
This is MiscCalendarView.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 Version 1.01, Copyright © 1994 by Jon Kutemeier.  All Rights Reserved.
 Jon Kutemeier (jkute@mcs.com)  --  December 8, 1994


Inherits From:	View : Object
Adopted Protocols:	TextDelegate, Drag and Drop
Declared In:	MiscKit/MiscCalendarView.h

Class Description

MiscCalendarView is a general calendar that supports the selection of days, months, and years.  MiscCalendarView supports customizable header styles, colors, text delegation, and date delegation.

The palette view works fully under InterfaceBuilder. Its fully functional in test mode, and conforms to  standard InterfaceBuilder usage. It also accepts drag-and-drop of color, just like textfield objects. Color can be dragged onto any of the displayed headers (month, year, inline month and year, or any of the day-of-the-week headers), and the text will change to that color. The day cells accept color as well.  In the inspector panel you select which attribute you want to affect (cell background color, cell text color, cell background color when highlighted, cell text color when highlighted), and drag a color swatch onto any part of the matrix. You can also affect the color with the color well.

MiscCalendarView can use a custom date object for custom date behaviour. The date delegate can be set via IB, or programatically. MiscCalendarView uses a simple date object that works between the years of 1970 and 2037. Any custom date object must conform to the DateDelegate protocol, specified in the Protocols section.

MiscCalendarView can be set up as a text delegate. In turn, MiscCalendarView can be connected up to another object for text delegation. MiscCalendarView will pass through the text delegate messages, and on the textDidEnd:endChar: method, will update it's date.

MiscCalendarView can also be set up to accept drag-and-drop color when running in an application, so users can customize their colors if they wish.

External objects that respond to setStringValue: (such as textfields) can be attached to a MiscCalendarView. MiscCalendarView can display the month, year, and the full date in external objects. These connections can be made via IB, or programatically.

Library Dependencies
The MiscCalendarView depends on the MiscClockView library and palette.

<<More could be said here, but I'm not sure what... "Dammit Jim, I'm a programmer, not a technical writer!">>

Instance Variables

id	monthField;
id	yearField;
id	dateField;
id	dateDelegate;
id	textDelegate;

monthField	An external object that responds to setStringValue: for displaying the month.

yearField	An external object that responds to setStringValue: for displaying the year.

dateField	An external object that responds to setStringValue: for displaying the date.

dateDelegate	An object that conforms to the DateDelegate protocol and provide date information.

textDelegate	An object that can provide text delegation to any text fields connected to the calendar via text delegation.

Method Types

Creating and freeing instances	±€initFrame:

Calendar properties	- setHighlightMode:
	- highlightMode
	- forHeader:display:
	- isHeaderDisplayed:
	- cellAt::lock:
	- forRow:lock:
	- forColumn:lock:
	- calendarMatrix

Working with color	- preserveCellColors:
	- cellColorsPreserved
	- setColorOf:to:forCellAt::
	- colorOf:forCellAt::
	- setColorOf:to:
	- colorOf:
	- setColorTo:forDay:
	- colorForDay:
	- allowColorDragAndDrop:
	- canDragAndDropColor

Working with dates	- setDateDelegate:
	- dateDelegate
	- displayDate:
	- updateDate:
	- incrementMonth:
	- decrementMonth:
	- incrementYear:
	- decrementYear:

Instance Methods

				 ± allowColorDragAndDrop:(BOOL)yn

Enables or disables the ability to drag and drop color into headers to set their color. Returns self.

See also: ± canDragAndDropColor

±	calendarMatrix

Returns the underlying matrix used for the calendar.

±	(BOOL)canDragAndDropColor

Returns YES if the headers can accept drag-and-drop color, otherwise returns NO.

See also: ± allowColorDragAndDrop:

±	cellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos lock:(BOOL)yn

Disables the cell at the specified xPos and yPos coordinates. Returns self.

See also: ± forRow:lock:, ± forColumn:lock:

±	(BOOL)cellColorsPreserved

Returns YES or NO if individual cells that have had their colors changed (i.e. their background color) inherit global changes (i.e. the color of all cell backgrounds) set via a method like ± setColorOf:to:.

See also: ± preserveCellColors:

±	(NXColor)colorForDay:(MiscCVDays)aDay

Returns the color of the header for the specified day.

See also: ± setColorTo:forDay:

±	(NXColor)colorOf:(int)element forCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos

Return the color of the specified element for the cell at the matrix coordinates xPos,yPos. The argument element can be one of the following constants:


See the section Constants and Defined Types for a description of the constants.

Returns NX_COLORBLACK if none of the elements above are specified. 

See also: ± setColorOf:to:forCellAt::, ± setColorOf:to:, ± preserveCellColors:, ± colorOf:

±	(NXColor)colorOf:(int)element

Returns the color of the specified element. In the cases where element specifies a cell color, the returned value is the default global color used. Individual cells may have different color values from the global ones. See colorOf:forCellAt:: for information on how to get individual cell color attributes.

The argument element can be one of the following constants:


See the section Constants and Defined Types for a description of the constants.

Returns NX_COLORBLACK if none of the elements above are specified. 

See also: ± setColorOf:to:forCellAt::, ± setColorOf:to:, ± preserveCellColors:, ± colorOf:cellAt::

±	dateDelegate

Returns the date object used for day, date, and year calculations. Conforms to the DateDelegate protocol.

See also: ± setDateDelegate:, ± updateDate:, ± displayDate:

±	decrementMonth:sender

Sends the message decrementMonth to the date delegate and then calls updateDate: to display the new date. See the DateDelegate protocol for more information. Returns self.

