work even with international character sets. Use ±reverse to reverse all the characters in the MiscString's buffer. The ±charAt: method returns a single character from a given location in the MiscString's buffer. A MiscString may be archived by means of the ±read: and ±write: methods. (Call NXReadObject() and NXWrite[Root]Object() functions and not the ±read: and ±write: methods directly.) There are several methods which are designed to handle regular expression searching, matching, and so on. To determine if a MiscString matches a regular expression, use the ±grep:... or ±grepString:... methods; you can use ±grep...before:middle:after: variants to split up a MiscString into the matched section and the parts before and after the match. To replace a section of a MiscString which matches a regular expression, simply use one of the ±replaceRegex... and ±replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex... methods. The only difference between the ±replacePattern methods is whether the arguments are objects or character pointers. You can find out if a MiscString matches a regular expression with ±matchesRegex:... and find the number of individual matches with the ±numOfRegex:... methods. You can find where regular expression matches occur with ±spotOfRegex:... and ±rspotOfRegex... as well. Two conventions with char * buffers are followed by the MiscString class. First, any method which has an argument of type ªconst char *º will either make a copy of the argument or discard the pointer upon exit of the method, so it is safe for you to free it any time afterward. Second, any pointer returned as a ªconst char *º by a method could be freed at any time by the MiscString object, so you ought to copy it yourself if you intend to keep it around for any length of time. When a MiscString object gives out such a pointer, it assumes that it won't be cached by the caller. If you violate this assumption, you will most definitely create mysterious crashing bugs when you start accessing freed pointers and such. The compiler's -Wall flag will catch most mistakes of this nature for you. Although not included below, the MiscString object also implements ±getIBImage and ± getInspectorClassName messages to support Interface Builder palettes. A palette is included in this distribution which allows you to save a MiscString in your .nib files with it pre-initialized to an arbitrary string value. Disclaimer and other notes: If you have any problems with the MiscString class or wish to suggest improvements, the author may be contacted via e-mail to Since this object is free, please understand that the author cannot be held responsible for any problems this code may cause. You use it at your own risk. (The author himself uses this code, too, if that's any consolation.) Also remember that the author's ability to support this software is highly dependent upon free time available, which is often quite scarce. If you wish to use this, but for some reason require support and some sort of ªcommercialº standing for this class, contact the author; support can be bought if you need it. (Why you'd need or want to pay for support for such a simple object is beyond me, though!) Many thanks are due to Carl Lindberg who has contributed many of the methods that were not available in versions before version 1.1., as well as every one else who has taken the time to send in feedback. You may find it worth noting some of the comments in the source file MiscString.m; several trade-offs have been made, typically in favor of making the code more maintainable and robust, but at the expense of speed. One important thing to note is that any method which takes an object as an argument (even if the description claims it should be a MiscString) will work for any object which responds to ±stringValue messages, but will work faster for MiscString objects. This can be very useful when working with NeXT's AppKit, since many of those objects respond to ±stringValue. If you are not careful, you can get memory leaks with the MiscString class. If you nest a method that returns a new MiscString instance inside of a method that does not return self, you will leak memory. The most common occurrence of this, by far, is to call a method that creates a MiscString and follow it with a ±stringValue message. (For example, the message [[aString pathName] stringValue] will leak memory.) The current workaround for this is to use the ±stringValueAndFree method. Thus, the example message ought to be [[aString pathName] stringValueAndFree] to avoid the memory leak. Unfortunately, you must know when to use this method. To help you remember which methods might cause you trouble, here is a list of methods which return new MiscString instances: ±encrypt:, ±extractPart:useAsDelimiter:, ±extractPart:useAsDelimiter:caseSensitive:, ±extractPart:useAsDelimiter:caseSensitive:fromZone:, ±extractPart:useAsDelimiter:fromZone:, ±fileName, ±fileNameFromZone:, ±left:, ±left:fromZone:, ±midFrom:length: ±midFrom:to:, ±midFrom:to:fromZone:, ±pathName, ±pathNameFromZone:, ±wordNum:, ±wordNum:fromZone:, ±right:, ±right:fromZone:, ±subStringLeft:, and ±subStringRight:. You can load a MiscString from a file, stream, or stdin by using ±fgets:, ±fgets:keepNewline:, ±loadFromFile: ±gets:, ±streamGets:, or ± streamGets:keepNewline:. Although this class description is quite extensive, there are a few methods of the MiscString which are not yet documented. A list of these methods is at the end of this document. If any of these methods sound interesting to you, feel free to look at the implementation in the source code which should give you a good idea of how they work. Instance Variables int length; int _length; char *buffer; length Length of string currently in storage _length Length in bytes of allocated buffer buffer Stored character string Method Types Initializing and freeing a MiscString ± init ± initString: ± allocateBuffer: ± allocateBuffer:fromZone: ± free ± freeString + initialize + new + newWithString: Copying a MiscString ± copyFromZone: ± extractPart:useAsDelimiter: ± extractPart:useAsDelimiter:caseSensitive: ± extractPart:useAsDelimiter:caseSensitive:fromZone: ± extractPart:useAsDelimiter:fromZone: ± fileName ± fileNameFromZone: ± left: ± left:fromZone: ± right: ± right:fromZone: ± midFrom:to: ± midFrom:to:fromZone: ± midFrom:length: ± midFrom:length:fromZone: ± pathName ± pathNameFromZone: ± subStringLeft: ± subStringRight: ± wordNum: File I/O with a MiscString ± fgets: ± fgets:keepNewLine: ± gets ± loadFromFile: ± streamGets: ± streamGets:keepNewLine: Manipulating a MiscString ± addChar: ± capitalizeEachWord ± cat: ± cat:n: ± cat:fromZone: ± cat:n:fromZone: ± catStrings: ± concatenate: ± concatenate:n: ± concatenate:fromZone: ± concatenate:n:fromZone: ± concatenateStrings: ± insert: ± insert:at: ± insertChar: ± insertChar:at: ± insertString: ± insertString:at: ± invertCases ± padFrontToLength:withChar: ± padToLength:withChar: ± removeFrom:length: ± removeFrom:to: ± replace:with: ± replace:with:caseSensitive: ± replace:with:occurrenceNum: ± replace:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± replace:with:overlap: ± replace:with:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replace:with:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± replace:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replace:withChar: ± replace:withChar:caseSensitive: ± replace:withChar:occurrenceNum: ± replace:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± replace:withChar:overlap: ± replace:withChar:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replace:withChar:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± replace:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replace:withString: ± replace:withString:caseSensitive: ± replace:withString:occurrenceNum: ± replace:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± replace:withString:overlap: ± replace:withString:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replace:withString:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± replace:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceCharAt:with: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:with: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:with:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:with:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:with:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withChar: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withChar:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withChar:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withChar:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withString: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withString:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withString:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withString:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:with: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:with:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:withChar: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:withChar:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:withString: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:withString:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:with: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:with:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:withChar: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:withChar:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:withString: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:withString:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:with: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:with:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:withChar: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:withChar:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:withString: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:withString:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:with: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:with:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:with:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:with:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withChar: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withChar:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withChar:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withChar:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withString: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withString:caseSensitive: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withString:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withString:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfType:with: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfType:withChar: ± replaceEveryOccurrenceOfType:withString: ± replaceFrom:length:with: ± replaceFrom:length:withChar: ± replaceFrom:length:withString: ± replaceFrom:to:with: ± replaceFrom:to:withChar: ± replaceFrom:to:withString: ± replaceHomeWithTilde ± replaceRegex:with: ± replaceRegex:with:caseSensitive: ± replaceRegex:with:occurrenceNum: ± replaceRegex:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± replaceRegex:withChar: ± replaceRegex:withChar:caseSensitive: ± replaceRegex:withChar:occurrenceNum: ± replaceRegex:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± replaceRegex:withString: ± replaceRegex:withString:caseSensitive: ± replaceRegex:withString:occurrenceNum: ± replaceRegex:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± replaceString:with: ± replaceString:with:caseSensitive: ± replaceString:with:occurrenceNum: ± replaceString:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± replaceString:with:overlap: ± replaceString:with:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceString:with:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± replaceString:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceString:withChar: ± replaceString:withChar:caseSensitive: ± replaceString:withChar:occurrenceNum: ± replaceString:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± replaceString:withChar:overlap: ± replaceString:withChar:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceString:withChar:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± replaceString:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceString:withString: ± replaceString:withString:caseSensitive: ± replaceString:withString:occurrenceNum: ± replaceString:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± replaceString:withString:overlap: ± replaceString:withString:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceString:withString:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± replaceString:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± replaceTildeWithHome ± replaceType:with: ± replaceType:with:occurrenceNum: ± replaceType:withChar: ± replaceType:withChar:occurrenceNum: ± replaceType:withString: ± replaceType:withString:occurrenceNum: ± setStringValue: ± setStringValue:fromZone: ± squashSpaces ± takeStringValueFrom: ± takeStringValueFrom:fromZone: ± toLower ± toUpper ± trimLeadSpaces ± trimLeadWhiteSpaces ± trimSpaces ± trimTailSpaces ± trimTailWhiteSpaces ± trimWhiteSpaces Querying attributes ± charAt: ± cmp: ± cmp:n: ± casecmp: ± casecmp:n: ± compareTo: ± compareTo:n: ± compareTo:caseSensitive: ± compareTo:n:caseSensitive: ± emptyString ± endcasecmp: ± endcasecmp:n: ± endcmp: ± endcmp:n: ± endCompareTo: ± endCompareTo:caseSensitive: ± endCompareTo:n: ± endCompareTo:n:caseSensitive: ± grep: ± grep:caseSensitive: ± grep:occurrenceNum: ± grep:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± grep:before:middle:after: ± grep:caseSensitive:before:middle:after: ± grep:occurrenceNum:before:middle:after: ± grep:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: before:middle:after: ± hasType: ± index: ± index:caseSensitive: ± index:occurrenceNum: ± index:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± indexOfChars: ± indexOfChars:caseSensitive: ± indexOfChars:occurrenceNum: ± indexOfChars:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± isAllOfType: ± isEqual: ± length ± matchesRegex: ± matchesRegex: caseSensitive: ± numOf: ± numOf:caseSensitive: ± numOf:overlap: ± numOf:caseSensitive:overlap: ± numOfChar: ± numOfChar:caseSensitive: ± numOfChars: ± numOfChars:caseSensitive: ± numOfRegex: ± numOfRegex: caseSensitive: ± numOfString: ± numOfString:caseSensitive: ± numOfString:overlap: ± numOfString:caseSensitive:overlap: ± numOfType: ± numWords ± rindex: ± rindex:caseSensitive: ± rindex:occurrenceNum: ± rindex:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± rindexOfChars: ± rindexOfChars:caseSensitive: ± rindexOfChars:occurrenceNum: ± rindexOfChars:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± rspotOf: ± rspotOf:caseSensitive: ± rspotOf:occurrenceNum: ± rspotOf:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± rspotOfChars: ± rspotOfChars:caseSensitive: ± rspotOfChars:occurrenceNum: ± rspotOfChars:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± rspotOfRegex: ± rspotOfRegex:caseSensitive: ± rspotOfRegex:occurrenceNum: ± rspotOfRegex:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± rspotOfRegex:length: ± rspotOfRegex:caseSensitive:length: ± rspotOfRegex:occurrenceNum:length: ± rspotOfRegex:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:length: ± rspotOfStr: ± rspotOfStr:caseSensitive: ± rspotOfStr:occurrenceNum: ± rspotOfStr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± rspotOfStr:overlap: ± rspotOfStr:caseSensitive:overlap: ± rspotOfStr:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± rspotOfStr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± rspotOfString: ± rspotOfString:caseSensitive: ± rspotOfString:occurrenceNum: ± rspotOfString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± rspotOfString:overlap: ± rspotOfString:caseSensitive:overlap: ± rspotOfString:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± rspotOfString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± rspotOfType: ± rspotOfType:occurrenceNum: ± rstrstr: ± rstrstr:caseSensitive: ± rstrstr:occurrenceNum: ± rstrstr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± rstrstr:overlap: ± rstrstr:caseSensitive:overlap: ± rstrstr:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± rstrstr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± rstrString: ± rstrString:caseSensitive: ± rstrString:occurrenceNum: ± rstrString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± rstrString:overlap: ± rstrString:caseSensitive:overlap: ± rstrString:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± rstrString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± setStringOrderTable: ± spotOf: ± spotOf:caseSensitive: ± spotOf:occurrenceNum: ± spotOf:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± spotOfChars: ± spotOfChars:caseSensitive: ± spotOfChars:occurrenceNum: ± spotOfChars:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± spotOfStr: ± spotOfStr:caseSensitive: ± spotOfStr:occurrenceNum: ± spotOfStr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± spotOfStr:overlap: ± spotOfStr:caseSensitive:overlap: ± spotOfStr:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± spotOfStr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± spotOfString: ± spotOfString:caseSensitive: ± spotOfString:occurrenceNum: ± spotOfString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± spotOfString:overlap: ± spotOfString:caseSensitive:overlap: ± spotOfString:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± spotOfString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± spotOfType: ± spotOfType:occurrenceNum: ± spotOfRegex: ± spotOfRegex: caseSensitive: ± spotOfRegex: occurrenceNum: ± spotOfRegex: occurrenceNum: caseSensitive: ± spotOfRegex: length: ± spotOfRegex: caseSensitive: length: ± spotOfRegex: occurrenceNum: length: ± spotOfRegex: occurrenceNum: caseSensitive: length: ± stringOrderTable ± stringValue ± strstr: ± strstr:caseSensitive: ± strstr:occurrenceNum: ± strstr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± strstr:overlap: ± strstr:caseSensitive:overlap: ± strstr:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± strstr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: ± strString: ± strString:caseSensitive: ± strString:occurrenceNum: ± strString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: ± strString:overlap: ± strString:caseSensitive:overlap: ± strString:occurrenceNum:overlap: ± strString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: Archiving ± read: ± write: Class Methods extensionSeparator + (char)extensionSeparator Returns the character currently being used by all MiscStrings to separate a file's name from its extension. See also: +pathSeparator, +setExtensionSeparator:, and +setPathSeparator: initialize + initialize Initializes the MiscString class. Returns self. new + new Returns a new, empty MiscString object. Same as [[MiscString alloc] init]. newWithString: + newWithString:(char *)aString Returns a new MiscString object containing aString. pathSeparator + (char)pathSeparator Returns the character currently being used by all MiscStrings to separate path elements. See also: +extensionSeparator, +setExtensionSeparator:, and +setPathSeparator: setExtensionSeparator: + setExtensionSeparator:(char)c Changes the character used to separate separate a file's name from its extension by all MiscString. By default, MiscString assumes `.' is between a filename and the extension. Returns self. See also: +extensionSeparator, +pathSeparator, and +setPathSeparator: setPathSeparator: + setPathSeparator:(char)c Changes the character used to separate path elements by all MiscString. By default, MiscString assumes `/' separates path elements. Returns self. See also: +extensionSeparator, +pathSeparator, and +setExtensionSeparator: Instance Methods addChar: - addChar:(char)aChar Appends aChar to the end of buffer. Returns self. addExtensionIfNeeded: - addExtensionIfNeeded:(const char *)aString Adds the extension aString if it is not already present on the end of the receiving string. Returns self. See also: -x allocateBuffer: allocateBuffer:fromZone: - allocateBuffer:(int)size fromZone:(NXZone *)zone If the current buffer is less than size bytes, then it is freed and a new buffer is allocated from zone to be size bytes in length. Returns self. You do not need to directly call this method, since the ±copyFromZone: and other methods do this automatically. However, you may wish to call this method after calling ±init for MiscString objects which will dynamically change in size often. By allocating a buffer which is as least as large as you expect the MiscString to grow to during it's lifetime, your application may run faster. This is because the MiscString object won't have to dynamically grow as often, an operation which can slow things down. In the degenerate method, zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -copyFromZone:, and -setStringValue:fromZone: buildInstanceImageIn: - buildInstanceImageIn:(char *)buf Places a string into buf which gives information about the MiscString: length, capacity, string buffer address, and contents. Returns self. See also: -printForDebugger:, and ± printToStdErr: capacity - (unsigned)capacity Returns the capacity of the currently allocated buffer, which will always be at least one greater than the length of the actual string. See also: -x capitalizeEachWord - capitalizeEachWord Capitalizes the first character of every word in buffer. Words are recognized in the same way as in ±numWords and -wordNum. Returns self. casecmp: - (int)cmp:(const char *)aString Calls strcasecmp() to perform a case insensitive comparison of buffer and aString. Return values follow the same rules as strcasecmp(). This method is provided for those cases in which MiscString objects are not in use, and therefore only a char pointer is available. It is also useful with constant strings. The ±compareTo: methods are preferred for use whenever possible, since they work with objects and use the current string ordering table. See also: - casecmp:n:, - cmp:, - cmp:n:, and - compareTo:... casecmp:n: - (int)cmp:(const char *)aString n:(int)n Calls strncasecmp() to perform a case insensitive comparison of at most the first n characters buffer and aString. Return values follow the same rules as strncasecmp(). This method is provided for those cases in which MiscString objects are not in use, and therefore only a char pointer is available. It is also useful with constant strings. The ±compareTo: methods should be used whenever possible, since they work with objects and use the current string ordering table. See also: -casecmp:, -cmp:, -cmp:n:, and -compareTo:... catFromFormat: - catFromFormat:(const char *)format, ... This method is like a combination of sprintf() followed by strcat(). It uses format and the arguments which follow to create a string according to the user's specification. Then it concatenates this string to the end of the current string. Returns self. See also: -x catFromFormat:valist: - catFromFormat:(const char *)format valist:(va_list)param_list This method has the same function as ±catFromFormat: but with different argument types. See also: -x cat: cat:fromZone: cat:n: cat:n:fromZone: - cat:(const char *)aString n:(int)n fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Calls strncat() to concatenate buffer and up to the first n bytes of aString. If the current size of buffer is not large enough to fit the concatenation of the two strings, then a new, larger buffer is allocated zone. Returns nil. This method is provided for those cases in which MiscString objects are not in use, and therefore only a char pointer is available. It is also useful with constant strings. The ±concatenate: methods are preferred for use whenever possible, mainly because they work with objects. