
This is MiscClipTextField.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 0.1  Copyleft ©1995 by ClassEditor.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	TextField : Control : View : Responder : Object

Declared In:	MiscClipTextField.h

Depends On:	MiscClipTextFieldCell.h

Class Description

MiscClipTextField is a TextField object which can display long string values that normally would be truncated because of short of space.  If a given sring value is too long to be displayed in whole  MiscClipTextField clips the string at a reasonable pint and puts a user defined string (clipper) in the place of the clipped string part.

MiscClipTextField heavily depends on MiscClipTextFieldCell and most of its methods are provided for easier use only, they do nothing only pass the message further to cell.  There are two thing MiscClipTextField actually does:  handles triple-click mouse events and updates its cell's string value when resized.

When a triple-click mouse event occurs in a MiscClipTextFieldCell  the cell of the field becomes selectable and scrollable and you can cut/copy the original (full) string value.

When the MiscClipTextFieldCell is resized  it simply messages its cell to reset its string value (ie: clip it again according to the new size).

Known Bugs

If a MiscClipTextField is set to display its text right aligned or centered and the user triple-clicks on it the field changes to dispaly its text left aligned.  Then when you try to resize the view the first time, it doesn't changes back to the original alignment (I don't really know why), but it does at the second time (???).

Anyway it dosen't seem to have dangerous bugs in it, and should work as advertised :-)

Instance Variables

	None declared in this class.

Method Types

	- clipper
	- delimiters
	- doesClipOnRight
	- fullStringValue
	- getInspectorClassName
	- initFrame:
	- isClipEnabled
	- mouseDown:
	- resetStringValue:
	+ setCellClass:
	- setClipDelimiters:
	- setClipEnabled:
	- setClipOnRight:
	- setClipperString:
	- sizeTo::

Class Methods


+ setCellClass:classId

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference

Instance Methods


- changeFont:sender

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- clipper

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- delimiters

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (BOOL) doesClipOnRight

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (const char*)fullStringValue

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (const char *)getInspectorClassName

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- initFrame:(const NXRect *)rect

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- (BOOL) isClipEnabled

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)event

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- resetStringValue:sender

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- setClipDelimiters:(const char*)delimiters

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- setClipEnabled:(BOOL)flag

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- setClipOnRight:(BOOL)flag

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- setClipperString:(const char*)aString

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference


- sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height

Method description here.

See also:  - myReference

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