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Release 0.2  Copyright ©1994, 1995 by Todd Thomas  All Rights Reserved.

MiscFile (Creation)

Inherits From:	MiscGraphNode

Declared In:	<misckit/MiscFile.h>

Category Description

This is a category for methods that can create additional MiscFile instances. Right now you can create a copy (unless the receiver is a directory...that will be allowed next release), a hard link or a symbolic link to the receiver. All methods will return you a MiscFile representing the newly created copy or link. If nil is returned the operation was unsuccessful and you can consult MiscFile's errorCode method to find out what went wrong. 

Method Types

	- createCopyNamed:
	- createCopyNamed:overwrite:
	- createHardLinkNamed:
	- createSymbolicLinkNamed:
	- symbolicLinkSource

Instance Methods

-  (MiscFile *)createCopyNamed:(const char *)newPath

Same as createCopyNamed: newPath overwrite: NO.

See also:  ± createCopyNamed:overwrite:

-  (MiscFile *)createCopyNamed:(const char *)newPath overwrite: (BOOL)kill

Creates a copy of the file being represented by the receiver. This only works if the receiver does not represent a directory.You are responsible for freeing the MiscFile instance returned. If creating the copy was unsuccessful nil is returned. If newPath already exists, and kill is NO, the creation of a copy will fail.

See also:  ± createCopyNamed:overwrite:

-  (MiscFile *)createHardLinkNamed:(const char *)newLink

Creates a hard link to the file being represented by the receiver. You are responsible for freeing the MiscFile instance returned. If creating the link was unsuccessful nil is returned.

See also:  ± createSymbolicLinkNamed:

-  (MiscFile *)createSymbolicLinkNamed:(const char *)newLink

Creates a symbolic link to the file being represented by the receiver. You are responsible for freeing the MiscFile instance returned. If creating the link was unsuccessful nil is returned.

See also:  ± createHardLinkNamed:

-  (MiscFile *)symbolicLinkSource

If the instance represents a symbolic link, this method returns a MiscFile instance representing the source of the link. It uses readlink(2) to get the link's reference. You are responsible for freeing the MiscFile instance returned. If creating the link source was unsuccessful, or the receiver isn't a symbolic link, nil is returned.

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