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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * FM is a frequency modulation SynthPatch with arbitrary waveforms for * * carrier and modulator and an interpolating oscillator for the carrier. * * It supports a wide variety of parameters, including many MIDI parameters.* * * * This example is almost identical to the Fm1vi supplied with the 2.0 * * Music Kit SynthPatch Library. The only difference is that Fm1vi supports * * multiple "flavors" for optimization. For example, Fm1vi allows you to * * specify a patch implementing only periodic or only random vibrato. * * * * See the FM literature for details of FM synthesis. * * (Note that the implementation here is "frequency modulation" rather than * * "phase modulation" and that the deviation scaling does not follow the * * frequency envelope -- it is exactly as defined in the literature only * * when the frequency envelope is at 1 and the vibrato is neither above nor * * below the pitch.) * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Written by Mike McNabb and David Jaffe. */ #import <midi/midi_types.h> #import <musickit/unitgenerators/unitgenerators.h> #import "FM.h" @implementation FM:SynthPatch /* The patch is described below. The UnitGenerators are shown in parenthesis: * * The vibrato is created by adding (Add2) a periodic component with a random * component. The periodic component is created by an oscillator (Oscg). * The random component is created by white noise (Snoise) that is * low-pass filtered (Onepole). * * The vibrato signal is multiplied (Mul1add2) by the output of the frequency * envelope generator (Asymp) and the frequency envelope generator is * additionally added. Thus, the vibrato depth is perceptually the same, * even as the frequency is continuously changing. Let us call the resulting * signal the "frequency signal". * * The modulator (Oscgaf) takes its frequency from the frequency signal and * its FM index from the index envelope generator (Asymp). The output of * the modulator is added (Scl1add2) to the frequency signal to produce the * frequency input to the carrier. * * The carrier (Oscgafi) takes its amplitude envelope from the amplitude * envelope generator (Asymp) and sends its output signal to the stereo * output sample stream (Out2sum). * * The communication between UnitGenerators is accomplished by patchpoints. * Since the ordering of the UnitGenerators is constrained to be as specified * below, two patchpoints suffice for all UnitGenerator communication. * That is, the two patchpoints are reused as temporary storage for each stage * in the sample computation. */ /* The following integers are used to hold offsets into the List of * UnitGenerator and patchpoint instances. (The List is stored in the FM * instance variable 'synthElements', inherited from SynthPatch.) */ static int ampEnvUG, freqEnvUG, indEnvUG, modulatorUG, carrierUG, outputUG, svibUG, nvibUG, nvibFilterUG, vibAdderUG, fmAdderUG, freqMulUG, xPP, yPP; +patchTemplateFor:currentNote /* Returns and (if necessary) creates the PatchTemplate that specifies the * UnitGenerators and patchpoints to be used. Note that this method * does not actually allocate the UnitGenerators and patchpoints; it only * returns the specification. */ { /* This SynthPatch has only one template, but could have variations, * returned according to the note parameter values. */ static PatchTemplate *template = nil; if (template) return template; template = [[PatchTemplate alloc] init]; /* These UnitGenerators will be instantiated in the order specified. */ svibUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[OscgUGyy class]]; nvibUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[SnoiseUGx class]]; nvibFilterUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[OnepoleUGxx class]]; vibAdderUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[Add2UGyxy class]]; freqEnvUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[AsympUGx class]]; freqMulUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[Mul1add2UGyxyx class]]; indEnvUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[AsympUGx class]]; modulatorUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[OscgafUGxxyy class]]; fmAdderUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[Scl1add2UGyxy class]]; ampEnvUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[AsympUGx class]]; carrierUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[OscgafiUGxxyy class]]; outputUG = [template addUnitGenerator:[Out2sumUGx class]]; /* Patchpoint specifications */ xPP = [template addPatchpoint:MK_xPatch]; yPP = [template addPatchpoint:MK_yPatch]; return template; } #define UGS NX_ADDRESS(synthElements) // Quick access to UG instances /* Definitions for the UnitGenerator