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to the length of aString and zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -catStrings:, -concatenate:..., and -concatenateStrings: catStrings: - catStrings:(const char *)aString, ¼ Works like ±cat: but accepts many string pointers as an argument. They are added to the end of buffer in the same order as they are encountered in the argument list. The last argument in the list must be NULL or unpredictable results (such as segmentation faults) will occur. Returns self. See also: -cat:, -cat:fromZone:, -cat:n:, -cat:n:fromZone:, -concatenate:, -concatenate:fromZone:, -concatenate:n:, -concatenate:n:fromZone:, and -concatenateStrings: catStrings:valist: - catStrings:(const char *)strings valist:(va_list)ptr This method has the same function as ±catStrings: but with different argument types. See also: -x charAt: - (char)charAt:(int)index Returns the indexth character of buffer. Returns 0 if index is out of range. cmp: - (int)cmp:(const char *)aString Calls strcmp() to compare buffer and aString. Return values follow the same rules as strcmp(). This method is provided for those cases in which MiscString objects are not in use, and therefore only a char pointer is available. It is also useful with constant strings. The ±compareTo: methods are preferred for use whenever possible, mainly because they work with objects and use the current string ordering table. See also: -casecmp:..., -cmp:n:, and -compareTo:... cmp:n: - (int)cmp:(const char *)aString n:(int)n Calls strncmp() to compare at most the first n characters buffer and aString. Return values follow the same rules as strncmp(). This method is provided for those cases in which MiscString objects are not in use, and therefore only a char pointer is available. It is also useful with constant strings. The ±compareTo: methods are preferred for use whenever possible, since they work with objects and use the current string ordering table. See also: - casecmp:..., - cmp:, and -compareTo:... compareTo: compareTo:caseSensitive: compareTo:n: compareTo:n:caseSensitive: - (int)compareTo:(id)sender n:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Compares the string in buffer to the ±stringValue of sender. No more than the first n characters are used to make the comparison. If n is -1, the full lengths of the strings is used. (If the strings differ in length, the longer string will be considered ªgreaterº.) If sense is YES, then the comparison is case sensitive. If sense is NO, then the comparison ignores case. The value returned is zero if the strings are equal, -1 if the receiver is less than sender, and 1 otherwise. The current string ordering table is used to make the comparison. This method is basically a cover for NXOrderStrings(). In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to -1. See also: - cmp:... and - casecmp:... concatenate: concatenate:fromZone: concatenate:n: concatenate:n:fromZone: - concatenate:(id)sender n:(int)n fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Adds up to the first n bytes of the MiscString sender to the end of the string in buffer. If the current size of buffer is not large enough to fit the concatenation of the two strings, then a new, larger buffer is allocated from zone. Returns self. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to the -length of sender and zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -cat:..., -catStrings:, and -concatenateStrings: concatenateStrings: - concatenateStrings:(id)sender, ¼ Works like ±concatenate: but accepts many MiscString objects as an argument. They are added to the end of buffer in the same order as they are encountered in the argument list. The last argument in the list must be nil or unpredictable results (such as segmentation faults) will occur. Returns self. See also: -cat:..., -catStrings:, and -concatenate:... convertToCaseInsensitiveSearchString - convertToCaseInsensitiveSearchString Converts the MiscString into a Sybase-compatible case-insensitive search string. Returns self. See also: -x convertUnixWildcardsToSybase - convertUnixWildcardsToSybase Converts the MiscString into a Sybase-compatible search string with any standard UNIX wildcard symbols converted to their Sybase counterparts. Returns self. See also: -x copyFromZone: - copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a new MiscString. Memory for the new MiscString is allocated from zone. The string stored in buffer is copied. doesExistInFileSystem - (BOOL)doesExistInFileSystem Returns YES is the receiver contains the path to a file which exists in the current file system. Returns NO otherwise. See also: -x doubleValue - (double)doubleValue Returns the double precision floating point value of the receiver, if the receiving string begins with a properly formed floating point number. Any trailing non-numeric characters are ignored. If the receiving string doesn't begin with a number, a zero is returned. See also: -intValue and -floatValue emptyString - (BOOL)emptyString Returns YES if the MiscString is empty and NO otherwise. See also: -length encrypt: - encrypt:salt Encrypts the receiving string using the UNIX password encryption algorithm with salt as the ªsalt.º The ªsaltº argument should be an object that responds to ±stringValue and the receiving string should be no longer than eight characters in length. (If it is longer, the extra characters are ignored.) Returns self. See also: -x endcasecmp: endcasecmp:n: - endcasecmp:(const char *)aString n:(int)n Performs a case insensitive comparison of the last n characters of buffer with the last n characters of aString. If n is -1 or n is greater than the length of either string, n is set to the length of the shorter string. Return values follow those of the -compareTo: methods. In the degenerate method, n defaults to -1. See also: -endcmp:... and -endCompareTo:... endcmp: endcmp:n: - endcmp:(const char *)aString n:(int)n Performs a case sensitive comparison of the last n characters of buffer with the last n characters of aString. If n is -1 or n is greater than the length of either string, n is set to the length of the shorter string. Return values follow those of the -compareTo: methods. In the degenerate method, n defaults to -1. See also: -endcasecmp:... and -endCompareTo:... endCompareTo: endCompareTo:caseSensitive: endCompareTo:n: endCompareTo:n:caseSensitive: - endCompareTo:(id)sender n:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Compares the last n characters of sender's -stringValue with the last n characters of buffer. If n is -1 or n is greater than the length of either string, n is set to the length of the shorter string. If sense is NO, the comparison is case insensitive. Return values follow those of the -compareTo: methods. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to -1. See also: -endcmp:... and -endcasecmp:... extractPart:useAsDelimiter: extractPart:useAsDelimiter:caseSensitive: extractPart:useAsDelimiter:fromZone: extractPart:useAsDelimiter:caseSensitive:fromZone: - extractPart:(int)n useAsDelimiter:(char)c caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense fromZone:(NXZone *)zone This method allows you to extract substring from strings which have fields delimited by a particular character. This is useful for getting at tab-delimited fields, entries from files like /etc/passwd (delimited by ª:º) and parts of UNIX paths. The first field is part number one; you can also use the constants MISC_STRING_FIRST and MISC_STRING_LAST to specify the first and last fields, respectively. The character used to delimit fields is specified by c. By setting sense to YES or NO, you can control whether or not the delimiter is case sensitive. A new MiscString is returned, allocated from zone. If the field specified does not exist (i.e. you specified field 7 when there are only 6 fields, etc.) then nil is returned. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -fileName, -fileNameFromZone:, -pathName, -pathNameFromZone:, and -wordNum: fgets: fgets:keepNewline: - (int)fgets:(FILE *)fd keepNewline:(BOOL)keepit - (int)fgets:(FILE *)fd Reads in one character at a time from the file fd until a newline or EOF character is reached, and sets receiver's ±stringValue to the resulting line of text. If keepit is YES, the newline character is left on at the end (though not the EOF character). In the degenerate method, keepit defaults to YES in keeping with the fgets() function. Returns EOF if that character is encountered, 0 otherwise. NOTE: In reading in the line, the receiver's allocated space is doubled each time it fills up. This can mean that the resulting string takes up substantially more space than is needed. If this is a problem, you can use ±fixStringLength to remove any excess allocated memory. See also: -gets and -streamGets:... fileBasename - fileBasename Returns a new MiscString which is the basename of the file represented by the receiver. All path elements and the last extension are stripped off, as determined by the current path and extension separators. The new MiscString is allocated from the receiver's zone. See also: -x fileBasenameFromZone: - fileBasenameFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a new MiscString which is the basename of the file represented by the receiver. All path elements and the last extension are stripped off, as determined by the current path and extension separators. The new MiscString is allocated from zone. See also: -x fileExtension - fileExtension Returns a new MiscString which is the last extension of the file represented by the receiver. All path elements, the base name, and the all but the last extension are stripped off, as determined by the current path and extension separators. The new MiscString is allocated from the receiver's zone. See also: -x fileExtensionFromZone: - fileExtensionFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a new MiscString which is the last extension of the file represented by the receiver. All path elements, the base name, and the all but the last extension are stripped off, as determined by the current path and extension separators. The new MiscString is allocated from zone. See also: -x fileName - fileName Same as the ±fileNameFromZone: method. The new MiscString is in the same zone as the receiver. See also: -extractPart:useAsDelimiter:..., -fileNameFromZone:, -pathName, -pathNameFromZone:, and -wordNum: fileNameFromZone: - fileNameFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Assuming that the receiving MiscString contains a UNIX path name of some sort, this method returns a new MiscString instance which contains the filename portion of a path name. This amounts to the part of the receiver from the character after the last ª/º to the end of the string. See also: -extractPart:useAsDelimiter:..., -fileName, -pathName, -pathNameFromZone:, and -wordNum: fixStringLength - fixStringLength Truncates the string buffer to the length of the string stored in the MiscString. Returns self. See also: -x fixStringLengthAt: - fixStringLengthAt:(unsigned)index Truncates the string buffer to index; if the MiscString contains a string longer than index, then it is truncated accordingly. Returns self. See also: -x floatValue - (float)floatValue Returns the floating point value of the receiver, if the receiving string begins with a properly formed floating point number. Any trailing non-numeric characters are ignored. If the receiving string doesn't begin with a number, a zero is returned. See also: -doubleValue and -intValue free - free Deallocates the MiscString and the contents of buffer. freeString - freeString Frees the contents of buffer and sets it to NULL. Also sets the length of the MiscString to zero. Returns self. getCopyInto: - (char *)getCopyInto:(char *)buf Copies the receiver's string buffer into the buffer buf. It is up to the programmer to be sure that buf is large enough to contain the complete contents of the receiver; if not, a memory violation will occur. Returns buf. If buf is NULL, a new buffer of the proper size will be created and returned instead of buf with the receiver's contents copied into it. See also: -x getIBImage - (NXImage *)getIBImage This method is used by InterfaceBuilder to obtain the image to display in the objects window when the MiscString has been dragged off of a palette. If the proper image is available, it is returned; otherwise nil is returned. See also: -x getInspectorClassName - (const char *)getInspectorClassName This method is used by InterfaceBuilder and returns the name of the MiscString's inspector class when it has been dragged off of an InterfaceBuilder palette. See also: -x gets - (int)gets Reads in one character at a time from the standard input until a newline or EOF character is reached, and sets receiver's ±stringValue to the resulting line of text. The newline character is not left on at the end, keeping with the gets() function. Returns EOF if that character is encountered, 0 otherwise. NOTE: In reading in the line, the receiver's allocated space is doubled each time it fills up. This can mean that the resulting string takes up substantially more space than is needed. If this is a problem, you can use ±fixStringLength to remove any excess allocated memory. See also: -fgets:... and -streamGets:... grep: grep:caseSensitive: grep:occurrenceNum: grep:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: grep:before:middle:after: grep:caseSensitive:before:middle:after: grep:occurrenceNum:before:middle:after: grep:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:before:middle:after: - (int)grep:(const char *)pattern occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense before:bstring middle:mstring after:astring Returns 1 if the nth occurrence of the regular expression pattern is found in buffer, returns 0 if not, and returns -1 if pattern is not a legal regular expression. