
This is MiscFile+Modification.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 0.2  Copyright ©1994, 1995 by Todd Thomas  All Rights Reserved.

MiscFile (Modification)

Inherits From:	MiscGraphNode
Declared In:	<misckit/MiscFile.h>

Category Description

A category that allow modification to the underlying characteristics of the file that the instance of MiscFile  represents. For now, all the methods deal with changing file permissions. I suppose there could be changeGroup: and changeOwner: methods added, though only root would be able to change owners of files anyways.  As with methods in other categories of MiscFile, if a method returns a MISCFILE_ERROR (or NULL or nil for some methods), you can use -errorCode (MiscFile+Unix) to find the reason for the failure. Most of the file errors are listed in MiscFileDefs.h
If you have any suggestions of other methods that would fit in this category, let me know... 

Method Types

	- addPermissions:for:
	- removePermissions:for:
	- setPermissions:for:

Instance Methods

-  (int)addPermissions:(int)perms

Adds the given permissions to the file the receiver represents. The perms arguments can either one of or an ORed combination of either MISCFILE_READ, MISCFILE_WRITE, MISCFILE_EXECUTE, MISCFILE_STICKY, MISCFILE_SETUID, or MISCFILE_SETGID. The who argument can be one of or an ORed combination of MISCFILE_OWNER, MISCFILE_GROUP, or MISCFILE_OTHER. If the change of permissions was successful, MISCFILE_SUCCESS will be returned, otherwise MISCFILE_ERROR. 

[someFile addPermissions: MISCFILE_EXECUTE for: MISCFILE_OTHER]; // equivalient to chmod o+x.

See also:  ± removePermissions:for:,  ± setPermissions:for:

-  (int)removePermissions:(int)perms

Removes the given permissions from the file the receiver represents. The perms and who arguments are the same as the addPermissions:for: method accepts. The return value is also the same. If you attempt to remove a permission that wasn't there in the first place, this method will still return MISCFILE_SUCCESS if you would have had the permission to remove it.

See also:  ± addPermissions:for:,  ± setPermissions:for:

-  (int)setPermissions:(int)perms

This method will erase all permissions that the file originally had, and set it according to the arguments perms and who. The arguments and return value for this method are the same as for the removePermissions:for: and addPermissions:for: methods.

See also:  ± addPermissions:for:,  ± removePermissions:for:

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