
This is MiscIntList.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Version 1.0, Copyright ©1995,1996,1997 by Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine.  All Rights Reserved.
Paul S. McCarthy and Eric Sunshine  --  July 1, 1997


Inherits From:	Object

Declared In:	MiscIntList.h

Class Description

The MiscIntList class provides a simple interface to an array of integers.  The class provides methods for searching and sorting the array as well as general list maintenance.  Methods are provided for conversion to and from a string representation of the numbers contained in the list.

This class is used by MiscTableScroll as a means to communicate lists of integers with the client.  The string conversion methods provide a simple interface for generating data suitable for storage by the NeXT defaults system.  For instance, to store the user's column ordering preference in NeXT defaults, the client could ask MiscTableScroll to fill an instance of MiscIntList with the current ordering, convert that to a string representation, and then save it to NeXT defaults.

Instance Variables

Storage* array;

array	The storage for the list of integers.

Method Types

Initializing and freeing	 ± init
	 ± initFromString:
	 ± free
	 ± copyFromZone:

Querying and emptying	 ± count
	 ± empty

Manipulating by index	 ± intAt:
	 ± addInt:
	 ± addIntList:
	 ± insertInt:at:
	 ± removeIntAt:
	 ± replaceIntAt:with:

Searching	 ± bsearch:
	 ± bsearch:using:data:
	 ± lsearch:
	 ± lsearch:using:data:

Sorting	 ± sort
	 ± sortUsing:data:

String conversions	 ± readFromString:
	 ± writeToString
	 ± writeToString:size:
	 ± writeToString:size:canExpand:

Low±level access	 ± rawData

Instance Methods

-  (void)addInt:(int)value

Appends value to the list.  Equivalent to: -insertInt:value at:[self count].

See also:   ± addIntList:,  ± insertIntAt:,  ±removeIntAt:

-  (void)addIntList:(MiscIntList*)list

Appends the contents of list to the end of the receiver.

See also:   ± addInt:

-  (int)bsearch:(int)x

Performs a binary search for x in the list.  Returns the index of x in the list, or the one's complement (~index) of the position where x should be inserted if x is not found in the list.  The caller is responsible for ensuring that the list is sorted.

-  (int)bsearch:(int)x

Performs a binary search for x in the list.  Returns the index of x in the list, or the one's complement (~index) of the position where x should be inserted if x is not found in the list.  The caller is responsible for ensuring that the list is sorted.


- (id)copyFromZone:(NXZone*)zone

Allocates, initializes, and returns a copy of the receiver.

See also:  - copy (Object)

-  (unsigned int)count

Returns the number of integers in the list.

-  (id)empty

Empties the list.  Returns self.

See also:   ± free

-  (id)free

Frees the storage used by the list.

See also:   ± init,  ± empty

-  (id)init

Initializes the storage used by the list.  This method is the designated initializer.  Returns self.

See also:   ± initFromString:,  ± free

-  (id)initFromString:(char const*)s

Initializes the list by calling -init and then fills it from the string s using -readFromString:.  Returns self.

See also:   ± init,  ± free,  ± readFromString:

-  (void)insertInt:(int)value
at:(unsigned int)pos

Inserts value at position pos in the list.  The list is expanded if needed.  Intervening slots are initialized to zero.

See also:   ± addInt:,  ± removeIntAt:,  ± replaceIntAt:with:

-  (int)intAt:(unsigned int)pos

Returns the integer at position pos or 0 if pos is out-of-range..

-  (int)lsearch:(int)x

Returns the index of the first occurrence of x in the list, or -1 if x is not found.

-  (int)lsearch:(int)x

Returns the index of the first occurrence of x in the list, or -1 if x is not found.  Calls the user-provided cmp_func function to perform the comparison.

-  (int const*)rawData

Returns a pointer to the actual array of integers.  This allows low-level, fast access to the data when one needs to avoid the overhead of Objective-C messages.  The array should not be modified.

-  (int)readFromString:(char const*)s

Fills the list with numbers from the string s.  This method first empties the list with -empty, then parses numbers from the string s and adds them to the list with -addInt:.  The string should be a list of white-space delimited numbers.  Returns the number of integers read from the string.

See also:   ± initFromString:,  ± writeToString,  ± writeToString:size:,  ± writeToString:size:canExpand:

-  (void)removeIntAt:(unsigned int)pos

Removes the integer at position pos from the list.  Nothing happens if pos is beyond the end of the list.

See also:   ± addInt:,  ± insertInt:at:,  ± replaceIntAt:with:

-  (void)replaceIntAt:(unsigned int)pos

Replaces the integer at position pos with value.  If pos is out-of-range then nothing is replaced.

See also:   ± addInt:,  ± insertInt:at:,  ± removeIntAt:

-  (void)sort

Sorts the list in ascending numeric order.

See also:   ± sortUsing:data:

-  (void)sortUsing:(MiscIntListCompareFunc)cmp_func

Sort the list of integers using the comparison function cmp_func.  If cmp_func is NULL then the list is sorted in standard ascending numeric order.  The meaning of the data argument is unspecified and is determined by the comparision function cmp_func to which it is passed unmolested.

MiscIntListCompareFunc is a typedef which takes as arguments the data variable plus two integers for comparision.  It should return a negative value if the first integer is less than the second, a positive value if the first integer is greater than the second, or zero if the integers are equal.

typedef int (*MiscIntListCompareFunc)( void* userData, int x, int y );

See also:   ± sort

-  (char*)writeToString

Allocates a string using malloc() and writes a string representation of the contents of the list to it.  It is the client's responsibility to free() the returned string.  Equivalent to: -writeToString:0 size:0 canExpand:YES.  Returns the newly allocated buffer.

See also:   ± readFromString:,  ± writeToString:size:,  ± writeToString:size:canExpand:

-  (char*)writeToString:(char*)buff

Writes a string representation of the contents of the list to the buffer buff of size buff_size.  Equivalent to: -writeToString:buff size:buff_size canExpand:NO.  Returns buff or 0 if buff_size wasn't large enough to hold the string.

See also:   ± readFromString:,  ± writeToString,  ± writeToString:size:canExpand:

-  (char*)writeToString:(char*)buff

Writes a white-space delimited, NULL terminated, printable, string representation of the contents of the list to buff.  buff_size is the maximum number of bytes available in buff.  If the canExpand flag is YES then buff is expanded using realloc() if it is otherwise too small.  If canExpand is NO then the string is truncated to buff_size and is not NULL terminated.  If buff is NULL and canExpand is YES then a buffer is allocated with malloc() and returned.  Returns 0 if canExpand is NO and the string was truncated, buff if the string was less than buff_size characters, or a buffer allocated with realloc() if the buffer was expanded.  It is the caller's responsibility to free() the returned buffer if canExpand was YES.

See also:   ± readFromString:,  ± writeToString,  ± writeToString:size:

Constants and Defined Types

typedef int (*MiscIntListCompareFunc)( void* userData, int x, int y );

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