
This is PriorityQueue.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.0. Copyright ©1992 by Onyschuk and Associates.


Inherits From:	Object

Declared In:	"PriorityQueue.h"

Class Description

A PriorityQueue is a collection of objects, ordered by unsigned integer priority.  The class provides an interface that permits queueing, dequeueing, and counting of objects in a PriorityQueue.

PriorityQueues grow dynamically when new objects are added.  The default mechanism automatically doubles the capacity of the PriorityQueue when it becomes full.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Instance Variables

NODE *heap;
unsigned int top;
unsigned int size;

heap 	The heap managed by the PriorityQueue object.

top 	The actual number of objects in the heap.

size 	The total number of objects that can fit in currently allocated memory.

Method Types

Initializing a new PriorityQueue object	± init
	± initCount:

Copying and freeing a PriorityQueue	± copyFromZone:
	± free

Queueing and dequeueing objects by priority	± addObject:withPriority:
		± removeObject

Returning highest priority in a PriorityQueue	± highestPriority

Counting objects		± count

Comparing and combining PriorityQueues	± isEqual:
	± appendQueue:

Emptying a PriorityQueue		± empty
	± freeObjects

Getting and setting the capacity of a PriorityQueue	± capacity
		± setAvailableCapacity:

Sending messages to the objects		± makeObjectsPerform:
	± makeObjectsPerform:with:

Archiving		± read:
	± write:

Instance Methods

± addObject:anObject withPriority:(unsigned)aPriority

Inserts anObject into the priority Queue with priority aPriority, and returns self.  However, if anObject is nil, nothing is inserterted and nil is returned.

See also:  ± insertObject:at:, ± appendList:

± appendQueue:(PriorityQueue *)otherQueue

Inserts all the objects in otherQueue into the receiving Queue, and returns self.

See also:  ± addObject:withPriority:

± (unsigned int)capacity

Returns the maximum number of objects that can be stored in the Queue without allocating more memory for it.  When new memory is allocated, it's taken from the same zone that was specified when the Queue was created.

See also:  ± count, ± setAvailableCapacity:

± copyFromZone:(NXZone *)zone

Returns a new PriorityQueue object with the same contents as the receiver.  The objects in the Queue aren't copied; therefore, both Queues contain pointers to the same set of objects.  Memory for the new Queue is allocated from zone.

See also:  ± copy (Object)

± (unsigned int)count

Returns the number of objects currently in the PriorityQueue.

See also:  ± capacity

± empty

Empties the Queue of all its objects without freeing them, and returns self.  The current capacity of the Queue isn't changed.

See also:  ± freeObjects

± free

Deallocates the Queue object and the memory it allocated for the array of object ids.  However, the objects themselves aren't freed.

See also:  ± freeObjects

± freeObjects

Removes every object from the PriorityQueue, sends each one of them a free message, and returns self.  The Queue object itself isn't freed and its current capacity isn't altered.

The methods that free the objects shouldn't have the side effect of modifying the Queue.

See also:  ± empty

± init

Initializes the receiver, a new PriorityQueue object, and allocates memory for its array of object ids.  It's initial capacity will be 1.  Minimal amounts of memory will be allocated when objects are added to the Queue.  Or an initial capacity can be set, before objects are added, using the setAvailableCapacity: method.  Returns self.

See also:  ± initCount:, ± setAvailableCapacity:

± initCount:(unsigned int)numSlots

Initializes the receiver, a new PriorityQueue object, by allocating enough memory for it to hold numSlots objects.  Returns self.

This method is the designated initializer for the class.  It should be used immediately after memory for the PriorityQueue has been allocated and before any objects have been assigned to it; it shouldn't be used to reinitialize a Queue that's already in use.

See also:  ± capacity

± (BOOL)isEqual:anObject

Compares the receiving PriorityQueue to anObject.  If anObject is a PriorityQueue with exactly the same contents as the receiver, this method returns YES.  If not, it returns NO.

Two Queues have the same contents if they each hold the same number of objects and the ids in each Queue are identical and occur in the same order.  Whether objects in both queues have identical priorities has no bearing on the test for equality.

± makeObjectsPerform:(SEL)aSelector

Sends an aSelector message to each object in the PriorityQueue in reverse order (starting with the last object and continuing backwards through the Queue to the first object), and returns self.  The aSelector method must be one that takes no arguments.  It shouldn't have the side effect of modifying the Queue.

± makeObjectsPerform:(SEL)aSelector with:anObject

Sends an aSelector message to each object in the PriorityQueue in reverse order (starting with the last object and continuing backwards through the Queue to the first object), and returns self.  The message is sent each time with anObject as an argument, so the aSelector method must be one that takes a single argument of type id.  The aSelector method shouldn't, as a side effect, modify the Queue.

± read:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Reads the PriorityQueue and all the objects it contains from the typed stream stream.

See also:  ± write:

± setAvailableCapacity:(unsigned int)numSlots

Sets the storage capacity of the PriorityQueue to at least numSlots objects and returns self.  However, if the Queue already contains more than numSlots objects (if the count method returns a number greater than numSlots), its capacity is left unchanged and nil is returned.

See also:  ± capacity, ± count

± write:(NXTypedStream *)stream

Writes the PriorityQueue, including all the objects it contains, to the typed stream stream.

See also:  ± read:

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