
This is MiscScreenColor.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.0  Copyright ©1994 by Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	MiscColor

Conforms To:	NXTransport

Declared In:	misckit/MiscScreenColor.h

Class Description

A MiscScreenColor is a color associated with a specific pixel within a specific view.  Whenever you ask it what it's color is, it returns the current color value of the pixel it is monitoring.  It is preferable to initialize a new instance of MiscScreenColor by using the ±initColorFromPixel:inView: method.  After that, use it as a MiscColor would be used.  It is possible to force a refresh/update of the stored color via the ±updateColor method, but this should never actually be necessary, since MiscScreenColor automatically updates itself as needed.  The point being monitored may be accessed via the ±location, ±view, ±setLocation:, and ±setView: methods.

Several methods necessary to perform the monitoring task have been overridden, but are not documented here.  Only new or particularly important methods are listed in this specification; for further information, please read the MiscColor documentation. Although the methods which alter a MiscColor are still functional, they do not actually alter the monitored pixel's contents.  This class can only be used as a voyeur.  (If you would like a future implementation of MiscScreenColor to actually alter the pixel at a particular point in the view, please contact the author and this will be considered.  If this were to happen, a new class with the class name ªMiscScreenPixelº would probably be created, rather than modifying this class.  Note that such functionality would be truly slow and would not be a highly recommended method of painting the screen.)

Instance Variables

NXPoint theLocation;
id theView;

theLocation 	The point, in view's coordinates, which is being monitored.
theView 	The view which is being monitored.  If nil, then the view currently focused whenever the color value is requested will be used.

Method Types

Halftoning	± initColorFromPixel:
	± initColorFromPixel:inView:

Determining monitored point	± location:
	± setLocation:
	± setView:
	± view

Monitoring point	± actualColor
	± updateColor

Instance Methods

- (NXColor)actualColor

Returns the NXColor of the monitored point, updating as necessary. 

See also:  -updateColor

- initColorFromPixel:(NXPoint *)location

The same as calling ±initColorFromPixel:inView: with view set to nil.

See also:  -initColorFromPixel:inView:

- initColorFromPixel:(NXPoint *)location inView:view

Sets up a new instance of MiscScreenColor to monitor the point location in view view.  If view is nil, whenever the MiscScreenColor is updated, it will take on the value of the pixel at location in the currently focused view.  If location is a NULL pointer, then the point (0.0, 0.0) will be monitored.  Returns self.

See also:  -initColorFromPixel:

- (NXPoint)location

Returns the coordinates of the point being monitored.

See also:  -setLocation:

- setLocation:(NXPoint *)location

Set the receiver to monitor the point at location in theView.  Returns self.  If location is a NULL pointer, then the point (0.0, 0.0) will be monitored by the receiver, and nil is returned.

See also:  -location

- setView:aView

Set the receiver to monitor aView.  Returns the view which was previously being monitored.

See also:  -view

- view

Returns the view being monitored.  If not particular view is monitored (ie, whichever is the currently lock focused view at the time is being monitored instead) then nil is returned.

See also:  -setView:

- (NXColor)updateColor

Re-reads the color from theView, keeping the MiscScreenColor up to date.

See also:  -actualColor

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