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Release 1.0  Copyright ©1994 by Don Yacktman.  All Rights Reserved.

List (DeepCopy)

Declared In:	<misckit/MiscListExtensions.h>

Category Description

This provides the traditional ªdeepº copy methods for a List class.  Rather than simply copying the objects in the List, or their id pointers, these methods ask a List object to do a ªdeepº copy of every object in the list.  A deep copy of the List will be a new List containing new, ªdeepº, copies of every single object in the List.  (As opposed to simply copying the id pointers, which would be a ªshallowº copy.)  When copying the List's objects, if the objects do not respond to the ±deepCopyFromZone: method, then the objects are simply sent the ±copyFromZone: message instead.  Note that under NEXTSTEP, the ±copyFromZone: method is sometimes a shallow copy and sometimes a deep copy.  If you want better control over memory management you should implement deep and shallow copy methods for your objects; this category aids in the use of such methods.

Method Types

Making deep copies of a List	± deepCopy
	± deepCopyFromZone:

Instance Methods

±  deepCopy

Returns a copy of the receiving List with ªdeepº copies of all the objects in that list.

See also:  ±copy (List), ±copyFromZone: (List), and ±deepCopyFromZone:

±  deepCopyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone

Returns a copy of the receiving List with ªdeepº copies of all the objects in that list.  All copies are allocated from the zone zone.

See also:  ±copy (List), ±copyFromZone: (List), and ±deepCopy

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