
This is MiscSoundView.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.2, Copyright ©1995 by Sean Luke.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	SoundView

Declared In:	MiscSoundView.h

Class Description

The MiscSoundView adds a large number of features to NeXT's SoundView object, and cleans up some bugs left behind by NeXT in 2.x and 3.x versions of the SoundView.

Important Note:  The MiscSoundView is designed to be used solely within a ScrollView object.  Using it by itself, or within some other object (like an NXSplitView) could have unforseen consequences.  Be certain to set the background gray of the ScrollView to NX_WHITE, and set the MiscSoundView inside to be vertically stretchable.

The Ruler.  Perhaps the most useful element of the MiscSoundView is its ruler.  Above its sound data, the MiscSoundView can show a ruler with major and minor tick marks, in units of seconds, samples, or a percentage of the entire sound (from 0 to 100).  The major tick marks can be labeled (if there's not enough room, the labels will automatically disappear).  The MiscSoundView automatically resizes itself to fit the ruler (or remove it) within the MiscScrollView boundaries.  Note that the ruler will not appear until sound data actually exists.  Note:  To work its ruler magic, the MiscSoundView does a Very Bad Thingä.  It draws the ruler outside of the bounds of the SoundView.  This is because NeXT's SoundView provides no mechanism for drawing inside the SoundView bounds without drawing on top of SoundView sound data.  This means that the MiscSoundView must override the setSizeTo: method to resize itself properly within a ScrollView.  But Interface Builder doesn't always use setSizeTo: to modify a view's size.  The result:  the ruler is sometimes not drawn.  If you get pinched by this, just remember to call adjustBounds: after putting the MiscSoundView into its parent view, and when you're ready to display the MiscSoundView (with or without sound data).

Amplitude Marks and The Zero Line.  The MiscSoundView can overlay its sound with several different types of amplitude grid lines:  three different linear overlays and a logarithmic, decibel-oriented overlay.  In addition, the MiscSoundView can overlay a separate zero line through the middle of the sound.

Scaling.  The MiscSoundView has several methods for zooming to the display scale you want, if you're not into setting it directly.  zoomAllIn: and zoomAllOut: set the MiscSoundView for maximum or minimum detail.  zoomInOneReduction: and zoomOutOneReduction: work as you'd expect.  zoomToSelection: attempts to come as close as possible to filling the visible portion of the MiscSoundView (within a ScrollView) with the selected portion of the sound.  It does this by scaling itself to fit the selection within the visible area, and then scrolling itself in its ScrollView so the selection is displayed.  getZoomValueFrom: sends sender a floatValue message (which should return a value between 0 and 1) and sets the scaling of the MiscSoundView to that value (where 0 is maximum detail and 1 is minimum detail).

Scrolling.  The MiscSoundView can scroll itself within its ScrollView to wherever you'd like.  Use scrollToSelection: to scroll the MiscSoundView so that the left-hand side of its selection corresponds with the left-hand side of the visible area of the view.  scrollToSample: will try to scroll to a specific sample in the MiscSoundView.  scrollSample returns the leftmost visible sample.

The Play Mark.  When displaying the ruler, the MiscSoundView can also display a play mark.  The play mark is a small dot directly below the ruler which moves horizontally through the sound, reflecting what part of the sound is currently being played.  It's also possible to set the MiscSoundView to automatically scroll itself while playing so that the play mark is always on the left-hand side of the MiscSoundView.

To use the play mark, you'll have to create a MiscSoundTracker.  Set the MiscSoundTracker to track samples, and give it a fast refresh rate (say, 0.1).  Set the MiscSoundView both as the MiscSoundTracker's sound and as its target, and run the MiscSoundTracker.  The MiscSoundTracker waits for the MiscSoundView to start playing.  When it does, the MiscSoundTracker rapidly sends takeIntValueFrom: messages to the MiscSoundView, telling it the current sample being played.  MiscSoundView's takeIntValueFrom: method sends a intValue message to the MiscSoundTracker, and updates the play mark to the integer value received.  Note:  when the sound stops playing, the MiscSoundTracker won't say so to the MiscSoundView; it will simply stop sending takeIntValueFrom: to the MiscSoundView.  This means that the play mark will be stuck at its final position (usually just a little ways away from the end of the played portion of the sound).  You can get rid of the play yourself by calling [miscSoundView setPlayMark:-1].  The easiest way to do this is to call it when the MiscSoundView's delegate method is sent the soundDidPlay: message.

Fixing SoundView's Bugs.  There are a number of bugs in the SoundViewÐMiscSoundView tries to cover over only some of them.  For one, bugs in the selectAll:, setSelection:, and getSelection: methods often return selection values much larger than the size of the actual selected sound.  The MiscSoundView overrides these methods to attempt to fix this.  Also, SoundView stores its reduction factors as floats, when actually it's only able to use them as ints (it just displays the floor of the current reduction factor).  This makes zooming (scaling the view) a mess.  The MiscSoundView's zoom methods deal with this so you don't have to.

