{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fmodern Courier;\f1\fnil Times-Roman;} \paperw12500 \paperh9600 \margl120 \margr120 {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;} \pard\tx1152\tx2304\tx3456\tx4608\tx5760\tx6912\tx8064\tx9216\tx10368\tx11520\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24\fc0 The enclosed files \ \ subprocess.h\ subprocess.m\ \ are modified versions of the original NeXT Developer Examples.\ \ The following additions hav been made. \ \ \ \ Here's a not-so-brief description:\ \ \b * Added new delegate methods \b0 (SubprocessDelegate):\ \ - subprocess:sender done:(int)exitStatus;\ sent when the subprocess exits. Gives exit status \ of process or process was stopped/signaled.\ \ - subprocess:sender output:(char *)buffer;\ sent whenever there is data on the standard output pipe;\ buffer is only valid until next call. \ The buffer is line-oriented.\ \ - subprocess:sender stderrOutput:(char *)buffer;\ sent whenever there is data on the standard error pipe;\ buffer is only valid until next call.\ \ - subprocess:sender error:(const char *)errorString;\ sent when an error occurs;\ if it ever happens, it's usually only at startup time\ \ \b * New methods: \b0 \ - (int)pid;\ - (BOOL)isPaused;\ - (BOOL)isRunning;\ - pause:sender;\ - resume:sender;\ \ \b * Removed pty support \b0 . If you want it, it's pretty easy to put back in from \ the NeXT example.\ \ My additions were made to support a "Processes" panel like the Workspace has, so that multiple Subprocesses could be used simultaneously and tracked faithfully. Since this code is derived from the NeXT example code, the disclaimer at the top of the code applies to my additions as well.\ \ \f1\fs28 Drew Davidson \i Software Guy\ \pard\tx40\tx3860\tx5320\tx5620\tx8560\b\i0\fc1 First National Bank of Chicago \pard\tx1152\tx2304\tx3456\tx4608\tx5760\tx6912\tx8064\tx9216\tx10368\tx11520\f0\b0\fc0 \ \pard\tx40\tx3860\tx5460\tx5620\tx8560\f1\fc0 drew@fnbc.com (NeXTmail) \pard\tx1152\tx2304\tx3456\tx4608\tx5760\tx6912\tx8064\tx9216\tx10368\tx11520\f0\fc0 \ }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.