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IconView INHERITS FROM View DECLARED IN IconView.h CLASS DESCRIPTION An IconView is a View which accepts Icons dropped onto it from applications like Workspace Manager. To activate an IconView, send it a beginListening message (this can only be done from Objective-C code). To control whether files are accepted or rejected by an IconView, implement the delegate method ±(int)willAcceptIcon:sender ok:(int*)flag. pardtx960tx1920tx2880tx3840tx4800tx5760tx6720tx7680tx8640tx9600f2li2600 INSTANCE VARIABLES inherited from Object Class isa; Declared in IconView id myImage; id myListener; id delegate; char *filePath; myImage Image used to display icons associated with the receiver. myListener Listener which detects drops within the receiver's window. filePath a tab-separated list of pathnames contained by the receiver. METHOD TYPES Initializing a new IconView object -initFrame: freeing an IconView object -free Setting the IconView delegate -setDelegate: -delegate Activating an IconView object -beginListening Setting and retrieving filenames -setFilename:andRedraw: -filename -clear INSTANCE METHODS initFrame: ± initFrame:(const NXRect *)frame Initializes the receiver. beginListening ± beginListening Instructs the receiver to initialize itself and begin allowing the user to drag items into its window. see also: ± (int)willAcceptIcon:: setFilename:andRedraw: ± setFilename:(char *)filename andRedraw:(BOOL)redraw Sets the filename associated with the receiver to filename. If redraw is set to YES, then the receiver attempts to obtain icon information from Workspace Manager. Be sure not to call this method with redraw set to YES while inside an iconEntered:::::::::, an iconDropped::: or an ± (int)willAcceptIcon:: method as deadlock will result. see also: ± (int)willAcceptIcon:: clear - clear Clears the receiver. This method is the equivalent of sending a ± setFilename:NULL andRedraw:YES message to the receiver. filename: -(const char *)filename Returns the filename associated with the receiver, a tab-separated list of pathnames. See also: - copy setDelegate: - setDelegate:anObject Sets anObject to be the receiver's delegate. see also: ± (int)willAcceptIcon:: delegate: - delegate Returns the receiver's delegate. METHODS IMPLEMENTED BY THE DELEGATE willAcceptIcon:: - (int)willAcceptIcon:sender ok:(int *)flag This method implemented by the delegate is called whenever a drop associated with sender is about to occur. The delegate can disallow the drop by setting the value of flag to NO. The default action of the IconView class is to accept all icon drops. See also: ±€setDelegate:, - delegate
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