
This is Ruler.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// Ruler.h
// A general ruler class designed to be used with the RuledScrollView class 
#import <appkit/Text.h>	// required for alignment manifests
#import <appkit/Font.h>
#define HORIZONTAL 0.0
#define VERTICAL 90.0

@interface Ruler:View
	NXCoord	scaleSpacing;
	float	scale, scaleOffset;
	NXCoord	border;
	float 	orientation;
	BOOL	inverted,mirrored;
	int 	alignment;
    id		font;
	NXColor backgroundColor;
	float 	backgroundGray;
	id		image;
	int		unitsLength;
	char	*units;
	BOOL	draggableRuler;
    NXCoord ascender, descender, lineHeight;
    NXCoord leftOrBottomMargin, rightOrTopMargin;

/* instance methods */
/* Initializing and freeing an instance */
- initFrame:(NXRect *)frameRect;
- free;

/* Drawing the view */
- drawSelf:(NXRect *)rects :(int)count;

/* Event handling */
- (BOOL) acceptsFirstMouse;
- mouseDown:(NXEvent *)theEvent;

/* Sizing the rulers */
- setSize;

/* Setting/returning Ruler attributes */
- setScaleSpacing:(NXCoord)points;
- (NXCoord)scaleSpacing;
- setScale:(float)scaleIncrement;
- (float)scale;
- setScaleOffset:(float)origin;
- (float)scaleOffset;
- setBorder:(NXCoord)theBorder;
- (NXCoord)border;
- setOrientation:(float)angle;
- (float)orientation; 
- setInverted:(BOOL)invertFlag;
- (BOOL)inverted;
- setMirrored:(BOOL)mirrorFlag;
- (BOOL)mirrored;
- setAlignment:(int)alignType;
- (int)alignment;
- setUnits:(char *)name;
- (const char *)units;
- setFont:aFont;
- (Font *)font;
- setBackgroundColor:(NXColor)bColor;
- (NXColor)backgroundColor;
- setBackgroundGray:(float)value;
- (float)backgroundGray;
- setImage:anImage;
- image;
- setDraggableRuler:(BOOL)yesOrNo;
- (BOOL)draggableRuler;


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