
This is MiscFramingView.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

DMA Release 0.8  Copyright ©1994 by Genesis Project, Ltd.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	MiscTargetActionView : View : Responder : Object

Declared In:	misckit/MiscFramingView.h

Class Description

The MiscFramingView is somewhat like a Box in that it suppies a frame around it's content view. The similarity pretty much stops there. It is more like a picture frame that automatically centers, justifies and resizes whatever content view it is given.  A MiscFramingView can only have one subview, and that is the content view. This makes a MiscFramingView somewhat like a window except that it can sit inside of a window or another view. The content view itself may of course have as many subviews as desired. 

The content view may be justified to any corner or to the center of the screen; it can be left at its original (actual) size; returned to the original size after scaling has been done; or scaled so that either the content views largest or smallest dimension exactly fits the view size.

Also note that since MiscFramingViews are a subclass of the MiscTargetActionView, they can be used in a target-action mode triggered by key strokes and mouse events (see MiscTargetActionView).

The following example shows how simple the MiscFramingView is to use. In most cases you won't even need to do any of the set methods. In this case, aView will be left at it's current size and will be justified to the upper left corner of the frame. Any space not covered by aView will show up in dark gray. A line boundary is then drawn around the frame.

	[frameView setResizing:                 MISC_FV_NOFIT];
	[frameview setOutline:                    MISC_FV_OUTLINE];	[frameview setBackgroundGray: NX_DKGRAY];	[frameview setJustification:          MISC_FV_UL];

	[frameView setContentView: aView];
	[frameView display];

Instance Variables

float backgroundGray;
int justification;
int resizing;
int outline;
id contentView;
float outlineWidth;

backgroundGray	Background greyscale value.
justification	Type of justification in use.
resizing	Type of resizing in use.
outline	Type of outline in use .
contentView	The content view of the MiscFramingView.
outlineWidth	Width of lines in the outline, if applicable.

Method Types

Initialization	- initFrame:
	- free
Displaying	- drawSelf::

Controlling the frame and content	- setContentView:
	- contentView
	- backgroundGray
	- setBackgroundGray:
	- outline
	- setOutline:
	- justification;
	- setJustification:
	- resizing;
	- setResizing:

Disabled View methods	- addSubview:
	- addSubview: :relativeTo:
	- replaceSubview:with:

Modified View Methods	- rotateTo:
	- sizeTo:width :
	- descendantFrameChanged:

Archiving	- awake
	- read:
	- write:

Instance Methods

- addSubview:aView

The standard View class ability to add subviews is suppresed in the MiscFramingView. They have only one subview and that is set with the ±setContentView: method. Returns self.

See also:  - addSubview:relativeTo:, - setContentView:, - replaceSubview:with:

- addSubview:aView :(int)place relativeTo:otherView

The standard View class ability to add subviews is suppresed in the MiscFramingView. They have only one subview and that is set with the ±setContentView: method. Returns self.

See also:  - addSubview:, - setContentView:, - replaceSubview:with:

- awake

Executed when an object completes unarchiving.  Returns self.

See also:  - read:, - write:

- (float)backgroundGray

Returns the current backgroundGray.

See also:  - setBackgroundGray:

- contentView

Returns the contentView.

See also:  - setContentView:

- descendantFrameChanged:sender

The same as View ±descendantFrameChanged: except that it additionally marks the MiscFramingView as ªdirtyºÐie. it will need the frame, justification and size reexamined on the next redraw.  Returns self.

See also:  - rotateTo:, - sizeTo::, View -  descendantFrameChanged::

- drawSelf:(const NXRect *)rects :(int)rectCount

Redraw the portion of the contentView contained in the rects.  You never invoke this method directly; it's invoked by the display methods inherited from the View class.  Returns self.

- free

Free the view but do not touch its contentView and all the subviews of the contentView.

See also:  - initFrame:

- initFrame:(const NXRect *)theRect

Create a MiscFramingView with the specified frame size and default values for resizing, frame and justification types.  Returns self.

See also:  - free

- (int)justification

Returns the current justification type. The types are listed under ±setJustification:.

See also:  - setJustification:

- (int)outline

Returns the current outline type. The types are listed under ±setOutline:.

See also:  - setOutline:

- read:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Reads the object from the typed stream stream.  Returns self.

See also:  - write:, - awake

- replaceSubview:oldView with:newView

The standard View class ability to add subviews is suppresed in the MiscFramingView. They have only one subview and that is set with the ±setContentView: method. Returns self.

See also:  - addSubview:relativeTo:, - setContentView:, - addSubview:

- (int)resizing

Returns the current resizing type. The types are listed under setResizing:.

See also:  - setResizing:

- rotateTo:(NXCoord)angle

The same as View ±rotateTo: except that it additionally marks the MiscFramingView as ªdirtyºÐie. it will need the frame, justification and size reexamined on the next redraw.  Returns self.

See also:  - sizeTo::, - descendantFrameChanged:, View - rotateTo:

- setBackgroundGray:(float)grayscale

Set the current backgroundGray to the grayscale value.  The initial value is MISC_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND. Returns self.

See also:  - backgroundGray

- setContentView:(ImageView*)aView

Make aView the contentView.  Resize and justify it according to the current settings. Returns self.

See also:  - contentView

- setJustification:(int)type

Select the justification type for the MiscFramingView.  The following types are currently available:

	MISC_FV_LL	Justify contentView to lower left corner of MiscFrameView
	MISC_FV_UL	Justify contentView to upper left corner of MiscFrameView
	MISC_FV_UR	Justify contentView to upper right corner of MiscFrameView
	MISC_FV_LR	Justify contentView to lower right corner of MiscFrameView
	MISC_FV_CENTER	Justify contentView to center of MiscFrameView	

The initial value is MISC_DEFAULT_JUSTIFICATION.  Returns self.

See also:  - justification

	 - setOutline:(int)type

Select the border or outline type for the MiscFrameView.  The following types are currently available:

	MISC_FV_PLAIN	Plain boundary, ie none.
	MISC_FV_OUTLINE	Outline boundary with a simple line.

The initial value is MISC_DEFAULT_OUTLINE.  Returns self.

See also:  - outline:

- setResizing:(int)type

Select the resizing type for the MiscFrameView.  The following types are currently available:

	MISC_FV_NOFIT	contentView size is left unchanged.
	MISC_FV_BESTFIT	contentView is resized so that it is the same size as the frame view content area in at least one dimension and leaves the other dimension equal or less: ie the best fit that displays all of the image within  the window.
	MISC_FV_EXACTFIT	contentView is warped it to fit the frame in both dimensions. This will violate the aspect ratio of the content view if the content view allows it.
	MISC_FV_FILLFIT	contentView is resized so that it is the same size as the frame view content area in at least one dimension and equal or greater in the other:  ie, the best fit that fills the window with the image.

The initial value is MISC_DEFAULT_RESIZING. Returns self.

See also:  - resizing

- sizeTo:(NXCoord)width :(NXCoord)height

The same as View sizeTo:: except that it additionally marks the MiscFramingView as ªdirtyº ie it will need the frame, justification and size reexamined on the next redraw.  Returns self.

See also:  - rotateTo:, - descendantFrameChanged:, View - sizeTo::

- write:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Writes the object to the typed stream stream.  Returns self.

See also:  - read:, - awake

Default Definitions

MISC_DEFAULT_BACKGROUND	Default background gray (NX_LTGRAY).

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