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. The receiver is split into three strings, the part before the match, the part that matched, and the part after the match. Each part is placed into bstring, mstring, and astring respectively, each of which should be an object which responds to -setStringValue:. If any of bstring, mstring, or astring are nil, then that portion is ignored. You may use the constants MISC_STRING_FIRST and MISC_STRING_LAST for n to specify the first and last matches, respectively. Usage of MISC_STRING_LAST may take a little longer because it calls -rspotOfRegex: to find the last part. This method leaves the receiving MiscString unchanged. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES, n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence), and bstring, mstring, and astring all default to nil. See also: -matchesRegex:... grepString: grepString:caseSensitive: grepString:caseSensitive:before:middle:after: - (int)grepString:pattern caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseSens before:bstring middle:mstring after:astring Returns 1 if a portion of the receiver matches the regular expression pattern, stored in a MiscString, returns 0 if not, and returns -1 if pattern is not a legal regular expression. If caseSens is true, then the match is case sensitive; if false then the match is not case sensitive. The receiver is split into three strings, the part before the match, the part that matched, and the part after the match. Each part is placed into bstring, mstring, and astring respectively, each of which should be a MiscString (or subclass). If any of bstring, mstring, or astring are nil, then that portion is ignored. This method leaves the receiving MiscString unchanged. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES, and bstring, mstring, and astring all default to nil. See also: -grep:... hash - (unsigned int)hash Returns a hash value for the string contained by the MiscString, as determined by the NXStrHash() function. See also: -x hasType: - (BOOL)hasType:(int)type Returns YES if buffer contains any characters of type type, otherwise returns NO. The parameter type may be any of the following constants: MISC_UPPER an uppercase letter MISC_LOWER a lowercase letter MISC_DIGIT a digit MISC_XDIGIT a hexadecimal digit MISC_PUNCT a punctuation character (neither control nor alphanumeric) MISC_ASCII an ASCII character (code less than 0x7F) MISC_CNTRL a control character (0x00 through 0x1F, 0x7F, 0x80, 0xFE, 0xFF) MISC_PRINT a printing character MISC_SPACE a space, tab, carriage return, newline, vertical tab, or formfeed MISC_GRAPH a printing character; like MISC_PRINT except for space Also, any bitwise OR (using ª|º) combination of the constants is permitted. MISC_ALPHA and MISC_ALNUM are predefined combinations that you may use. See also: -isAllOfType: index: index:caseSensitive: index:occurrenceNum: index:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: - (const char *)index:(char)aChar occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns a pointer to the nth occurrence of aChar in buffer going from left to right. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns NULL if the nth occurrence of aChar is not found. Occurrences start numbering at zero, not one. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence). See also: -rindex:... indexOfChars: indexOfChars:caseSensitive: indexOfChars:occurrenceNum: indexOfChars:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: - (const char *)indexOfChars:(const char *)aString occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns a char pointer to the nth occurrence in buffer of any of the characters in aString going from left to right. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns NULL if the nth occurrence is not found. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence). See also: -rindexOfChars:..., -spotOfChars:..., -rspotOfChars:..., -index:..., -rindex:..., -spotOf:..., and -rspotOf:... init - init Initializes a new MiscString instance. Returns self. See also: ±initString: initCapacity: initCapacity:fromZone: - initCapacity:(int)capacity fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Initializes the receiver with a buffer of size capacity, taken from the zone zone. In the degenerate method, zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -x initDirectory:file: - initDirectory:(const char *)dir file:(const char *)file Initializes a new MiscString instance to represent the complete path to the file specified by dir and file. See also: -x initFromFormat: - initFromFormat:(const char *)formatStr, ... Initializes the receiver and sets it to the string generated from evaluating the format formatStr and subsequent arguments. Returns self. See also: -x initString: - initString:(const char *)aString This method calls the ±init method and then calls the ±setStringValue method with aString as the argument. See also: ±init, -setStringValue: insert: insert:at: - insert:(const char *)aString at:index Inserts aString into buffer at position index. Returns self. In the degenerate method, index defaults to 0 (the beginning of buffer). See also: -insertChar:... and -insertString:... insertAt:fromFormat: - insertAt:(int)index fromFormat:(const char *)format, ... Creates a new string using format and the subsequent arguments and inserts it into the receiver at index. Returns self. See also: -x insertAt:fromFormat:valist: - insertAt:(int)index fromFormat:(const char *)format valist:(va_list)param_list Same as ±insertAt:fromFormat: except that the argument types are different. Returns self. See also: -x insertChar: insertChar:at: - insertChar:(char)aChar at:index Inserts aChar into buffer at position index. aChar can not be 0 (null character); if this is the case, nothing happens. Returns self. In the degenerate method, index defaults to 0 (the beginning of buffer). See also: ±insert:... and -insertString:... insertFromFormat: - insertFromFormat:(const char *)format, ... Same as calling ±insertAt:FromFormat: with 0 for index. See also: -x insertString: insertString:at: - insertString:(id)sender at:index Inserts the ±stringValue of sender into buffer at position index. Returns self. In the degenerate method, index defaults to 0 (the beginning of buffer). See also: ±insert:... and ±insertChar:... intValue - (int)intValue Returns the integer value of the string; if the string is non-numeric or doesn't begin with a number, then a zero is returned. Any non-numeric characters following the number at the start of the string are ignored. See also: ±doubleValue and -floatValue invertCases: - invertCases Inverts the case of every character in buffer. Returns self. See also: ±toLower, -toUpper isAbsolutePath - (BOOL)isAbsolutePath If the receiving MiscString begins with the path element separator, then it is considered to be an absolute path and YES is returned. Otherwise a NO is returned. See also: -x isAllOfType: - (int)isAllOfType:(int)type Returns YES if buffer is entirely made up of characters of type type, else returns NO. The parameter type may be any of the following constants: MISC_UPPER, MISC_LOWER, MISC_DIGIT, MISC_XDIGIT, MISC_PUNCT, MISC_ASCII, MISC_CNTRL, MISC_PRINT, MISC_SPACE, or MISC_GRAPH. (See -hasType: for a description of these constants.) Also, any bitwise OR (using ª|º) combination of the constants is permitted. MISC_ALPHA and MISC_ALNUM are predefined combinations that you may use. See also: -hasType: isEqual: - (BOOL)isEqual:(id)anObject Returns YES if the string value of anObject is the same as the string value of the receiver. isFileOfType: - (BOOL)isFileOfType:(MiscFileType)fileType Returns YES if the MiscString contains the path to an existing file which is of type fileType. See Types and Constants for a listing of valid file types. See also: -x isRelativePath - (BOOL)isRelativePath If the receiving MiscString doesn't begin with the path element separator, then it is considered to be a relative path and YES is returned. Otherwise a NO is returned. See also: -x isRTFText - (BOOL)isRTFText If the receiving MiscString contains RTF, as determined by the prefix ª{\rtf0º, then YES is returned. Otherwise a NO is returned. See also: -x left: left:fromZone: - left:(int)count fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a new MiscString object which is composed of the first count characters of buffer. The new object is allocated from zone. In the degenerate method, zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -midFrom:length:..., -midFrom:to:..., and -right:... length - (int)length Returns the length of the string in buffer. See also: -emptyString loadFromFile: - loadFromFile:(const char *)aFileName Loads the contents of the file aFileName into the MiscString and returns self. If an error occurs, nil is returned and the receiver is left empty. makeCaseInsensitiveSearchString - makeCaseInsensitiveSearchString Creates a new MiscString and converts it into a Sybase-compatible case-insensitive search string. Returns self. See also: -x matchesRegex: matchesRegex:caseSensitive: - (int)matchesRegex:(const char *)pattern caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Checks to see if buffer matches up directly with the regular expression pattern. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns 0 if it does not match, otherwise, returns the length of the matched portion. An error, such as an illegal regular expression, also returns 0. This makes it possible to use this method as if it returned a BOOL. In the degenerate method, sense defaults to YES. See also: -grep:... and -spotOfRegex:... midFrom:length: midFrom:length:fromZone: - midFrom:(int)start length:(int)len fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a new MiscString object which is composed of len characters of buffer starting with the startth character. The new object is allocated from zone. In the degenerate method, zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -left:..., -midFrom:to:..., and -right:... midFrom:to: midFrom:to:fromZone: - midFrom:(int)start to:(int)end fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a new MiscString object which is composed of the characters of buffer from the startth character to the endth character inclusive. The new object is allocated from zone. In the degenerate method, zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -left:..., -midFrom:length:, and -right:... new - new Returns a new, empty MiscString object of the same class as the receiver. nthQuotedField - nthQuotedField:(int)fieldNumber Returns a new MiscString which contains the contents of the fieldNumberth quoted section. Nested quotes will confuse the parsing since deciding whether or not a section of the string is quoted is determined by whether the opening quotation mark is the nth quotation mark where n is odd. Numbering starts at zero. See also: -x numberOfPathComponents - (int)numberOfPathComponents Returns the number of path components in the MiscString, assuming that is contains a filename and path, using the current path component separators. See also: -x numOf: numOf:caseSensitive: numOf:overlap: numOf:caseSensitive:overlap: - numOf:(const char *)aString caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Returns the number of times the string aString occurs in buffer. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two matches and with overlap NO you will get one match. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x numOfChar: numOfChar:caseSensitive: - (int)numOfChar:(char)aChar caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns the number of times the given character occurs in buffer. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. In the degenerate method, sense defaults to YES. See also: -numOfChars:... numOfChars: numOfChars:caseSensitive: - (int)numOfChars:(const char *)aString caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns the number of times any character in aString occurs in buffer. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. In the degenerate method, sense defaults to YES. See also: -numOfChar:... numOfRegex: numOfRegex:caseSensitive: - (int)numOfRegex:(const char *)pattern caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns the number of times the regular expression pattern is matched in buffer. Returns -1 if some kind of error occurred, such as an illegal regular expression. In the degenerate method, sense defaults to YES. See also: -replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:... and -grep:... numOfString: numOfString:caseSensitive: numOfString:overlap: numOfString:caseSensitive:overlap: - numOfString:(id)sender caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Returns the number of times the ±stringValue of sender occurs in buffer. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two matches and with overlap NO you will get one match. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x numOfType: - numOfType:(int)type Returns the number of times any character of type type occurs in buffer. The parameter type may be any of the following constants: MISC_UPPER, MISC_LOWER, MISC_DIGIT, MISC_XDIGIT, MISC_PUNCT, MISC_ASCII, MISC_CNTRL, MISC_PRINT, MISC_SPACE, or MISC_GRAPH. (See -hasType: for a description of these constants.) Also, any bitwise OR (using ª|º) combination of the constants is permitted. MISC_ALPHA and MISC_ALNUM are predefined combinations that you may use. See also: -hasType: numWords - (int)numWords Returns the number of words in buffer. Words are separated by any number of spaces, carriage returns, newlines, vertical tabs, or formfeeds (not punctuation characters). See also: -wordNum: padFrontToLength:withChar: - padFrontToLength:(int)len withChar:(char)aChar This method pads the beginning of buffer to length len, using aChar to fill in any extra spaces needed. If len is less than the length of buffer, nothing happens. Returns self. See also: -x padToLength:withChar: - padToLength:(int)len withChar:(char)aChar This method pads buffer to length len, using aChar to fill in any extra spaces needed. If len is less than the length of buffer, nothing happens. Returns self. See also: -x pathComponentAt: - pathComponentAt:(int)index Returns a MiscString containing the indexth path component; the first component is number zero. See also: -x pathName - pathName Same as the ±pathNameFromZone: method with the returned MiscString coming from the receiver's zone. See also: -extractPart:..., -fileName, -fileNameFromZone:, -pathNameFromZone:, and -wordNum: pathNameFromZone: - pathNameFromZone:(NXZone *)zone Assuming that the receiving MiscString contains a UNIX path name of some sort, this method returns a new MiscString instance which contains the path portion of a path name. This amounts to the part of the receiver from the start of the string up to, but not including, the last ª/º. See also: -extractPart:useAsDelimiter:..., -fileName, -fileNameFromZone:, -pathName, and -wordNum: plainTextForRTF - (MiscString *)plainTextForRTF If the MiscString contains RTF, this will return a plain ASCII string converted from the RTF. If the MiscString contains ASCII text already, that is returned. This method returns a new string which you must free yourself. See also: -x printForDebugger: - printForDebugger:(NXStream *)stream Prints information about the receiver onto stream. The data printed is identical in content and format to that produced by ±buildInstanceImageIn:. See also: -buildInstanceImageIn:, and ± printToStdErr: printToStdErr: - printToStdErr:(const char *)label Prints a line of information about the receiver to stderr with the label label and the class and id of the receiver prepended to the output. The data printed is identical in content and format to that produced by ±buildInstanceImageIn:. See also: ±buildInstanceImageIn, and -printForDebugger: read: - read:(NXTypedStream *)stream Reads the MiscString from the typed stream stream. Returns self. See also: - write: recalcLength - recalcLength Recalculates the length of the string contained by the MiscString. Under normal circumstances, this should be unnecessary as any message sent to the MiscString which alters the length of the string will update the cached string length. Returns self. See also: -fixStringLength, and ±fixStringLengthAt: removeFrom:length: - removeFrom:(int)start length:(int)len Removes len characters from buffer starting with the startth character. Will not take any action if len is zero or if start is out of range. Returns self. See also: - removeFrom:to: removeFrom:to: - removeFrom:(int)start to:(int)end Removes all the characters of buffer from the startth character to the endth character inclusive. Will not take any action if start or end is out of range. Returns self. See also: - removeFrom:length: replace:with: replace:with:caseSensitive: replace:with:occurrenceNum: replace:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: replace:with:overlap: replace:with:caseSensitive:overlap: replace:with:occurrenceNum:overlap: replace:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: replace:withChar: replace:withChar:caseSensitive: replace:withChar:occurrenceNum: replace:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: replace:withChar:overlap: replace:withChar:caseSensitive:overlap: replace:withChar:occurrenceNum:overlap: replace:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: replace:withString: replace:withString:caseSensitive: replace:withString:occurrenceNum: replace:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: replace:withString:overlap: replace:withString:caseSensitive:overlap: replace:withString:occurrenceNum:overlap: replace:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - replace:(const char *)aString with:(const char *)repl occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap - replace:(const char *)aString withChar:(char)aChar occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap - replace:(const char *)aString withString:(id)sender occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Replaces the nth occurrence of the string aString with either repl, aChar, or the -stringValue of sender. If sense is NO, the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. You may use the constants MISC_STRING_FIRST and MISC_STRING_LAST for n to specify the first and last matches, respectively. Usage of MISC_STRING_LAST may take a little longer because it calls -rspotOfStr: to find the last part. If the nth occurrence of the search string is not found, then nothing happens. Returns self. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x replaceCharAt:withChar: - replaceCharAt:(int)index withChar:(char)aChar Replaces the indexth character of buffer with aChar. aChar can not be 0 (null character); if this is the case, nothing happens. Returns self. replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:with: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:with:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:with:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:with:caseSensitive:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withChar: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withChar:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withChar:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withChar:caseSensitive:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withString: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withString:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withString:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:withString:caseSensitive:overlap: - (int)replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:(const char *)aString with:(const char *)repl caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap - (int)replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:(const char *)aString withChar:(char)aChar caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap - (int)replaceEveryOccurrenceOf:(const char *)aString withString:(id)sender caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Replaces each occurrence of the string aString with either repl, aChar, or the -stringValue of sender. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you try to replace ªabcabcº with ªpdqº in the string ªabcabcabc abcabcº, with overlap YES you will get ªpdqpdq pdqº and with overlap NO you will get ªpdqabc pdqº. Returns the number of replacements made. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:with: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:with:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:with:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:with:caseSensitive:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withChar: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withChar:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withChar:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withChar:caseSensitive:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withString: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withString:overlap: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withString:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:withString:caseSensitive:overlap: - (int)replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:(id)aSender with:(const char *)repl caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap - (int)replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:(id)aSender withChar:(char)aChar caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap - (int)replaceEveryOccurrenceOfString:(id)aSender withString:(id)sender caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Replaces each occurrence of the -stringValue of aSender with either repl, aChar, or the -stringValue of sender. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you try to replace ªabcabcº with ªpdqº in the string ªabcabcabc abcabcº, with overlap YES you will get ªpdqpdq pdqº and with overlap NO you will get ªpdqabc pdqº. Returns the number of replacements made. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:with: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:with:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:withChar: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:withChar:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:withString: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:withString:caseSensitive: - replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:(char)aChar with:(const char *)aString caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense - replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:(char)aChar withChar:(char)replaceChar caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense - replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:(char)aChar withString:(id)sender caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Replaces each occurrence of aChar within buffer with either aString, replaceChar, or the -stringValue of sender. If sense is NO, the search will ignore case--all upper and lower case versions of aChar will be replaced. If replaceChar is the NULL character, returns nil, otherwise, returns self. