
This is TabSelectionCell.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "TabSelectionCell.h"

#define	TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH		14.0
#define	TAB_IMAGE_HEIGHT	17.0
#define	HALF_TAB_WIDTH		7.0

@implementation TabSelectionCell

/* Methods overridden from superclass */
- initTextCell:(const char *)aString
	/* Do the superclass' initTextCell: method */
	[super initTextCell:aString];
	/* Finish the initializing process */
	[self finishInitializing];

	return self;

- awake
	/* Do the superclass' awake method */
	[super awake];
	/* Finish the initializing process */
	[self finishInitializing];

	return self;

- setFont:fontObj
	/* Do the superclass' init method */
	[super setFont:fontObj];

	/* Grab the font information for the contents of the cell */
	return self;

- drawInside:(const NXRect *)cellFrame inView:controlView
	NXPoint	leftImageOrigin,rightImageOrigin;
	NXRect	textFrame,lowerBezelFrame;
	id		controlCellList = [controlView cellList];
	int		ourIndex = [controlCellList indexOf:self];

	/* If there are no contents */
	if (!contents)
		/* Exit here! */
		return self;

	/* Set the drawing to be totally opaque */

	/* Set up the lowerBezelFrame that will be used for drawing the bezel at
		our bottom */
				cellFrame->origin.x + HALF_TAB_WIDTH,
				NX_MAXY(cellFrame) - 1.0,

	/* Set textFrame to cellFrame */
	textFrame = *cellFrame;

	/* Set up the leftImageOrigin */
	leftImageOrigin.x = NX_X(cellFrame);
	leftImageOrigin.y = NX_MAXY(cellFrame);

	/* If ourIndex is 0 (we are the first cell) */
	if (ourIndex == 0)
		/* If we are selected */
		if ([self isSelected])
			/* Composite tabBeginSelectedImage to leftImageOrigin */
			[tabBeginSelectedImage composite:NX_SOVER
			/* Otherwise, composite tabBeginImage to leftImageOrigin */
			[tabBeginImage composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&leftImageOrigin];
			/* Subtract a HALF_TAB_WIDTH from lowerBezelFrame's x */
			lowerBezelFrame.origin.x -= HALF_TAB_WIDTH;

		/* Add a TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH to textFrame's x */
		textFrame.origin.x += TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH;

		/* Subtract a TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH plus HALF_TAB_WIDTH minus 1.0 from
			textFrame's width */
		textFrame.size.width -= TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH + HALF_TAB_WIDTH - 1.0;		
		/* Subtract a HALF_TAB_WIDTH from leftImageOrigin's x */
		leftImageOrigin.x -= HALF_TAB_WIDTH;
		/* If the cell to left of us is selected */
		if ([[controlCellList objectAt:ourIndex-1] isSelected])
			/* Composite tabBeginImage to leftImageOrigin */
			[tabBeginImage composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&leftImageOrigin];

			/* Composite tabEndSelectedImage to leftImageOrigin */
			[tabEndSelectedImage composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&leftImageOrigin];
		else if ([self isSelected])
			/* Otherwise, if we are selected */

			/* Composite tabEndImage to leftImageOrigin */
			[tabEndImage composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&leftImageOrigin];

			/* Composite tabBeginSelectedImage to leftImageOrigin */
			[tabBeginSelectedImage composite:NX_SOVER
			/* Composite tabBeginImage to leftImageOrigin */
			[tabBeginImage composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&leftImageOrigin];

			/* Composite tabEndImage to leftImageOrigin */
			[tabEndImage composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&leftImageOrigin];

			/* Subtract a HALF_TAB_WIDTH from lowerBezelFrame's x */
			lowerBezelFrame.origin.x -= TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH;

			/* Add 1.0 to lowerBezelFrame's width */
			lowerBezelFrame.size.width += 1.0;

		/* Add a HALF_TAB_WIDTH to textFrame's x */
		textFrame.origin.x += HALF_TAB_WIDTH;

		/* Subtract a TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH minus 1.0 from textFrame's width */
		textFrame.size.width -= TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH - 1.0;		

	/* If ourIndex is less than controlCellList's count minus 1 (we are not
		the last cell) */
	if (ourIndex < [controlCellList count]-1)
		/* Draw the cell to the right of us */
		[controlView drawCell:[controlCellList objectAt:ourIndex+1]];		
		/* Set up the rightImageOrigin */
		rightImageOrigin.x = NX_X(cellFrame) + NX_WIDTH(cellFrame)
															- TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH;
		rightImageOrigin.y = NX_Y(cellFrame) + NX_HEIGHT(cellFrame);

		/* If we are selected */
		if ([self isSelected])
			/* Composite tabEndSelectedImage to rightImageOrigin */
			[tabEndSelectedImage composite:NX_SOVER
			/* Composite tabEndImage to rightImageOrigin */
			[tabEndImage composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&rightImageOrigin];

		/* Subtract a TAB_IMAGE_WIDTH from textFrame's width */
		textFrame.size.width -= HALF_TAB_WIDTH;		
		/* Add a HALF_TAB_WIDTH to lowerBezelFrame's width */
		lowerBezelFrame.size.width += HALF_TAB_WIDTH;

	/* Erase the cell */
	/* If we are selected */
	if ([self isSelected])
		/* Set our drawing color to NX_LTGRAY */		
	/* Fill in textFrame */

	/* Now draw the upper bezel */
	/* Set our drawing color to NX_LTGRAY */		
	/* Set textFrame's height to 1.0 */
	textFrame.size.height = 1.0;

	/* Fill in textFrame */

	/* Now draw the text */

	/* Set our drawing color to NX_BLACK */		
	/* Draw the cell's contents */

	/* If we are not selected */
	if (![self isSelected])
		/* Draw the lower bezel */

		/* Set our drawing color to NX_WHITE */		

		/* Fill in lowerBezelFrame */

	return self;

/* Other instance methods */
- finishInitializing
	/* Get the "tabBegin" image */
	if (!tabBeginImage)
		tabBeginImage = [NXImage findImageNamed:"TabBegin"];

	/* Get the "tabEnd" image */
	if (!tabEndImage)
		tabEndImage = [NXImage findImageNamed:"TabEnd"];

	/* Get the "tabBeginSelected" image */
	if (!tabBeginSelectedImage)
		tabBeginSelectedImage = [NXImage findImageNamed:"TabBeginSelected"];

	/* Get the "tabEndSelected" image */
	if (!tabEndSelectedImage)
		tabEndSelectedImage = [NXImage findImageNamed:"TabEndSelected"];

	/* All text displayed will be in Helvetica, 12 point */
	[self setFont:[Font newFont:"Helvetica" size:12.0]];

	return self;

- (BOOL)isSelected
	/* Return YES if either one of these flags are on */
	return (cFlags1.state || cFlags1.highlighted);


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.