Bugs:  What's a SoundView without bugs?  Even the MiscSoundView has introduced a few fun bugs of its own.  In addition to the MiscSoundView's play mark and ruler bugs (described above), there may also be a problem with the MiscSoundView's overriding of the setSelection: and getSelection: methods to return proper valuesÐthere is some small evidence the SoundView itself may internally rely on the incorrect values to do its work!  It's possible that proper values conflict with the SoundView's readSoundfile: and writeSoundfile: methods.  The evidence isn't strong enough to warrant any worry yet, though you should be warned.

Instance Variables
BOOL 	display_x_axis_marks;
float 	minor_tick_spacing;
int 	minor_tick_spacing_format;
int 	major_tick_spacing;
BOOL 	display_labels;
float 	play_mark;
float 	old_play_mark;
BOOL 	display_y_axis_grid;
BOOL 	display_zero_line;
int 	y_display_format;
BOOL 	scroll_to_reflect_playing;
BOOL 	only_change_play_mark;
BOOL 	wipe_clean;	

display_x_axis_marks 	Display the ruler (the ªx axisº marks)

minor_tick_spacing 	The number of units per minor tick

minor_tick_spacing_format 	The minor tick unit type (samples, seconds, or percentage)

major_tick_spacing 	The number of minor ticks per major tick

display_labels 	Display labels on the ruler

play_mark 	Position (in samples) of the play mark (-1 if none)

old_play_mark 	Position (in samples) of the previous play mark (-1 if none)

display_y_axis_grid 	Display an amplitude grid (the ªy axisº marks)

display_zero_line 	Display the zero line

y_display_format 	The type of amplitude grid (16, 20, or 24 lines, or a decibel grid)

scroll_to_reflect_playing 	Try to scroll the MiscSoundView when playing so the play mark
	is always in the left-hand side of the screen.

only_change_play_mark 	On next drawSelf:, only draw the play mark

wipe_clean 	On next drawSelf:, erase and completely redraw the ruler

Method Types

Fixing SoundView bugs	- getSelection:size:
	- setSelection:size:
	- selectAll:
Setting Parameters	- set::::::::::
	- toggleXAxisDisplayed:
	- toggleYAxisDisplayed:
	- toggleLabelsDisplayed:
	- toggleZeroLineDisplayed:
	- toggleScrollToReflectPlaying:
Querying Parameters	- xAxisDisplayed
	- yAxisDisplayed
	- zeroLineDisplayed
	- labelsDisplayed
	- scrollToReflectPlaying
	- majorTickSpacing
	- minorTickSpacing
	- minorTickSpacingFormat
	- yDisplayFormat
Zooming (Scaling)	- zoomAllIn:
	- zoomAllOut:
	- zoomInOneReduction:
	- zoomOutOneReduction:
	- zoomToSelection:
	- getZoomValueFrom:
Scrolling	- scrollToSelection:
	- scrollToSample:
	- scrollSample
Setting the Play Mark	- setPlayMark:
	- takeIntValueFrom:

Fixing the Ruler Display	- adjustBounds:

Instance Methods

- adjustBounds:sender

Modifies the MiscSoundView's bounds and frame to be able to display the ruler if necessary.  If the MiscSoundView
isn't displaying a ruler, and it's supposed to, it may not have been given a chance to update itself by Interface Builder
or your code (it updates itself when given a sizeTo: method, or in awakeFromNib).  You can call this method manually to give it this chance.  Be certain to have placed the MiscSoundView within a visible ScrollView before calling the method.

- getSelection:(int *)firstSample size:(int *)sampleCount

Returns the first sample of the MiscSoundView's selection in firstSample and the total number of selected samples in sampleCount.

- getZoomValueFrom:sender

Calls [sender floatValue], which should return a number between 0 and 1 inclusive.  Based on this, getZoomValue scales the MiscSoundView to some level of detail between 0 (maximum) and 1 (minimum).

- (BOOL) labelsDisplayed

Returns YES if the ruler labels are displayed when the ruler is displayed.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- (int) majorTickSpacing

Returns the major tick spacing.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- (float) majorTickSpacing

Returns the minor tick spacing.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- (int) minorTickSpacingFormat

Returns the minor tick spacing format.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- (int) scrollSample

Returns the leftmost visible sample in the MiscSoundView.

- (BOOL) scrollToReflectPlaying

Returns YES if the MiscScrollView tries to scroll itself to keep up with the movement of the play mark.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- scrollToSample:(int)samp

Tries to scroll so that the sample samp corresponds with the left edge of the visible area in the MiscSoundView.

