
This is trans_tcp.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* TCP Network Objects -- An Example of a Transmitter
   by Ian Smith 
   of The Software Engineering Research Center's Multimedia Lab */

#import "tcp.m"
main ()
  id foo;
  int rt,mydata=3325;
  char c;

  foo = [network_tcp new];

/* substitute the recieving machine you wish to use below... it must directly
internet addressable and have a well-known name to the host using the object*/
  rt = [foo call:"escher" onport:3325];

  if (rt !=1) exit(1);
  rt=[foo send_text:"foo bar gronk fronk"];
  if (rt!=1) exit(1);
  printf("press <return> to continue...\n");
  rt=[foo send_data:(void *)&mydata ofsize:sizeof(int)];
  if (rt!=1) exit(1);
  rt=[foo send_file:"/etc/hosts"];
  if (rt!=1) exit(1);

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