See also: ± incrementMonth:,± setDateDelegate:, ± updateDate:, ± displayDate:

±	decrementYear:sender

Sends the message decrementYear to the date delegate and then calls updateDate: to display the new date. See the DateDelegate protocol for more information. Returns self.

See also: ± incrementYear:,± setDateDelegate:, ± updateDate:, ± displayDate:

±	displayDate:sender

Causes the current date in the date object to be displayed. Returns self.

See also:± setDateDelegate:, ±dateDelegate, ± updateDate:

±	forColumn:(int)col lock:(BOOL)yn

Locks or unlocks the matrix column col, based on the value of yn. Returns self.

See also: ± forRow:lock:, ± cellAt::lock:

±	forHeader:(int)aHeader display:(BOOL)doDisplay

Turns on or off the displaying of the specified header, based on the value of doDisplay. Returns self. 

The argument aHeader can be one of the following constants:


See the section Constants and Defined Types for a description of the constants.

See also: ± isHeaderDisplayed:

±	forRow:(int)col lock:(BOOL)yn

Locks or unlocks the matrix column row, based on the value of yn. Returns self.

See also: ± forColumn:lock:, ± cellAt::lock:

±	(int)highlightMode

Returns the highlight mode of the matrix. See documentation on Matrix for a description of what modes are available.

See also: ± setHighlightMode:, mode(Matrix)

±	incrementMonth:sender

Sends the message incrementMonth to the date delegate and then calls updateDate: to display the new date. See the DateDelegate protocol for more information. Returns self.

See also: ± decrementMonth:,± setDateDelegate:, ± updateDate:, ± displayDate:

±	incrementYear:sender

Sends the message incrementYear to the date delegate and then calls updateDate: to display the new date. See the DateDelegate protocol for more information. Returns self.

See also: ± decrementYear:,± setDateDelegate:, ± updateDate:, ± displayDate:

±	initFrame:(NXRect *)aRect

Initializes the view. This method is responsible for creating the underlying matrix, the header views, and the default date delegate object. Returns self.

±	(BOOL)isHeaderDisplayed:(int)aHeader

Returns YES or NO, based on whether or not aHeader is being displayed. 

The argument aHeader can be one of the following constants:


See the section Constants and Defined Types for a description of the constants.

See also: ±forHeader:display:

±	preserveCellColors:(BOOL)yn

If yn is set to YES, then any cell that has had any of its color parameters (text color, background color, highlight color, or text highlight color) changed will not be affected by a global color change (see setColorOf:). If yn is set to NO, any global color change will affect all cells. Default behavior is NO. Returns self.

See also: ± cellColorsPreserved

±	setColorOf:(int)element to:(NXColor)aColor

Sets the color of the specified element. In the cases where element specifies a cell color, all matrix cells are affected, unless preserveCellColors: has been set to YES. Individual cells may have different color values from the global ones. See setColorOf:to:forCell:: for information on how to set individual cell color attributes.

The argument element can be one of the following constants:


See the section Constants and Defined Types for a description of the constants. Returns self.

See also: ± colorOf:forCellAt::, ± colorOf:, ± preserveCellColors:, ± setColorOf:to:forCellAt::

±	setColorOf:(int)element to:(NXColor)aColor forCellAt:(int)xPos :(int)yPos

Sets the color of the specified element for the cell at the matrix coordinates xPos,yPos. The argument element can be one of the following constants:


See the section Constants and Defined Types for a description of the constants. Returns self.

See also: ± colorOf:forCellAt::, ± colorOf:, ± preserveCellColors:, ± setColorOf:to:

± setColorTo:(NXColor)aColor forDay:(MiscCVDays)aDay

Sets the color of the header for the specified day. Returns self.

See also: ± colorForDay:

±	setDateDelegate:aDateObject

Sets the date object used for day, date, and year calculations. It must conform to the DateDelegate protocol. Returns self.

See also: ± dateDelegate, ± updateDate:, ± displayDate:

±	setHighlightMode:(int)mode

Sets the highlight mode of the matrix. See documentation on Matrix for a description of what modes are available. Returns self.

See also: ± highlightMode:, setMode:(Matrix)

±	updateDate:sender

Updates the date stored in the date delegate by reading the day from matrix, and then redisplays the view. Returns self.

See also:± setDateDelegate:, ±dateDelegate, ± displayDate:


The following protocol is necessary for any date delegate object:

@protocol DateDelegate

- (int)day;
- (int)month;
- (int)year;

- setYear:(int)year month:(int)month day:(int)day;

- (int)numberOfDaysInMonth;
- (int)startDayOfMonth;

- incrementMonth;
- decrementMonth;

- incrementYear;
- decrementYear;

- (const char *)monthStringValue;
- (const char *)dateStringValue;


Constants and Defined Types

/* The days of the week */

enum MiscCVDaysEnum 
    SUNDAY = 0,

MISC_CV_CELLBACKGROUND	/* cell background color */
MISC_CV_CELLTEXT	/* cell text color */
MISC_CV_CELLHIGHLIGHT	/* cell background color when highlighted */
MISC_CV_CELLTEXTHIGHLIGHT	/* cell text color when highlighted */
MISC_CV_DOWHEADER	/* days of the week headers (S, M, T, ...) */
MISC_CV_MONTHHEADER	/* month header */
MISC_CV_YEARHEADER	/* year header */
MISC_CV_MONTHANDYEARHEADER	/* inline month and year header */
MISC_CV_INLINEMONTHHEADER	/* inline month header */
MISC_CV_INLINEYEARHEADER	/* inline year header */

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