
This is MiscLinkedListNode.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.0  Copyright ©1994 by Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	Object

Declared In:	misckit/MiscLinkedListNode.h

Protocols:	NXTransport

Class Description

The MiscLinkedListNode class is a class used by the MiscLinkedList to implement a doubly linked list.  In most cases, you will not need to concern yourself with this class.  If you were to make a custom subclass of the MiscLinkedList, however, you might find it useful to also make a subclass of MiscLinkedListNode to work with it.  For example, if you were using MiscLinked lists to keep track of graphic objects in a drawing program, you might want to have the linked list keep track of which nodes are ªselectedº.  To do this, you would probably subclass the MiscLinkedListNode and add an instance variable to track selection status.  (This tends to make more sense than requiring the graphic to know if it is selected, since typically graphics are selected from a list but don't±or shouldn't±have a notion of being in a list.  NeXT's Draw is a bad example of this sort of thing.)  Once creating a node that knows selection status, you would use this new node along with a subclass of MiscLinkedList that understands how to manipulate selected nodes.

The MiscLinkedListNode class knows three things:  the object it ªcontainsº and which MiscLinkedListNodes are the next and previous nodes in the MiscLinkedList to which this node belongs.  When a MiscLinkedListNode is created, it is normally given an object to contain via the ±initObject: method.  To change or access the contained object, you can use the ±getObject, ±setObject:, or ±freeObject methods.

The previous MiscLinkedListNode in the MiscLinkedList is accessed via the ±getPrevious and ±setPrevious: methods.  The next node in the list is accessed via ±getNext and ±setNext: methods.

MiscLinkedListNode also implements ±read: and ±write: as well as the NXTransport protocol, allowing it to be archived onto a stream or sent to another application via distributed objects.  Note that typically a MiscLinkedList is needed to oversee the archiving and make sure that the pointers are set up properly.  (See the descriptions of  ±read: and ±write: for more information.)

Instance Variables

id the_object;
id the_next_node;
id the_previous_node;

the_object 	The object contained by this MiscLinkedListNode.

the_next_node 	The next node in the MiscLinkedList to which this node belongs.

the_previous_node 	The previous node in the MiscLinkedList to which this node belongs.

Method Types

Initializing a MiscLinkedListNode:	± initObject:

Accessing contained object:	± freeObject
	± getObject
	± setObject:

Accessing next node:	± getNext
	± setNext:

Accessing previous node:	± getPrevious
	± setPrevious:

Archiving a MiscLinkedListNode:	± read:
	± write:

Instance Methods

- freeObject

Free the_object and set it to nil.  Returns self.

See also:  -getObject, -initObject:, and -setObject:

- getNext

Returns the next MiscLinkedListNode in the MiscLinkedList to which the receiver belongs.

See also:  -getPrevious, ±setNext:, and ±setPrevious:

- getObject

Returns the id of the object contained by the receiver.

See also:  -freeObject, -initObject:, and -setObject:

- getPrevious

Returns the previous MiscLinkedListNode in the MiscLinkedList to which the receiver belongs.

See also:  -getNext, ±setNext: and ±setPrevious:

- initObject:this_object

Initializes a new instance of MiscLinkedListNode and sets the_object to this_object.  Returns self.

See also:  -freeObject, -getObject, and -setObject:

- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Reads a MiscLinkedListNode from the stream stream.  This method leaves the_next_node and the_previous_node empty.  Typically, a MiscLinkedList object will set these instance variables as appropriate while unarchiving itself.  Returns self.

See also:  -write:

- setNext:this_node

Set the_next_node to this_node.  Returns this_node.

See also:  -getNext, -getPrevious, and -setPrevious:

- setObject:this_object

Set the_object to this_object.  Returns this_object.

See also:  -freeObject, -getObject, and ±initObject:

- setPrevious:this_node

Set the_previous_node to this_node.  Returns this_node.

See also:  -getNext, -getPrevious, and -setNext:

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Writes a MiscLinkedListNode to the stream stream.  This method does not archive the_next_node or the_previous_node.  Typically, a MiscLinkedList object will archive itself in order from first to last, so there is no need for this data to be archived.  Returns self.

See also:  -read:

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