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES. See also: -replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:... replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:with: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:with:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:withChar: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:withChar:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:withString: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:withString:caseSensitive: - replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:(const char *)aString with:(const char *)replaceString caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense - replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:(const char *)aString withChar:(char)replaceChar caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense - replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChars:(const char *)aString withString:(id)sender caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Replaces each occurrence of any character in aString within buffer with either replaceString, replaceChar, or the -stringValue of sender. If sense is NO, the search will ignore case--all upper and lower case versions of characters in aString will be replaced. If replaceChar is the NULL character, returns nil, otherwise, returns self. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES. See also: -replaceEveryOccurrenceOfChar:... replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:with: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:with:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:withChar: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:withChar:caseSensitive: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:withString: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:withString:caseSensitive: - (int)replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:(const char *)pattern with:(const char *)replacement caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense - (int)replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:(const char *)pattern withChar:(char)aChar caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense - (int)replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:(const char *)pattern withString:(id)sender caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Replaces every occurrence of the regular expression pattern with either replacement, aChar, or the -stringValue of sender. If sense is NO, the search ignores case. If it is an illegal regular expression, then nothing happens and -1 gets returned. Otherwise, returns the number of times a match was replaced. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES. See also: -replaceRegex:... and -grep:... replaceEveryOccurrenceOfType:with: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfType:withChar: replaceEveryOccurrenceOfType:withString: - replaceEveryOccurrenceOfType:(int)type with:(const char *)aString - replaceEveryOccurrenceOfType:(int)type withChar:(char)aChar - replaceEveryOccurrenceOfType:(int)type withString:(id)sender Replaces each occurrence of any character of type type with either aString, aChar, or the ±stringValue of sender. The parameter type may be any of the following constants: MISC_UPPER, MISC_LOWER, MISC_DIGIT, MISC_XDIGIT, MISC_PUNCT, MISC_ASCII, MISC_CNTRL, MISC_PRINT, MISC_SPACE, or MISC_GRAPH. (See -hasType: for a description of these constants.) Also, any bitwise OR (using ª|º) combination of the constants is permitted. MISC_ALPHA and MISC_ALNUM are predefined combinations that you may use. Returns self. See also: -hasType: replaceFrom:length:with: replaceFrom:length:withChar: replaceFrom:length:withString: - replaceFrom:(int)start length:(int)len with:(const char *)aString - replaceFrom:(int)start length:(int)len withChar:(char)aChar - removeFrom:(int)start length:(int)end withString:(id)sender Replaces len characters from buffer, starting with the startth character, with either aString, aChar, or the -stringValue of sender. Returns self. Will not take any action if len is zero or if start is out of range. See also: - replaceFrom:to:... replaceFrom:to:with: replaceFrom:to:withChar: replaceFrom:to:withString: - replaceFrom:(int)start to:(int)end with:(const char *)aString - replaceFrom:(int)start to:(int)end withChar:(char)achar - removeFrom:(int)start to:(int)end withString:(id)sender Replaces all the characters of buffer, from the startth character to the endth character inclusive, with either aString, aChar, or the -stringValue of sender. Returns self. Will not take any action if start or end is out of range. See also: - replaceFrom:length:with:... replaceHomeWithTilde - replaceHomeWithTilde If the beginning of buffer matches the string returned by NXHomeDirectory(), that portion of the string is replaced with the character '~'. Failing this, setpwent(),getpwent(), and endpwent() are used to see if another user's home directory matches the beginning of buffer. If a match is found, that portion of the string is replaced with "~username". Care is taken to avoid matching a portion of a directory name (so there are no problems when one user's username is a prefix of another, like "tom" and "tomsmith"). Also, no action is taken if the home directory being checked is root's ("/"). Returns self. Examples: "/Users/joe" --> "~" (if current user is joe) "/Users/joe/" --> "~/" (if current user is joe) "/Users/joey/" --> "~joey/" (if current user is joe, and not joey) "/" --> "/" (if current user is root) "/LocalLibrary" --> "/LocalLibrary" (if current user is root) "/Users/juser" --> "~juser" "/Users/juser2/" --> "~juser2/" See also: -replaceTildeWithHome replacePattern:caseSensitive:globally:with: - (int)replacePattern:(const char *)pattern caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseSens globally:(BOOL)glob with:(const char *)replacement Searches the MiscString for segments which match the regular expression pattern and replaces them with replacement. The search is case sensitive if caseSens is true, otherwise it is not case sensitive. If glob is true, then all matches will be replaced; if glob is false, then only the first match will be replaced. This method is now considered obsolete. You should use a ±replaceRegex: variant instead. See also: -x replacePattern:caseSensitive:globally:withString: - (int)replacePattern:(const char *)pattern caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseSens globally:(BOOL)glob withString:replacement Searches the MiscString for segments which match the regular expression pattern and replaces them with the MiscString replacement. The search is case sensitive if caseSens is true, otherwise it is not case sensitive. If glob is true, then all matches will be replaced; if glob is false, then only the first match will be replaced. This method is now considered obsolete. You should use a ±replaceRegex: variant instead. See also: -x replacePatternString:caseSensitive:globally:with: - (int)replacePatternString:patternL caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseSens globally:(BOOL)glob with:(const char *)replacement Searches the MiscString for segments which match the regular expression in the MiscString pattern and replaces them with replacement. The search is case sensitive if caseSens is true, otherwise it is not case sensitive. If glob is true, then all matches will be replaced; if glob is false, then only the first match will be replaced. This method is now considered obsolete. You should use a ±replaceRegex: variant instead. See also: -x replacePatternString:caseSensitive:globally:withString: - (int)replacePatternString:pattern caseSensitive:(BOOL)caseSens globally:(BOOL)glob withString:replacement Searches the MiscString for segments which match the regular expression in the MiscString pattern and replaces them with the MiscString replacement. The search is case sensitive if caseSens is true, otherwise it is not case sensitive. If glob is true, then all matches will be replaced; if glob is false, then only the first match will be replaced. This method is now considered obsolete. You should use a ±replaceRegex: variant instead. See also: -x replaceRegex:with: replaceRegex:with:caseSensitive: replaceRegex:with:occurrenceNum: replaceRegex:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: replaceRegex:withChar: replaceRegex:withChar:caseSensitive: replaceRegex:withChar:occurrenceNum: replaceRegex:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: replaceRegex:withString: replaceRegex:withString:caseSensitive: replaceRegex:withString:occurrenceNum: replaceRegex:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: - replaceRegex:(const char *)pattern with:(const char *)replacement occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense - replaceRegex:(const char *)pattern withChar:(char)aChar occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense - replaceRegex:(const char *)pattern withString:(id)sender occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Replaces the nth occurrence of the regular expression pattern with either replacement, aChar, or the -stringValue of sender. If sense is NO, the search ignores case. If the nth occurrence of pattern is not found, then nothing happens. Returns self. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence). See also: -replaceEveryOccurrenceOfRegex:..., -grep:... replaceString:with: replaceString:with:caseSensitive: replaceString:with:occurrenceNum: replaceString:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: replaceString:with:overlap: replaceString:with:caseSensitive:overlap: replaceString:with:occurrenceNum:overlap: replaceString:with:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: replaceString:withChar: replaceString:withChar:caseSensitive: replaceString:withChar:occurrenceNum: replaceString:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: replaceString:withChar:overlap: replaceString:withChar:caseSensitive:overlap: replaceString:withChar:occurrenceNum:overlap: replaceString:withChar:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: replaceString:withString: replaceString:withString:caseSensitive: replaceString:withString:occurrenceNum: replaceString:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: replaceString:withString:overlap: replaceString:withString:caseSensitive:overlap: replaceString:withString:occurrenceNum:overlap: replaceString:withString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - replaceString:(id)aSender with:(const char *)repl occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap - replaceString:(id)aSender withChar:(char)aChar occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap - replaceString:(id)aSender withString:(id)sender occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Replaces the nth occurrence of the -stringValue of aSender with either repl, aChar, or the -stringValue of sender. If sense is NO, the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. You may use the constants MISC_STRING_FIRST and MISC_STRING_LAST for n to specify the first and last matches, respectively. Usage of MISC_STRING_LAST may take a little longer because it calls -rspotOfString: to find the last part. If the nth occurrence of the search string is not found, then nothing happens. Returns self. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x replaceType:with: replaceType:with:occurrenceNum: replaceType:withChar: replaceType:withChar:occurrenceNum: replaceType:withString: replaceType:withString:occurrenceNum: - replaceType:(int)type with:(const char *)aString occurrenceNum:(int)n - replaceType:(int)type withChar:(char)aChar occurrenceNum:(int)n - replaceType:(int)type withString:(id)sender occurrenceNum:(int)n Replaces the nth occurrence of any character of type type with either aString, aChar, or the -8 stringValue of sender. If sense is NO, the search ignores case. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. If the nth occurrence of type is not found, then nothing happens. The parameter type may be any of the following constants: MISC_UPPER, MISC_LOWER, MISC_DIGIT, MISC_XDIGIT, MISC_PUNCT, MISC_ASCII, MISC_CNTRL, MISC_PRINT, MISC_SPACE, or MISC_GRAPH. (See -hasType: for a description of these constants.) Also, any bitwise OR (using ª|º) combination of the constants is permitted. MISC_ALPHA and MISC_ALNUM are predefined combinations that you may use. Returns self. