
This is MiscAbstraction.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Version 1.0, Copyright © 1995 by Michael T. H. Scott (mths@longshot.demon.co.uk).  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	none  (MiscAbstraction is a root class)

Declared In:	misckit/MiscAbstraction.h

Class Description

Not all classes need instances. A MiscAbstraction subclass can be used to group together an area of pervasive yet abstract functionality, such as Comparison or Measurement. Alternatively a MiscAbstraction can be employed as a "virtual factory object" for a cluster of closely related classes which do not share a common abstract superclass. 

Instance Variables

None declared.

Method Types

Initializing the class	+ initialize

Identifying classes	+ name
+ class
+ superclass

Testing for protocol conformance	+ conformsTo:

Posing	+ poseAs:

Dynamic loading	+ finishLoading:
+ startUnloading

Class Methods

For a fuller description of the following methods please refer to the documentation for Object found in: /NextLibrary/Documentation/NextDev/GeneralRef/01_RootClass/Classes/Object.rtf.

+ class

Returns self.

See also:  + name, superclass

+ (BOOL)conformsTo: (Protocol *)aProtocol

Returns YES if the receiving class conforms to aProtocol, and NO if it does not.

+ finishLoading: (struct mach_header *)header

Declared but not implemented.

See also:  + startUnloading

+ initialize

Implemented in subclasses to perform class-specific initialization.

+ (const char *)name

Returns a null-terminated string containing the name of the class.

See also:  + class, + superclass

+ poseAs: aClassObject

Causes the receiving class to ªpose asº its superclass, the aClassObject class.

+ startUnloading

Declared but not implemented.

See also:  + finishUnloading

+ superclass

Returns the class object for the receiver's superclass.

See also:  + class, + name

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