
This is Resistor.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "Resistor.h"

@implementation Resistor
- (double)resistance {return resistance;}

- setResistance:(double)value{
	return self;

- compute
	/*  Here is where this object would "do its thing" based on the parameter
		values set via the inspector.  In this example, we do nothing... */
	return self;

- (const char *)getInspectorClassName
	return "ResistorInspector";

/* By returning this instances unique label, this instance will be handled 
	individually by UHInspectorManager. */
- (const char *)getLabelForInspector
	return [self label];

- setLabel:(const char *)aString
	if(label)NXZoneFree([self zone],label);
	label=NXCopyStringBufferFromZone(aString,[self zone]);
	return self;

- (const char *)label {return label;}


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