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0. See also: -x replaceTildeWithHome - replaceTildeWithHome If buffer is "~", it gets replaced with the string returned by NXHomeDirectory(). If buffer starts with "~/", the '~' is replaced by the string returned by NXHomeDirectory(). If the user is root (i.e., NXHomeDirectory() returns "/"), the '~' is simply removed, leaving '/' as the first character. Lastly, if buffer starts with "~uname/etc/etc", and 'uname' is a valid username, the "~uname" portion is replaced with that user's home directory. This method will do nothing if the first character of buffer is not '~'. Returns self. Examples: "~" --> "/Users/joe" (if current user is joe) "~" --> "/" (if current user is root) "~/" --> "/" (if current user is root) "~/" --> "/Users/joe/" (if current user is joe) "~news" --> "/usr/spool/news" "~invalidusername" --> "~invalidusername" "~root/usr" --> "//usr" (this does work) "~juser/Library" --> "/Users/juser/Library" See also: -replaceHomeWithTilde reverse - reverse Reverses the characters in buffer. Returns self. right: right:fromZone: - right:(int)count fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a new MiscString object which is composed of the last count characters of buffer. The new object is allocated from zone. In the degenerate method, zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -left:..., -midFrom:length:..., and -midFrom:to:... rindex: rindex:caseSensitive: rindex:occurrenceNum: rindex:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: - (const char *)rindex:(char)aChar occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns a pointer to the nth occurrence of aChar in buffer going from right to left. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns NULL if the nth occurrence of aChar is not found. Occurrences start numbering at zero, not one. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence). See also: -index:... rindexOfChars: rindexOfChars:caseSensitive: rindexOfChars:occurrenceNum: rindexOfChars:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: - (const char *)rindexOfChars:(const char *)aString occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns a char pointer to the nth occurrence in buffer of any of the characters in aString going from right to left. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns NULL if the nth occurrence is not found. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence). See also: -indexOfChars:..., -spotOfChars:..., -rspotOfChars:..., -index:..., -rindex:..., -spotOf:..., and -rspotOf:... rspotOf: rspotOf:caseSensitive rspotOf:occurrenceNum: rspotOf:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: - (int)rspotOf:(char)aChar occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns the position number of the nth occurrence of aChar in buffer going from right to left. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence of aChar is not found. Occurrences start numbering at zero, not one. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence). See also: -spotOf:... rspotOfChars: rspotOfChars:caseSensitive: rspotOfChars:occurrenceNum: rspotOfChars:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: - (int)rspotOfChars:(const char *)aString occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns the position number of the nth occurrence in buffer of any of the characters in aString going from right to left. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence). See also: -spotOfChars:..., and -rspotOfChars:... rspotOfRegex: rspotOfRegex:caseSensitive: rspotOfRegex:occurrenceNum: rspotOfRegex:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: rspotOfRegex:length: rspotOfRegex:caseSensitive:length: rspotOfRegex:occurrenceNum:length: rspotOfRegex:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:length: - (int)rspotOfRegex:(const char *)pattern occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense length:(int *)matchlen Returns the position number of the nth occurrence of the regular expression pattern in buffer going from right to left. This method works by first calling -numOfRegex: to find out how many times pattern occurs, then uses -spotOfRegex: to pluck out the correct part. The primary advantage of this is that it is symmetrical with -spotOfRegex: -- the last part able to be plucked out by that method will be the first part returned with this method. However, this also means that this method is slower, since it must make an extra pass through the string. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found, and -2 on an illegal regular expression. If not NULL, the integer pointed to by matchlen gets set to the length of the matched portion. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES, n defaults to 0, and matchlen defaults to NULL. See also: -grep:... and -matchesRegex:... rspotOfStr: rspotOfStr:caseSensitive: rspotOfStr:occurrenceNum: rspotOfStr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: rspotOfStr:overlap: rspotOfStr:caseSensitive:overlap: rspotOfStr:occurrenceNum:overlap: rspotOfStr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - rspotOfStr:(const char *)aString occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Returns the position number of the nth occurrence in buffer of the string aString going from right to left. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. This method works by first calling -numOf: to find out how many times the search string occurs, then uses -spotOfStr: to pluck out the correct part. The primary advantage of this is that it is symmetrical with -spotOfStr: -- the last part able to be plucked out by that method will be the first part returned with this method. However, this also means that this method is slower, since it must make an extra pass through the string. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x rspotOfString: rspotOfString:caseSensitive: rspotOfString:occurrenceNum: rspotOfString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: rspotOfString:overlap: rspotOfString:caseSensitive:overlap: rspotOfString:occurrenceNum:overlap: rspotOfString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - (int)rspotOfString:(id)sender occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Returns the position number of the nth occurrence in buffer of the ±stringValue of sender going from right to left. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. This method works by first calling -numOfString: to find out how many times the search string occurs, then uses -spotOfString: to pluck out the correct part. The primary advantage of this is that it is symmetrical with -spotOfString: -- the last part able to be plucked out by that method will be the first part returned with this method. However, this also means that this method is slower, since it must make an extra pass through the string. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x rspotOfType: rspotOfType:occurrenceNum: - rspotOfType:(int)type occurrenceNum:(int)n Returns the position number of the nth occurrence in buffer of any character of type type going from right to left. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found. The parameter type may be any of the following constants: MISC_UPPER, MISC_LOWER, MISC_DIGIT, MISC_XDIGIT, MISC_PUNCT, MISC_ASCII, MISC_CNTRL, MISC_PRINT, MISC_SPACE, or MISC_GRAPH. (See -hasType: for a description of these constants.) Also, any bitwise OR (using ª|º) combination of the constants is permitted. MISC_ALPHA and MISC_ALNUM are predefined combinations that you may use. In the degenerate method, n defaults to 0. See also: -hasType: rstrstr: rstrstr:caseSensitive: rstrstr:occurrenceNum: rstrstr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: rstrstr:overlap: rstrstr:caseSensitive:overlap: rstrstr:occurrenceNum:overlap: rstrstr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - (const char *)rstrstr:(const char *)aString occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Returns a char pointer to the nth occurrence in buffer of the string aString going from right to left. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns NULL if the nth occurrence is not found. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. This method works by first calling -numOf: to find out how many times the search string occurs, then uses -strstr: to pluck out the correct part. The primary advantage of this is that it is symmetrical with -strstr: -- the last part able to be plucked out by that method will be the first part returned with this method. However, this also means that this method is slower, since it must make an extra pass through the string. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x rstrString: rstrString:caseSensitive: rstrString:occurrenceNum: rstrString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: rstrString:overlap: rstrString:caseSensitive:overlap: rstrString:occurrenceNum:overlap: rstrString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - (const char *)rstrString:(id)sender occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Returns a char pointer to the nth occurrence in buffer of the ±stringValue of sender going from right to left. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns NULL if the nth occurrence is not found. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. This method works by first calling -numOfString: to find out how many times the search string occurs, then uses -strString: to pluck out the correct part. The primary advantage of this is that it is symmetrical with -strString: -- the last part able to be plucked out by that method will be the first part returned with this method. However, this also means that this method is slower, since it must make an extra pass through the string. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x setCapacity: - setCapacity:(unsigned)newCapacity Enlarges the buffer capacity of the receiver to newCapacity if necessary. Returns self. See also: -x setDirectory:file: - setDirectory:(const char *)dir file:(const char *)file Sets the string value of the receiver to a full path name consisting of the path dir and file name file. Returns self. See also: -x setDoubleValue: - setDoubleValue:(double)val Sets the receiver to be the string which represents the double precision floating point number val. Returns self. See also: -x setFloatValue: - setFloatValue:(float)val Sets the receiver to be the string which represents the floating point number val. Returns self. See also: -x setFromFormat: - setFromFormat:(const char *)formatStr, ... The same as the ANSI sprintf(), sets the receiver's string buffer using the format specified in formatStr and subsequent arguments. Returns self. See also: -x setIntValue: - setIntValue:(int)val Sets the receiver to be the string which represents the integer val. Returns self. See also: -x setStringOrderTable: - setStringOrderTable:(NXStringOrderTable *)table Sets the NXStringOrderTable used by the ±compareTo: methods. Returns self. If not programmatically set using this method, an instance of MiscString will use the default system string table. See also: -stringOrderTable: and -compareTo:... setStringValue: setStringValue:fromZone: setStringValue:n: setStringValue:n:fromZone: - setStringValue:(const char *)aString n:(int)n fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Sets the receiver's string value to be the first n characters of aString. If the receiver's capacity needs to be expanded to fit the new string value, then zone is used to allocate the needed memory. Returns self. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to the length of aString and zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -x sprintf: - sprintf:(const char *)formatStr, ... Uses format and subsequent arguments to create a new string, as specified by format following the ANSI spec for formats. Replaces any previous string value. Returns self. See also: -x spotOf: spotOf:caseSensitive: spotOf:occurrenceNum: spotOf:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: - (int)spotOf:(char)aChar occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns the position number of the nth occurrence of aChar in buffer going from left to right. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found. Occurrences start numbering at zero, not one. