
[View BrowsableCell.h] 
[View BrowsableCell.m] 
[View BrowsableObject.h] 
[View BrowsableObject.m] 
[View Inbox.h] 
[View Inbox.m] 
[View InboxCell.h] 
[View InboxCell.m] 


From mentor.cc.purdue.edu!noose.ecn.purdue.edu!samsung!think!mintaka!oliveb!pyramid!leadsv!esl!esl.ESL.COM!dml Wed Apr  4 23:54:08 EST 1990
Article 5822 of comp.sys.next:
Path: mentor.cc.purdue.edu!noose.ecn.purdue.edu!samsung!think!mintaka!oliveb!pyramid!leadsv!esl!esl.ESL.COM!dml
>From: dml@esl.com (Denis Lynch)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.next
Subject: Re: NeXT's unreleased classes... (apologies to Ali)
Message-ID: <DML.90Apr3124009@chopin.esl.com>
Date: 3 Apr 90 19:40:09 GMT
References: <11285@june.cs.washington.edu>
Sender: news@esl.ESL.COM
Reply-To: dml@esl.com
Organization: ESL Inc., Sunnyvale, CA
Lines: 331
In-reply-to: wjs@fred.cs.washington.edu's message of 1 Apr 90 00:53:51 GMT

Just to add my two cents to this: I have to agree that the Browser class
is mighty handy, even if undocumented and generally badly implemented.
Remember, the reason that NeXT didn't release it isn't that they're
nasty, evil guys, but because they didn't want that awful Application
Program Interface to haunt the for the rest of their lives. Rest
assured that any program the uses the current Browser will *NOT* work
when 2.0 comes out.

That said, I decided that I'd rather take the shortcut now and pay the
piper later. My program won't be ready for release until 2.0 is out
anyway. (I'm assuming that my capacity for slipping schedules meets or
exceeds NeXT's wildest dreams!)

But, on the subject of multi-column cells like Librarian and Mail use,
here's an example of how I did it. To put pretty little glyphs in one
of the columnds, just use an IconCell as one of the components of your
BrowsableCell class. You just use the setIcon: method to change what
you want it to show.  As Chef Tell says, "Very simple, very easy."

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.