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SwapView INHERITS FROM View:Responder : Object DECLARED IN "SwapView.h" CLASS DESCRIPTION SwapView is a class that provides all the necessary functionality to swap out several views (ie. inspectors). This is a simple class that is intended to allow the common programmer to create inspectors quickly without a huge expense. This view will swap any panel's content view into itself and then put it back. It stores none of the inspector panels as some other views of this nature do. To do that in my opinion is to limit the functionality. Instead this is a class that will cover all the areas where one area needs to display more than one view. Also other implementations limit the views to only those registered to them. This allows 'dynamic' (meaning non-static) swapping of views (ie. you could dynamically load a class with another panel and have no problem swapping to it). When you want to swap to a view, simply send a - swapIt call to the SwapView. It in turn will ask its delegate - whatPanel. The delegate will return the panel id and that panel's content view will be swapped in. If the delegate responds with NULL to the -whatPanel call then the SwapView will 'erase' itself by filling its bounds with NX_LTGRAY.
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