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence). See also: -rspotOf:... spotOfChars: spotOfChars:caseSensitive: spotOfChars:occurrenceNum: spotOfChars:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: - (int)spotOfChars:(const char *)aString occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense Returns the position number of the nth occurrence in buffer of any of the characters in aString going from left to right. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES and n defaults to 0 (the first occurrence). See also: -spotOfChars:... and -rspotOfChars:... spotOfRegex: spotOfRegex:caseSensitive: spotOfRegex:occurrenceNum: spotOfRegex:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: spotOfRegex:length: spotOfRegex:caseSensitive:length: spotOfRegex:occurrenceNum:length: spotOfRegex:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:length: - (int)spotOfRegex:(const char *)pattern occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense length:(int *)matchlen Returns the position number of the nth occurrence of the regular expression pattern in buffer going from left to right. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found, and -2 on an illegal regular expression. If not NULL, the integer pointed to by matchlen gets set to the length of the matched portion. In the degenerate methods, sense defaults to YES, n defaults to 0, and matchlen defaults to NULL. See also: -grep:... and -matchesRegex:... spotOfStr: spotOfStr:caseSensitive: spotOfStr:occurrenceNum: spotOfStr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: spotOfStr:overlap overlap: spotOfStr:caseSensitive:overlap: spotOfStr:occurrenceNum:overlap: spotOfStr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - spotOfStr:(const char *)aString occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Returns the position number of the nth occurrence in buffer of the string aString going from left to right. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x spotOfString: spotOfString:caseSensitive: spotOfString:occurrenceNum: spotOfString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: spotOfString:overlap: spotOfString:caseSensitive:overlap: spotOfString:occurrenceNum:overlap: spotOfString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - spotOfString:(id)sender occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Returns the position number of the nth occurrence in buffer of the ±stringValue of sender going from left to right. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x spotOfType: spotOfType:occurrenceNum: - spotOfType:(int)type occurrenceNum:(int)n Returns the position number of the nth occurrence in buffer of any character of type type going from left to right. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns -1 if the nth occurrence is not found. The parameter type may be any of the following constants: MISC_UPPER, MISC_LOWER, MISC_DIGIT, MISC_XDIGIT, MISC_PUNCT, MISC_ASCII, MISC_CNTRL, MISC_PRINT, MISC_SPACE, or MISC_GRAPH. (See -hasType: for a description of these constants.) Also, any bitwise OR (using ª|º) combination of the constants is permitted. MISC_ALPHA and MISC_ALNUM are predefined combinations that you may use. In the degenerate method, n defaults to 0. See also: -x squashSpaces - squashSpaces This method will remove any redundant spaces in buffer. It first calls -trimSpaces, and then goes through buffer and leaves at most one space between words, except following a period or colon, in which case two spaces will be left. Note that this method only checks for spaces, so a sequence such as space-tab-space will be left as is. Returns self. See also: -trimSpaces, -trimWhiteSpaces, ±trimLeadSpaces, ±trimLeadWhiteSpaces, ±trimTailSpaces, and ±trimTailWhiteSpaces streamGets: streamGets:keepNewline: - (int)streamGets:(NXStream *)stream keepNewline:(BOOL)keepit Reads in one character at a time from the NXStream stream until a newline, EOF, or NX_EOS character is reached, and sets receiver's ±stringValue to the resulting line of text. If keepit is YES, the newline character is left on at the end (though not the EOF or NX_EOS character). In the degenerate method, keepit defaults to YES. Returns EOF if that character or NX_EOS is encountered, 0 otherwise. NOTE: In reading in the line, the receiver's allocated space is doubled each time it fills up. This can mean that the resulting string takes up substantially more space than is needed. If this is a problem, you can use ±fixStringLength to remove any excess allocated memory. See also: -gets and -fgets:... stringOrderTable - (NXStringOrderTable *)stringOrderTable Returns the NXStringOrderTable used to make comparisons between strings. See also: -compareTo:n:caseSensitive: and ±setStringOrderTable: stringValue - (const char *)stringValue Returns buffer, a pointer to the string value. See also: -stringValueAndFree stringValueAndFree - (const char *)stringValueAndFree Returns the string value of the receiver, just like ±stringValue, and then frees the receiver. The returned buffer will remain valid only until the next time this method is called. See also: -stringValue strstr: strstr:caseSensitive: strstr:occurrenceNum: strstr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: strstr:overlap: strstr:caseSensitive:overlap: strstr:occurrenceNum:overlap: strstr:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - (const char *)strstr:(const char *)aString occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap:(BOOL)overlap Returns a char pointer to the nth occurrence in buffer of the string aString going from left to right. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns NULL if the nth occurrence is not found. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abcº in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x strString: strString:caseSensitive: strString:occurrenceNum: strString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive: strString:overlap: strString:caseSensitive:overlap: strString:occurrenceNum:overlap: strString:occurrenceNum:caseSensitive:overlap: - (const char *)strString:(id)sender occurrenceNum:(int)n caseSensitive:(BOOL)sense overlap: (BOOL)overlap Returns a char pointer to the nth occurrence in buffer of the ±stringValue of sender going from left to right. Use n=0 for the first occurrence. Returns NULL if the nth occurrence is not found. If sense is NO, then the search ignores case. If overlap is YES, then the search can match overlapping parts of the receiving string. For example, if you search for ªabc abc°a in the string ªabc abc abcº, with overlap YES you will get two occurrences and with overlap NO you will get one occurrence. In the degenerate methods, n defaults to 0, sense defaults to YES, and overlap defaults to NO. See also: -x subStringLeft: - subStringLeft:subString Returns a new MiscString object which is created from the receiving MiscString object's string from it's start up to the start of subString. Note that subString could be any object with a ±stringValue. (For example, if a MiscString object with the value ªThis is a string.º is sent the message subStringLeft:key, where key is an object for which a ±stringValue message returns ªaº, then it would return a new MiscString object with the value ªThis is º) Returns nil if subString doesn't respond to ±stringValue. See also: -strstr: and ±subStringRight: subStringRight: - subStringRight:subString Returns a new MiscString object which is created from the receiving MiscString object, starting with subString and continuing up to the end of the receiving string. Note that subString could be any object with a ±stringValue. (For example, if a MiscString object with the value ªThis is a string.º is sent the message subStringRight:key, where key is an object for which a ±stringValue message returns ªaº, then it would return a new MiscString object with the value ªa string.º) Returns nil if subString doesn't respond to ±stringValue. See also: -strstr: and ±subStringLeft: takeDoubleValueFrom: - takeDoubleValueFrom:sender Sets the string to the double precision floating point value of sender. By convention, sender must respond to the ±doubleValue message. Returns self. See also: -x takeFloatValueFrom: - takeFloatValueFrom:sender Sets the string to the floating point value of sender. By convention, sender must respond to the ±floatValue message. Returns self. See also: -x takeIntValueFrom: - takeIntValueFrom:sender Sets the string to the integer value of sender. By convention, sender must respond to the ±intValue message. Returns self. See also: -x takeStringValueFrom: takeStringValueFrom:fromZone: - takeStringValue:(id)sender fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Copies the string value of sender into buffer. If buffer is not large enough, the old buffer is freed and a new buffer is allocated from zone. Returns self. In the degenerate method, zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -setStringValue:... tokenize:into: - tokenize:(const char *)breakChars into:aList Uses strtok() to break the receiving string up into a series of MiscStrings, one string for each field as delimited by breakChars. The new MiscStrings are placed into aList in the order that they are created (from start of the receiving string to end) and aList is returned. If aList is NULL, then a new List object is created and is returned. It is your responsibility to free the tokenized MiscStrings returned in the List. See also: -extractPart:... toLower - toLower Converts every uppercase character in buffer to lowercase. Returns self. See also: -toUpper toUpper - toUpper Converts every lowercase character in buffer to uppercase. Returns self. See also: -toLower trimLeadSpaces - trimLeadSpaces Removes any leading spaces from buffer. Returns self. Note that this method will only remove spaces (not tabs, linefeeds, etc). See also: -trimSpaces, -trimWhiteSpaces, ±trimLeadWhiteSpaces, ±trimTailSpaces, ±trimTailWhiteSpaces, and ±squashSpaces trimLeadWhiteSpaces - trimLeadWhiteSpaces Removes any leading white spaces (space, tab, carriage return) from buffer. Returns self. See also: -trimSpaces, -trimWhiteSpaces, ±trimLeadSpaces, ±trimTailSpaces, ±trimTailWhiteSpaces, and ±squashSpaces trimSpaces - trimSpaces Removes all leading and trailing spaces from buffer. Returns self. Note that this method will only remove spaces (not tabs, linefeeds, etc). See also: -trimWhiteSpaces, ±trimLeadSpaces, ±trimLeadWhiteSpaces, ±trimTailSpaces, ±trimTailWhiteSpaces, and ±squashSpaces trimTailSpaces - trimTailSpaces Removes any trailing spaces from buffer. Returns self. Note that this method will only remove spaces (not tabs, linefeeds, etc). See also: -trimSpaces, -trimWhiteSpaces, ±trimLeadSpaces, ±trimLeadWhiteSpaces, ±trimTailWhiteSpaces, and ±squashSpaces trimTailWhiteSpaces - trimTailWhiteSpaces Removes any trailing whitespaces (space, tab, carriage return) from buffer. Returns self. See also: -trimSpaces, -trimWhiteSpaces, ±trimLeadSpaces, ±trimLeadWhiteSpaces, ±trimTailSpaces, and ±squashSpaces trimWhiteSpaces - trimWhiteSpaces Removes all leading and trailing whitespaces (space, tab, carriage return) from buffer. Returns self. See also: -trimSpaces, ±trimLeadSpaces, ±trimLeadWhiteSpaces, ±trimTailSpaces, ±trimTailWhiteSpaces, and ±squashSpaces uniqueStringValue - (NXAtom)uniqueStringValue Returns a pointer to a unique string which is identical to the receiver's string buffer, as determined by the NXUniqueString() function. See also: -x wordNum: wordNum:fromZone: - wordNum:(int)num fromZone:(NXZone *)zone Returns a new MiscString object which contains the numth word of buffer. Words are separated by any number of spaces, carriage returns, newlines, vertical tabs, or formfeeds (not punctuation characters). The first word is word number ªzeroº, following typical C conventions. Returns nil if the numth word does not exist in buffer. In the degenerate method, zone defaults to the receiver's zone. See also: -wordNum: write: - write:(NXTypedStream *)stream Writes the MiscString to the typed stream stream. Returns self. See also: - read: Left to do in the documentation: Update introduction section to talk about more of the available methods. Re-do Method-types section so that it is more useful and is more complete. Finish writing and check all ªsee alsoº references to be sure that they are complete. Proofread all sections. A spelling check.
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