
This is Browser.Dragging.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.0  Copyright ©1996 by Daniel Böhringer.  All Rights Reserved.

NXBrowser (DragAccepting)

Declared In:	<misckit/Browser.Dragging.h>

Category Description

This makes every NXBrowser capable of accepting drags. While dragging an icon of appropriate type over the browser' s cells a black rectangle shows up around the cell under the dragging icon. If the user drops the icon over such a highlighted cell, it becomes selected and the browser tries to send the target both the single and double-click method. Finally it sends it's target the -performDragOperation: method with the draggingSource as argument.

To get started, you should only have to send each browser you want to be drag accepting a registerForDraggedTypes: types count: method and implement the -performDragOperation: method in the browser's delegate. (Here you could e.g. read some data from the dragging-pasteboard and instantiate an object)

Note that this category has only been tested with list-like one-column-browsers.

Method Types

no public method types declared

Instance Methods

no public instance methods declared

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