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Copyright ©1994 by Flying Monkey Software. All Rights Reserved. FmsDefaultController Inherits From: Object Declared In: FmsDefaultController.h Class Description Instances of subclasses of FmsDefaultController encapsulate the access to values in the Next Defaults Database. Rather than accessing the function calls which access and manipulate the defaults directly, FmsDefaultController provides standard conversions and a framework on which applications may cleanly work with defaults and extend the default mechanism to complex types. Standard import and export of integers, floats, strings, NXPoints, NXSizes, NXRects, and NXColors are provided. The FmsDefaultController class may be extended easily through subclassing or through categories. Any class or type which can be written to a string can participate. To add a new type of default compatible with FmsDefaultController, let's say for instances of the class Foo, four methods would be provided, a convert method, a default method, a reveal (or get) method, and a set method. - (char *)convertFooValue:(Foo *)theFoo to:(char *)value - default:(char *)name toFooValue:(Foo *)theFoo - (Foo *)get:(Foo *)foo fooValue:(char *)name - setFooValue:(char *)name to:(Foo *)theFoo The convert method would convert Foo instances into strings, and although generally used internally by the default and set methods, it could be used externally for general conversion. The default method would load the "registered default" which would be used if no default value for the name was found in the target defaults database. The reveal method would return the current content of the defaults database at name as a Foo. The set method would set the Foo as the current content of the defaults database at name. These four methods work in concert to provided a generalized default method for any string-writable type. Alternatively, the default methods may be installed directly into the individual classes as methods, like read and write. In some cases this would be a good approach, the defaults database possibly even being replaced directly by a data stream. However, given the "grouped" nature of the NXDefaultsVector, and the usual access to a set of defaults through a single database name, the convert/default/reveal/set approach seems more general. Instance Variables char *database; List *defaultList; database the name of the defaults database being accessed. defaultList a list which holds defaults until registration. Method Types Initializing - init Bulk default manipulation - registerDefaults Assigning a defaults database - database - setDatabase: Removing a default - remove: Manipulating strings - default: toStringValue: - setStringValue: to: - stringValue: Manipulating integers - convertIntValue: to: - default: toIntValue: - intValue: - setIntValue: to: Manipulating floats - convertFloatValue: to: - default: toFloatValue: - floatValue: - setFloatValue: to: Manipulating NXPoints - convertPointValue: to: - default: toPointValue: - get: pointValue: - setPointValue: to: Manipulating NXSizes - convertSizeValue: to: - default: toSizeValue: - get: sizeValue: - setSizeValue: to: Manipulating NXRects - convertRectValue: to: - default: toRectValue: - get: rectValue: - setRectValue: to: Manipulating NXColors - colorValue: - convertColorValue: to: - default: toColorValue: - setColorValue: to: Instance Methods colorValue: - (NXColor)colorValue:(char *)name Returns the default value at name as an NXColor. convertColorValue: to: - (char *)convertColorValue:(NXColor)theColor to:(char *)value Converts the NXColor in theColor to a string value in value. Returns the address of value. convertFloatValue: to: - (char *)convertFloatValue:(float)theFloat to:(char *)value Converts the float in theFloat to a string value in value. Returns the address of value. convertIntValue: to: - (char *)convertIntValue:(int)theInt to:(char *)value Converts the int in theInt to a string value in value. Returns the address of value. convertPointValue: to: - (char *)convertPointValue:(NXPoint *)thePoint to:(char *)value Converts the NXPoint referenced by thePoint to a string value in value. Returns the address of value. convertRectValue: to: - (char *)convertRectValue:(NXRect)theRect to:(char *)value Converts the NXRect referenced by theRect to a string value in value. Returns the address of value. convertSizeValue: to: - (char *)convertSizeValue:(NXSize)theSize to:(char *)value Converts the NXColor referenced by theSize to a string value in value. Returns the address of value. database - (const char *)database Returns the name of the defaults database being accessed. default: toColorValue: - default:(char *)name toColorValue:(NXColor)theColor Sets up the color value in theColor to be registered at name in a subsequent registerDefaults. Returns self. default: toFloatValue: - default:(char *)name toFloatValue:(float)theFloat Sets up the float value in theFloat to be registered at name in a subsequent registerDefaults. Returns self. default: toIntValue: - default:(char *)name toIntValue:(int)theInt Sets up the int value in theInt to be registered at name in a subsequent registerDefaults. Returns self. default: toPointValue: - default:(char *)name toPointValue:(NXPoint *)thePoint Sets the point value referenced by thePoint to be registered at name in a subsequent registerDefaults. Returns self. default: toRectValue: - default:(char *)name toRectValue:(NXRect *)theRect Sets up the rect value referenced by theRect to be registered at name in a subsequent registerDefaults. Returns self. default: toSizeValue: - default:(char *)name toSizeValue:(NXSize *)theSize Sets up the size value referenced by theSize to be registered at name in a subsequent registerDefaults. Returns self. default: toStringValue: - default:(char *)name toStringValue:(char *)theString Sets up the string value theString to be registered at name in a subsequent registerDefaults. Returns self. floatValue: - (float)floatValue:(char *)name Returns the default value at name as a float. free: - free Frees the FmsDefaultController. get: pointValue: - (NXPoint *)get:(NXPoint *)point pointValue:(char *)name Returns a pointer to the default value at name copied into point. get: rectValue: - (NXRect *)get:(NXRect *)rect rectValue:(char *)name Returns a pointer to the default value at name copied into rect. get: sizeValue: - (NXSize *)get:(NXSize *)size sizeValue:(char *)name Returns a pointer to the default value at name copied into size. init: - init Initializes a newly allocated instance of FmsDefaultController. Returns self. intValue: - (int)intValue:(char *)name Returns the default value at name as an int. registerDefaults - registerDefaults Registers all the defaults which have been accumulated by calls to the default-to methods. If subsequent calls to the default-to methods are made, a registerDefaults must be set again. Returns self. remove: - remove:(char *)name Removes the default at name from the defaults database. Returns self. setColorValue: to: - setColorValue:(char *)name to:(NXColor)theColor Sets the color value at name to theColor. Returns self. setDatabase: - setDatabase:(char *)theDatabase Sets the name of the defaults database to theDatabase. Returns self. setFloatValue: to: - setFloatValue:(char *)name to:(float)theFloat Sets the float value at name to theFloat. Returns self. setIntValue: to: - setIntValue:(char *)name to:(int)theInt Sets the int value at name to theColor. Returns self. setPointValue: to: - setPointValue:(char *)name to:(NXPoint *)thePoint Sets the point value at name to the NXPoint referenced by thePoint. Returns self. setRectValue: to: - setRectValue:(char *)name to:(NXRect *)theRect Sets the rect value at name to the NXRect referenced by theRect. Returns self. setSizeValue: to: - setSizeValue:(char *)name to:(NXSize *)theSize Sets the rect value at name to the NXSize referenced by theSize. Returns self. setStringValue: to: - setColorValue:(char *)name to:(char *)theString Sets the string value at name to theString. Returns self. stringValue: - (char *)stringValue:(char *)name Returns the default value at name as an string.
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