- scrollToSelection:sender

Tries to scroll so that the first sample of the MiscSoundView's selection corresponds with the left edge of the visible area in the MiscSoundView.

- selectAll:sender

Selects all of the MiscSoundView.

- set:
	(BOOL) displayXAxis:
	(BOOL) displayYAxis:
	(BOOL) displayLabels:
	(BOOL) displayZeroLine:
	(int) majorTickSpacing:
	(float) minorTickSpacing:
	(int) minorTickSpacingFormat:
	(int) thisYDisplayFormat:
	(BOOL) scrollToReflectPlaying

Sets the MiscSoundView's parameters.  First the flags:

	 ·	displayXAxis displays the ruler and play mark strip.
	 ·	displayYAxis overlays a light gray amplitude grid on the displayed sound.
	 ·	displayLabels displays labels on the ruler if the ruler's displayed.
	 ·	displayZeroLine overlays a light gray zero line on the displayed sound.
	 ·	scrollToReflectPlaying makes the MiscScrollView scroll itself to keep up with the movement of the play mark.
Next the ruler parameters.  A ruler is displayed using displayXAxis per above.  Rulers are like inch-rulers:  they have both large (major) and small (minor) tick marks.  The major tick marks can be labeled using displayLabels per above.  The minor tick marks are in specific unit measurements as described below.  The major tick marks are measured in a certain number of minor tick marks; i.e., a major tick mark might come every four minor tick marks, or every 100 minor tick marks, and so on.

	 ·	minorTickSpacingFormat is the type of unit each minor tick is measured in.  Units may be any of the folowing:
	MISCSOUNDVIEW_XAXIS_SPACING_FORMAT_PERCENT is the percentage of the sound prior to the tick, and runs from 0 to 100.
	 ·	minorTickSpacing is the amount of the unit each tick is counted in.  For example, if the ticks were measured in samples, and minorTickSpacing is 1000, then a minor tick appears each 1000 samples.  If ticks were measured in seconds, and minorTickSpacing is 0.1, then a minor tick appears each tenth of a second.  If ticks were measured in percentage, and minorTickSpacing is 5, then a minor tick appears each 5 percent.
	 ·	majorTickSpacing is the number of minor ticks per major tick.

Lastly the overlay parameters.  If displayYAxis is true, the MiscSoundView will display an amplitude grid over the visible sound.  This grid can be in a logarithmic decimal format, or in a linear format divided into a certain number of lines (as given below).

	 ·	thisYDisplayFormat type of amplitude grid overlaid.  It can be any of the following.

- setPlayMark:(int)sample

Moves the MiscSoundView's play mark to reflect the sample sample.  If sample is -1, setPlayMark: erases the play mark entirely.

- setSelection:(int)firstSample size:(int)sampleCount

Sets the first sample of the MiscSoundView's selection to firstSample and the total number of selected samples to sampleCount.

- takeIntValueFrom:sender

Calls [sender intValue], which should return either -1 or a sample number between 0 and sampleCount-1, where sampleCount is the number of samples in one channel of the MiscSoundView's sound.   takeIntValueFrom: then moves the play mark to reflect the sample using setPlayMark:.  If the number is not -1 and the MiscSoundView is set to scroll to reflect playing, takeIntValueFrom: tries to scroll the view to display the sample, using scrollToSample:.  This method is intended to allow the MiscSoundView to be used in conjunction with a MiscSoundTracker to automatically display where its playing sound is at.  See the introduction above for more information.

- toggleLabelsDisplayed:sender

Toggles if the ruler labels are displayed or not.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- toggleScrollToReflectPlaying:sender

Toggles whether the MiscScrollView tries to scroll itself to keep up with the movement of the play mark.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- toggleXAxisDisplayed:sender

Toggles if the ruler is displayed or not.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- toggleYAxisDisplayed:sender

Toggles if the amplitude grid is displayed or not.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- toggleZeroLineDisplayed:sender

Toggles if the zero line is displayed or not.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- (BOOL) xAxisDisplayed

Returns YES if the ruler is displayed.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- (BOOL) yAxisDisplayed

Returns YES if the amplitude grid is displayed.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- (int) yDisplayFormat

Returns the amplitude grid format.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- (BOOL) zeroLineDisplayed

Returns YES if the zero line is displayed.  For more information, see set::::::::::.

- zoomAllIn:sender

Scales the MiscSoundView to maximum detail.

- zoomAllOut:sender

Scales the MiscSoundView to minimum detail.

- zoomInOneReduction:sender

Scales the MiscSoundView to slightly more detail (a difference of 1 in the reduction factor).

- zoomOutOneReduction:sender

Scales the MiscSoundView to slightly less detail (a difference of 1 in the reduction factor).

- zoomToSelection:sender

Scales the MiscSoundView to be able to display all of the selection in its visible area, then calls scrollToSelection: to move the selection into its visible area.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.