
This is MiscSortedList.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Version 1.0, Copyright ©1992 by Doug McClure.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	MiscList : List : Object

Declared In:	MiscSortedList.h

Class Description

This class adds sorting capabilities to a normal List.  It implements the sorting by using two methods from the MiscCompare protocol: compare: and compare:ignoreCase:.  Whatever objects that are placed in a MiscSortedList should conform to the MiscCompare protocol, but the only method they need to implement is the compare: method.  If case comparisons are going to be made (ie: between string objects), then the compare:ignoreCase: method also needs to be implemented.  To improve speed of adding objects, this class just checks to see if an object conforms to the MiscCompare protocol and does not test to see if it actually can respond to whatever method it needs.

Alternatively, if more complicated sorting behavior is wanted, this class can be subclassed and the compare:to:caseCheck: method overridden.  This method is what is called for all methods in the class and is also the only place the MiscCompare routines are called, thus isolating them from the rest of the class.

A number of object inserting methods from the List class are overridden so that they perform correctly accordingly with the sorting capabilities of this class.  These methods will perform like the original methods when sorting is not enabled.  They will also return the same values as the original methods.

Instance Variables

BOOL ignoreCase
int sortOrder

ignoreCase 	Flag to tell whether or not the sorting should ignore case.  This value can be interpreted differently for different types of objects, but is mainly for objects which store strings.

sortOrder 	Value to determine whether sorting is ascending or descending.

Method Types

Initializing a new instance	- initCount:

Copying a MiscSortedList	- copyFromZone:

Manipulating objects by index	- insertObject:at:
- replaceObjectAt:with:

Manipulating objects by id	- addObject:
- addObjectIfAbsent:
± insertObjectBySort:
- replaceObject:with:
- indexOf:

Combining MiscSortedLists	- appendList:

Checking the state of an instance	- ignoreCase
- sorted
- sortEnabled
- sortOrder

Setting the state of an instance	- setIgnoreCase:
- setSortEnabled:
- setSortOrder:

Methods for sorting	- compare:to:caseCheck:
- sort
- unsort

Archiving	- read:
- write:

Class Methods

+ initialize

Initializes the class, setting the version number of the class.  

Instance Methods

- addObject:anObject

Performs the same as the List version except if sorting is enabled, it will put anObject in sorted order.  

See also:  - insertObject:at:, - appendList:, - addObject: (List)

- addObjectIfAbsent:anObject

Performs the same as the List version except if sorting is enabled, it will put anObject in sorted order.  

See also:  - insertObject:at:, - addObjectIfAbsent: (List)

- appendList:(List *)otherList

Performs the same as the List version with a few additions.  It first checks to make sure that all object in otherList conform to the MiscCompare protocol.  If they do not, nil is returned and no objects are added.  If they do conform, the list is appended, and if sorting is enabled, sorted.

See also:  - addObject:, - appendList: (List)

- compare:objectA to:objectB caseCheck:(BOOL)flag

This is the actual comparison routine between two objects.  It will return -1, 0, or 1 depending if objectA is less than, greater than, or equal to objectB respectively.  The flag parameter tells this routine that it is okay to have a case-sensitive comparison.  This routine uses two methods from the MiscCompare protocol.  It uses compare: if flag is NO or if the instance is not to ignore case.  It uses compare:ignoreCase: if both flag is YES and the instance is to ignore case.

See also:  - ignoreCase, ± compare: (MiscCompare), ± compare:ignoreCase (MiscCompare)

- copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone

Returns a new MiscSortedList object with the same contents as the receiver.  The objects in the MiscSortedList aren't copied; therefore, both MiscSortedList contain pointers to the same set of objects.  Memory for the new MiscSortedList is allocated from zone.

See also:  - copy (Object)

- (BOOL)ignoreCase

Returns whether or not sorting will ignore case when doing comparisons.

- (unsigned int)indexOf:anObject

Performs the same as the List version except if the list is sorted, it will perform a binary search on the list to find anObject as quickly as possible.

See also:  - indexOf: (List)

- initCount:(unsigned int)numSlots

Initializes the receiver, a new MiscSortedList object, by allocating enough memory for it to hold numSlots objects.  Returns self.

This method is the designated initializer for the class.  It should be used immediately after memory for the MiscSortedList has been allocated and before any objects have been assigned to it; it shouldn't be used to reinitialize a MiscSortedList that's already in use.

See also:  - capacity (List)

- insertObject:anObject at:(unsigned int)index

Performs the same as the List version except it places anObject in sorted order if sorting is enabled and ignores index.

See also:  - count (List), - addObject:, - insertObject:at: (List)

- insertObjectBySort:anObject

This is the only method for inserting objects into a MiscSortedList.  All other inserting methods call this one to add objects to the list.  Normally this method need not be used to add objects, but it is faster than the other methods when the list is to be in sorted order since this method does not test to see if it should place an object in sorted order or not.

See also:  - count (List), - addObject:, - insertObject:at: (List)

- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Reads the MiscSortedList and all the objects it contains from the typed stream stream.

See also:  - write:

- replaceObject:anObject with:newObject

Performs the same as the List version except it places newObject in sorted order if sorting is enabled.

See also:  - replaceObjectAt:with:, - replaceObject:with: (List)

- replaceObjectAt:(unsigned int)index with:newObject

Performs the same as the List version except it places anObject in sorted order if sorting is enabled and ignores index.

See also:  - replaceObject:with:, - replaceObjectAt:with: (List)

- setIgnoreCase:(BOOL)flag

Sets the case comparison flag to flag and sorts the list if the value changed.

See also:  - count (List), - addObject:, - insertObject:at: (List)

- setSortEnabled:(BOOL)flag

Sets sorting to be either on or off according to flag and sorts the list if it currently isn't sorted.

See also:  - count (List), - addObject:, - insertObject:at: (List)

- setSortOrder:(int)order

Sets the sort order according to order and reorders the list if the value changed.  This value should be Misc_ASCENDING or Misc_DESCENDING.  If the list is currently sorted this method does not use the sort method to reorder the list, but just moves the objects so that they are in reverse order.  Otherwise it will use the sort method.

See also:  - count (List), - addObject:, - insertObject:at: (List)

- sort

Sorts the list if it isn't currently sorted  It uses a QuickSort with an Insertion Sort to handle small partitions.  This method should perform well for all kinds of 

See also:  - count (List), - addObject:, - insertObject:at: (List)

- (BOOL)sorted

Returns whether or not the Storage instance is sorted. 

See also:  - count (Storage), - addElement:, - insertElement:at: (Storage)

- (BOOL)sortEnabled

Returns whether sorting is enabled. 

See also:  - count (Storage), - addElement:, - insertElement:at: (Storage)

- (int)sortOrder

Returns the order of how elements are going to be sorted. 

See also:  - count (Storage), - addElement:, - insertElement:at: (Storage)

- unsort

Makes the list think it hasn't been sorted.  This is good if you want to resort, using a different criteria, since it effectively resets things. 

See also:  - sort

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Writes the MiscSortedList, including all the objects it contains, to the typed stream stream.

See also:  - read:

Constants and Defined Types

#define Misc_ASCENDING     1
#define Misc_DESCENDING    -1

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