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Version:0.9 Copyright ©1991 by Kevin Brain. Permission is granted to use as desired. RuledScrollView INHERITS FROM ScrollView : View : Responder : Object CLASS DESCRIPTION The RuledScrollView class is a general purpose class designed to allow 'rulers' to be attached along the edge of a document view within a ScrollView. The movement of these "ruler views" is constrained, such that a horizontal ruler along the bottom or top of the document view scrolls horizontally along with the document view, but does not move vertically in the ScrollView. A vertical ruler along the left or right edge is similarly constrained to only scroll vertically. Controls such as buttons or a PopupList may be imbedded in the scrollers of the RuledScrollView by simply connecting outlets in Interface Builder. Currently, the views that are used as ruler views with a RuledScrollView must be a member of the class Ruler. This is because the size of a ruler is set to correspond to the size of the docView in RuledScrollView's setSize method, and this method invokes the Ruler setSize method. In the next version, I plan to change this so that RuledScrollView does all the resizing itself, giving more freedom to what can be used as a ruler view. (In the meantime, if you really don't want to make your ruler view a subclass of Ruler, you could probably just copy Ruler's setSize method to your class.) EXAMPLE The example program "BrainRulers" should have been included together with this class. This example gives a fairly good idea of what the class does and how it is used. LIMITATIONS/BUGS · Ruler views must be a subclass of Ruler, or the setSize method must be copied to the class. · StubViews do not show up on a printout, or in the eps image generated by writeToStream: (which can be easily used to provide drag and drop, as illustrated in the example). The addition of stub views was made after the writeToStream: method was written, and it hasn't been updated yet... · Code to tile StubViews when the primaryRulers are the left/right rulers is still missing. This would be a simple addition to the existing tile method, but I haven't had a desire for left/right primary rulers in any of my applications, so I haven't gotten around to this yet. · The documentation for this class is incomplete. In case of incompleteness, please refer to the code:-) · I plan to make an IB palette with this class and the Ruler class, but I think I'll wait for 3.0. This is Version 0.9 of RuledScrollView, released August 1992. Please contact the author to see if there is a more up-to-date version available. I am "releasing" this not-quite-complete version because Author: Kevin Brain ( University of Waterloo / Department of Systems Design / Waterloo, Ontario/N2L 3G1 Based on the TileScrollView class and ScrollDoodScroll example by Jayson Adams, NeXT Developer Support Team THIS OBJECT CLASS IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS, WITH NO WARANTEE OR GUARANTEE EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IN ANY RESPECT. THE AUTHORS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY RELATED TO THE USAGE OF THIS WORK. INSTANCE VARIABLES Inherited from Object Class isa; Inherited from Responder id nextResponder; Inherited from View NXRect frame; NXRect bounds; id superview; id subviews; id window; struct __vFlags vFlags; Declared in ScrollView id vScroller; id hScroller; id contentView; float pageContext; float lineAmount; Declared in RuledScrollView View *mainView View *printView id leftRuler id rightRuler id topRuler id bottomRuler id bottomLeftStub id topLeftStub id bottomRightStub id topRightStub ClipView *leftRulerClipView ClipView *rightRulerClipView ClipView *topRulerClipView ClipView *bottomRulerClipView NXRect oldMainClipRect NXRect oldLeftRect NXRect oldRightRect NXRect oldTopRect NXRect oldBottomRect NXRect oldRect id hScrollerLeftEmbeddedView id hScrollerRightEmbeddedView id vScrollerTopEmbeddedView id vScrollerBottomEmbeddedView BOOL rulersOn int rulerVisible[4] id printWindow ClipView *mainPrintClipView NXPoint mainVisiblePoint int primaryRulers mainView the docView, used during printing. printView view used to construct image