
This is MiscReadOnlyColorWell.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 0.1  Copyright ©1994 by Morgan D. Wise.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	NXColorWell

Declared In:	<misckit/MiscReadOnlyColorWell.h>

Class Description

ReadOnlyColorWell allows the display of a color well which the user cannot modify.  It allows the user to drag its color to other color wells, but will not receive colors dropped into it.

When the  ReadOnlyColorWell is set to read-only mode, the border is removed so the user cannot make the color well active or invoke the color panel.

This class is not in the standard MiscKit library; in order to link it into your application, you should use the libMiscColorWells.a library, which is created for use in applications which make use of the associated Interface Builder palette.  (MiscColorWells.palette)

See also:  NXColorPanel

Instance Variables

BOOL _isReadOnly;

_isReadOnly 	YES, if the ReadOnlyColorWell is currently read-only.

Method Types

Changing parameters	± setReadOnly:

Getting information about	± isReadOnly

Handling Events 	± draggingEntered:

Instance Methods

- (NXDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NXDraggingInfo>)sender

Returns NX_DragOperationNone if the receiving ReadOnlyColorWell is read-only.

- (BOOL)isReadOnly

Returns YES if the receiving ReadOnlyColorWell is read-only, NO if not read-only.

See also:  -setReadOnly:

- setReadOnly:(BOOL)flag

If flag is YES, sets the ReadOnlyColorWell to read-only and not bordered.  If flag is NO, sets the ReadOnlyColorWell to not read-only and bordered.  Redraws the receiver and returns self.

See also:  -isReadOnly,   -isBordered

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