
This is MiniSQLAdaptorContext.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

#import "MiniSQLAdaptorContext.h"
#import "MiniSQLAdaptorChannel.h"
#import "MiniSQLAdaptor.h"

#import <eoaccess/eoaccess.h>

@implementation MiniSQLAdaptorContext
- initWithAdaptor:(MiniSQLAdaptor *)anAdaptor
    [super init];
    adaptor = [anAdaptor retain];
    return self;

- (void) dealloc
    [adaptor release];
    [super   dealloc];

- (EOAdaptor *)adaptor;
// Returns the EOAdaptor that handles the connection within which the
// adaptor context works.
    return adaptor;

- (EOAdaptorChannel *) createAdaptorChannel
// Returns a new EOAdaptorChannel.  Returns nil if a new channel cannot 
// be created.  EOAdaptorContexts by default have no channels at all.  The 
// newly created channel retains its context. 
// only return one...
    if (channel) {
	return nil;
    } else {
	channel = [[[MiniSQLAdaptorChannel allocWithZone:[self zone]]

	return channel;

- (BOOL)beginTransaction
// Attempts to begin a new transaction, nested within the current one if 
// nested transaction are supported, returning YES if successful and NO 
// if not. 
    NSString           *string;

 // notify the delegate if possible...
    if (_delegateRespondsTo.willBegin) {
	EODelegateResponse  response;

	response = [_delegate adaptorContextWillBegin:self];

	if (response == EODelegateOverrides) {
	    return YES;
	if (response != EODelegateApproves) {
	    return NO;

 // perform a sanity check...
    if ([channel isFetchInProgress]) {
	[adaptor reportError:@"Illegal attempt to begin a transaction while a fetch is in progress."];
	return NO;

    transaction += 1;

 // process transactions...
    if (transaction == 1) {
    } else {
	string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SAVE TRANSACTION T_%d", transaction];

    if (![channel evaluateExpression:string]) {
	transaction -= 1;
	return NO;

    if (_delegateRespondsTo.didBegin)
	[_delegate adaptorContextDidBegin:self];

    return YES;

- (BOOL)commitTransaction
// Attempts to commit the last transaction begun, returning YES if
// successful and NO if not.
    BOOL                result;

    if (_delegateRespondsTo.willCommit) {
	EODelegateResponse  response;

	response = [_delegate adaptorContextWillCommit:self];

	if (response == EODelegateOverrides) {
	    return YES;
	if (response != EODelegateApproves) {
	    return NO;

    if ([channel isFetchInProgress]) {
	[adaptor reportError:@"Illegal attempt to commit a transaction while a fetch is in progress."];
	return NO;
    if (![self transactionNestingLevel]) {
	[adaptor reportError:@"Illegal attempt to commit a transaction when there are none in progress."];
	return NO;

    if (transaction > 0) {
	result = YES;
    // process transactions... 
	if (transaction == 1)
	    result = [channel evaluateExpression:@"COMMIT TRANSACTION"];

	if (result == YES) {
	    transaction -= 1;

	    if (_delegateRespondsTo.didCommit)
		[_delegate adaptorContextDidCommit:self];

	    return YES;
    return NO;

- (BOOL)rollbackTransaction
// Attempts to roll back the last transaction begun, returning YES if
// successful and NO if not.
    if (_delegateRespondsTo.willRollback) {
	EODelegateResponse  response;

	response = [_delegate adaptorContextWillRollback:self];

	if (response == EODelegateOverrides) {
	    return YES;
	if (response != EODelegateApproves) {
	    return NO;

    if (![self transactionNestingLevel]) {
    	[adaptor reportError:@"Illegal attempt to rollback a transaction when there are none in progress."];
	return NO;

    if (transaction > 0) {
	if (transaction == 1) {
	    string = @"ROLLBACK TRANSACTION";
	} else {
	    string = [NSString stringWithFormat:
		@"ROLLBACK TRANSACTION T_%d", transaction];
	if ([channel evaluateExpression:string]) {
	    transaction -= 1;
	    if (_delegateRespondsTo.didRollback) {
		[_delegate adaptorContextDidRollback:self];
	    return YES;

    return NO;

- (BOOL)canNestTransactions
// Returns YES if the database server can nest transactions, NO
// otherwise.
    return YES;

- (unsigned)nestedTransactions
// Returns the number of transactions in progress. If transactions
// can nest, this number may be greater than one.
    return transaction;

- (unsigned int)transactionNestingLevel
// A cover for -nestedTransactions.
    return [self nestedTransactions];

- (void)transactionDidBegin
    transaction += 1;

- (void)transactionDidCommit
    if (transaction != 0) {
	transaction -= 1;

- (void)transactionDidRollback
    if (transaction != 0) {
	transaction -= 1;

- (BOOL)hasBusyChannels
// Returns YES if the receiver has channels that have outstanding
// operations (that is, have a fetch in progress), NO otherwise.
    return [channel isFetchInProgress] ? YES : NO; 


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.