to be printed. leftRuler rightRuler topRuler bottomRuler bottomLeftStub topLeftStub bottomRightStub topRightStub leftRulerClipView ClipView holding left ruler. rightRulerClipView ClipView holding right ruler. topRulerClipView ClipView holding top ruler. bottomRulerClipView ClipView holding bottom ruler. oldMainClipRect original rect of Main ClipView before adjusting it for printing oldLeftRect original rect of left ClipView before adjusting it for printing oldRightRect original rect of right ClipView before adjusting it for printing oldTopRect original rect of top ClipView before adjusting it for printing oldBottomRect original rect of bottom ClipView before adjusting it for printing oldRect size of docView the last time tile was invoked hScrollerLeftEmbeddedView view embedded in horizontal scroller hScrollerRightEmbeddedView view embedded in horizontal scroller vScrollerTopEmbeddedView view embedded in vertical scroller vScrollerBottomEmbeddedView view embedded in vertical scroller rulersOn whether rulers are to be displayed rulerVisible[4] whether each ruler is on or off printWindow mainPrintClipView holds the mainView while constructing the printView mainVisiblePoint point to scroll mainView to after print reconstruction primaryRulers which rulers extend to edge METHOD TYPES Initializing and freeing an instance - initFrame:(NXRect *)frameRect; - free; // - awake; IB Custom Palette Support //- (const char*)inspectorName; //- read:(NXTypedStream *) s; //- write:(NXTypedStream *) s; Adding views connected in IB - setLeftRuler: - setRightRuler: - setTopRuler: - setBottomRuler: - setBottomLeftStub: - setTopLeftStub: - setBottomRightStub: - setTopRightStub: Adding views programmatically - addRulerView: toEdge: - addStubView: toCorner: Maintaining proper scrolling behavior - tile - reflectScroll: - scrollClip:to: - setSizeIfNeeded - setSize Setting/getting primary rulers - setPrimaryRulers: - primaryRulers Hiding/displaying rulers - showRuler: - hideRuler: - isRulerVisible: Returning rulers and stubs - topRuler - bottomRuler - leftRuler - rightRuler - bottomLeftStub - topLeftStub - bottomRightStub - topRightStub Getting minimum size - getMinSize: Printing - printVisible: Writing view to stream - writeToStream: INSTANCE METHODS addRulerView:toEdge: - addRulerView:(Ruler *)theView toEdge:(int)edge Adds theView as the ruler along the edge given by edge. The value of edge is one of LEFTEDGE, BOTTOMEDGE, RIGHTEDGE or TOPEDGE, which are defined in RuledScrollView.h. (Note: These manifests also correspond to the slice parameter of the NXDivideRect function.) If edge already has a ruler, that ruler and its ClipView are freed. addStubView:toCorner: - addStubView:(View *)theView toCorner:(int)corner Adds theView as the stub view in the corner given by corner. The value of corner is one of BOTTOMLEFTCORNER, TOPLEFTCORNER, BOTTOMRIGHTCORNER or TOPRIGHTCORNER, which are defined in RuledScrollView.h. If corner already has a stub view, it is freed. free - free Frees all disposable storage used by the RuledScrollView. Returns [super free]. initFrame: - initFrame:(NXRect *)frameRect Initializes and returns the receiver, a new RuledScrollView instance. The value of rulersOn is set to YES, primaryRulers is set to TOPBOTTOM, and the rulers themselves are set to NULL. setSize - setSize Sets the sizes of the rulers and stub views according to the current setup. Invokes setSize for each ruler then gets the views to be properly retiled (positioned within the ScrollView) by sending resizeSubviews: to itself. This method must be invoked whenever the size of the mainView is changed, or when rulers or stubviews are added or removed. Returns self. See also: ± setSizeIfNeeded setSizeIfNeeded pardf4b0fi-1020li3620 - setSizeIfNeeded pardtx3120tx3620tx4120fs16li2620fc0 This method compares the current size of the docView with the size it was the after the time tile was invoked. If the sizes differ, setSize is invoked. If you do something in your program that may or may not have changed the size of the docView, you may call this, and setSize will be performed if necessary. Returns self. See also: ± setSize pardtx7140li2100fc0
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