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Release 0.2  Copyright ©1994, 1995 by Todd Thomas  All Rights Reserved.

MiscFile (Searching)

Inherits From:	

Declared In:	<misckit/MiscFile.h>

Category Description

Implements slow and inefficient (but working) searching through a hierarchy of MiscFile instances. You can either search the hierarchy for a specific filename (using the searchFor* methods), or use the very flexible searchFiles* methods. The searchFiles* methods use the class delegate to ask if a specific file should be added to the list of returned matches. You can therefore create a list of all files that have a certain extension, or have a given set of permissions, etc. The class delegate implements the method addFile: (MiscFile *)file. If the file should be added to the returned list, the delegate method should return YES.

Method Types

Searching via class delegate	- searchFiles
	- searchFilesAndRecurse:
	- searchFilesAndRecurse:followLinks:

Searching for a file	- searchFor:
	- searchFor:recursive:
	- searchFor:recursive:followLinks:

Instance Methods

-  (List *)searchFiles

Equivalent to searchFilesAndRecurse: NO followLinks: NO. 

See also:  ± searchFilesAndRecurse:,  ± searchFilesAndRecurse:followLinks:

-  (List *)searchFilesAndRecurse:(BOOL)recursive

Equivalent to searchFilesAndRecurse: recursive followLinks: NO.

See also:  ± searchFiles,  ± searchFilesAndRecurse:followLinks:

-  (List *)searchFilesAndRecurse:(BOOL)recursive

Starts the search at the receiver and sends the class delegate a message for each file in the directory tree to see if the file should be added to the list returned. The class delegate needs only to implement the method (BOOL)addFile: (MiscFile *)aFile. The delegate method then returns YES if the file should be returned to the list.  Also, if followLinks is YES, then any symbolic links to directories will be followed. You are responsible for freeing the list and it's contents (MiscFiles) when you are done with it.

See also:  ± searchFiles,  ± searchFilesAndRecurse:

-  (MiscFile *)searchFor:(const char *)filename

Equivalent to searchFor: filename recursive: NO followLinks: NO

See also:  ± searchFor:recursive:,   ± searchFor:recursive:followLinks:

-  (MiscFile *)searchFor:(const char *)filename

Equivalent to searchFor: filename recursive: recursive followLinks: NO.

See also:  ± searchFor:,  ± searchFor:recursive:followLinks:

-  (MiscFile *)searchFor:(const char *)filename

Searches for filename, starting at the receiver (which has to represent a directory). If recursive is YES, then the search for filename will recursively check directories until the file is found. If followLinks is YES, then any symbolic link will also be followed. If it is found, a MiscFile representing it is returned. If no match is found, nil is returned. You are responsible for freeing the object returned.

See also:  ± searchFor:,  ± searchFor:recursive:

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