
This is Gauge.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Gauge super class
/* Subclasses need to override 
/*	drawself	should assume that the bitmap is correct
/*	refreshBackground:	should call display so we see immediately
/*	sizeTo::	if they alter orientation
/*	Rev 0.x		Works but other objects must look for overflow (subclass of View)
/*	Rev	0.9		First revision that I started log for.
/*	11/24/89		Made this a control so it could do target action (per DS)
/* will notify target (via target/action) of any overflow
/* not all subclasses will use the title capabillity
/* for speed:
/*	turn off autoscaling
/*	set modulus tic = 0.0
/* Bugs:
/*	Overflow is not detected if the value is set and then scale changed
/*	no way to autoscale and still have a cap
/* AutoScaling:
/* 	Autoscaling with no labels will cause the number of tics to change.
/*	when blowing up or shrinking tic mark values otherwise...
/* 	This will rescale the tic marks or start values under thse rules
/* 	Underrun:
/*		if .aThreshLo > 0.0 
/*		then move low point so we are centered
/*		else if aThreshHi < 1.0 
/*		then rescale tic marks to blow up
/* 	Overrun
/*		if .aThreshHi < 1.0
/*		then move the tic marks to shrink
/*		else if .aThreshLo > 0.0
/*		then move up low so this is centered

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <appkit/Control.h>
#import <appkit/Box.h>	/* border styles */
#import <appkit/Font.h>	/* font object commands */

#define GAUGEMAX ((GaugeDat.ticSize*(GaugeDat.numMajor-1))+GaugeDat.startValue)
#define GAUGESIZE (GaugeDat.ticSize*(GaugeDat.numMajor-1))
#define GAUGEHI	((GAUGESIZE*GaugeDat.aThreshHi)+GaugeDat.startValue)
#define GAUGELO	((GAUGESIZE*GaugeDat.aThreshLo)+GaugeDat.startValue)
	if (GaugeFlags.autoRenderBit) [self refreshBackground:self]
#define FancyRect(tR)\
	if (GaugeFlags.borderType == NX_LINE)\
	else if (GaugeFlags.borderType == NX_BEZEL)\
		NXDrawButton(tR,  (const NXRect * ) tR);\
	else if (GaugeFlags.borderType == NX_RIDGE)\
		NXDrawGroove(tR,  (const NXRect *) tR);\

#define FancyBack(tR)\
	if (GaugeFlags.borderType == NX_LINE)\
	else if (GaugeFlags.borderType == NX_BEZEL)\
		NXDrawGrayBezel(tR,  (const NXRect *) tR);\
	else if (GaugeFlags.borderType == NX_RIDGE)\
		NXDrawGroove(tR,  (const NXRect *) tR);\

@interface Gauge:Control
struct	_GaugeFlags{
	unsigned int	titleOn:1;	/* display title ? */
	unsigned int	ticsOn:1;	/* display tic marks */
	unsigned int	labelTicsOn:1;	/* show values of the major tics */
	unsigned int	autoScaleOn:1;	/* autoscale on overrun or underrun */
	unsigned int	jumpChange:1;	/* jump or smooth change */
	unsigned int	overFlow:1;	/* is data out of range */
	unsigned int	autoRenderBit:1;/* re-render bitmap on all changes? */
	unsigned int	dummy:9;	/* place holder for future */
	int		borderType;	/* what kind of border */
	} GaugeFlags;
struct 	_GaugeDat{
	float	backGray;	/* backdrop gray (around gauge) */
	float	faceGray;	/* gray of gauge background */
	float	ticGray;
	float	textGray;
	float	ptGray;
	id	bm;				/* off screen window */
	int	bmgState;		/* gstate of the off screen window */
	double	startValue;	/* base value of gauge */
	double	ticSize;		/* the size of a major tic mark */
	double	value;
	int	numMajor;		/* number of tic marks, including base mark */
	int	numMinor;		/* minor tics per major tic */
	double	ticQuanta;	/* quanta of tick (0.0) = any */
						/* forces tic size */
	double	aThreshHi;	/* threshold to auto scale */
	double	aThreshLo;	/* % of scale */
	char	*labelTicPat;		/* fprintf pattern for the labels for tics */
	char	*ticFontName;		/* the font of the tic labels */
	char	*title;			/* the title string */
	char	*titleFontName;	/* name of font for title string */
	} GaugeDat;
    id target;
    SEL action;


/* Factory Methods 
+ newFrame: (NXRect *) r;

/* Public Methods 
- changeBMSize;				/* resizes the bitmap to our current bounds size */
- refreshBackground:sender;		/* overriden gens [self display]*/


- setBackGray:(float)bg Face:(float)fg Tic:(float)tg Text:(float)teg 
- setBackgroundGray:(float)tC;
- setFaceGray:(float)tc;
- setTicGray:(float)tC;
- setTextGray:(float)tC;
- setPointerGray:(float)tC;
- (float)backgroundGray;
- (float)faceGray;
- (float)ticGray;
- (float)textGray;
- (float)pointerGray;


- setLowThresh:(double)lT HighThresh:(double)hT AndQuanta:(double)qT;
- setTic:(double)sTic AndStart:(double)aStart;
- setTicSize:(double)sTic;
- setStartValue:(double)aStart;
- setDoubleValue:(double)aD;
- setFloatValue:(float)aF;
- takeDoubleValueFrom:sender;
- takeFloatValueFrom:sender;
- (double)maxValue;
- (double)ticSize;
- (double)startValue;
- (double)doubleValue;
- (float)floatValue;
- (BOOL)overFlowDetected;


- setMajorTics:(int)nTic;
- setMinorTics:(int)nTic;
- setTitle:(char *)nTitle;
- (int)majorTics;
- (int)minorTics;
- (char *)title;


- setTitleEnable:(BOOL)aFlag;
- setTicsEnable:(BOOL)aFlag;
- setLabelTicsEnable:(BOOL)aFlag;
- setAutoScaleEnable:(BOOL)aFlag;
- setJumpChangeEnable:(BOOL)aFlag;
- setBorderType:(int)aType;
- (BOOL)titleEnabled;
- (BOOL)ticsEnabled;
- (BOOL)labelTicsEnabled;
- (BOOL)autoScaleEnabled;
- (BOOL)jumpChangeEnabled;
- (int)borderType;


- setTarget:aTarget;
- setAction:(SEL)anAction;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.