and patchpoint instances: */ #define SVIB_UG UGS[svibUG] #define NVIB_UG UGS[nvibUG] #define NVIB_FILTER_UG UGS[nvibFilterUG] #define VIB_ADDER_UG UGS[vibAdderUG] #define FREQ_ENV_UG UGS[freqEnvUG] #define FREQ_MUL_UG UGS[freqMulUG] #define IND_ENV_UG UGS[indEnvUG] #define MODULATOR_UG UGS[modulatorUG] #define FM_ADDER_UG UGS[fmAdderUG] #define AMP_ENV_UG UGS[ampEnvUG] #define CARRIER_UG UGS[carrierUG] #define OUTPUT_UG UGS[outputUG] #define X_PP UGS[xPP] #define Y_PP UGS[yPP] #define OUTPUT_PP X_PP // We use the x patchpoint for the output signal -init /* Sent by this class on object creation and reset. */ { /* This could, alternatively, be specified in the patchTemplateFor: * method, as described in the NeXT Technical Documentation. We include * it here for clarity. */ /* Connect UnitGenerators here. */ [SVIB_UG setOutput:Y_PP]; [NVIB_UG setOutput:X_PP]; [NVIB_FILTER_UG setInput:X_PP]; [NVIB_FILTER_UG setOutput:X_PP]; [VIB_ADDER_UG setInput1:X_PP]; [VIB_ADDER_UG setInput2:Y_PP]; [VIB_ADDER_UG setOutput:Y_PP]; [FREQ_ENV_UG setOutput:X_PP]; [FREQ_MUL_UG setInput1:X_PP]; [FREQ_MUL_UG setInput2:Y_PP]; [FREQ_MUL_UG setInput3:X_PP]; [FREQ_MUL_UG setOutput:Y_PP]; [IND_ENV_UG setOutput:X_PP]; [MODULATOR_UG setAmpInput:X_PP]; [MODULATOR_UG setIncInput:Y_PP]; [MODULATOR_UG setOutput:X_PP]; [FM_ADDER_UG setInput1:X_PP]; [FM_ADDER_UG setInput2:Y_PP]; [FM_ADDER_UG setOutput:Y_PP]; [AMP_ENV_UG setOutput:X_PP]; [CARRIER_UG setAmpInput:X_PP]; [CARRIER_UG setIncInput:Y_PP]; [CARRIER_UG setOutput:X_PP]; [self _setDefaults]; return self; } -noteOnSelf:aNote /* Sent whenever a noteOn is received. First updates the parameters, * then connects the carrier to the output. */ { [self _updateParameters:aNote]; // Interpret parameters [OUTPUT_UG setInput:OUTPUT_PP]; // Connect the ouput last. [synthElements makeObjectsPerform:@selector(run)]; // Make them all run return self; } -noteUpdateSelf:aNote /* Sent whenever a noteUpdate is received by the SynthInstrument. */ { [self _updateParameters:aNote]; } -(double)noteOffSelf:aNote /* Sent whenever a noteOff is received by the SynthInstrument. Returns * the amplitude envelope completion time, needed to schedule the noteEnd. */ { [self _updateParameters:aNote]; [FREQ_ENV_UG finish]; [IND_ENV_UG finish]; /* The value returned by noteOffSelf: is the time for the release portion * to complete. We return the value returned by AMP_ENV_UG's finish method, * i.e. the time in seconds it will take the envelope to * complete. We only really care about the amplitude envelope's finishing * (because once it is finished, there is no more sound) so we use its * time. This assumes that the amplitude envelope ends at 0.0. */ return [AMP_ENV_UG finish]; } -noteEndSelf /* Sent when patch goes from finalDecay to idle. */ { [OUTPUT_UG idle]; /* Since we only used the AMP_ENV_UG's finish time above, the other * envelopes may or may not be finished, so we explicitly abort them. */ [FREQ_ENV_UG abortEnvelope]; [IND_ENV_UG abortEnvelope]; [self _setDefaults]; return self; } -preemptFor:aNote /* Sent whenever a running note is being preempted by a new note. */ { /* Cause envelope to go quickly to last value. This is to prevent a * click between notes when preempting. (This assumes the amplitude * envelope ends at 0). */ [AMP_ENV_UG preemptEnvelope]; [self _setDefaults]; /* Reset parameters to defaults. */ return self; } #import <objc/HashTable.h> -controllerValues:controllers /* Sent when a new phrase starts. controllers is a HashTable containing * key/value pairs as controller-number/controller-value. Our implementation * here ignores all but MIDI_MAINVOLUME and MIDI_MODWHEEL. See * <objc/HashTable.h>, <midi/midi_types.h>, and <musickit/SynthPatch.h>. */ { # define CONTROLPRESENT(_key) [controllers isKey:(const void *)_key] # define GETVALUE(_key) (int)[controllers valueForKey:(const void *)_key] if (CONTROLPRESENT(MIDI_MAINVOLUME)) volume = GETVALUE(MIDI_MAINVOLUME); if (CONTROLPRESENT(MIDI_MODWHEEL)) modWheel = GETVALUE(MIDI_MODWHEEL); return self; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * The following two methods are private and are used internally only. * * They are not intended to be invoked from outside the SynthPatch. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ -_setDefaults /* Set the instance variables to reasonable default values. We do this * after each phrase and upon initialization. This insures that a freshly * allocated SynthPatch will be in a known state. See <musickit/params.h> */ { waveform = m1Waveform = nil; // WaveTables wavelen = 0; // Wave table length phase = m1Phase = 0.0; // Waveform initial phases ampEnv = freqEnv = m1IndEnv = nil;// Envelopes freq0 = 0.0; // Frequency values freq1 = MK_DEFAULTFREQ; // 440 Hz. amp0 = 0.0; // Amplitude values amp1 = MK_DEFAULTAMP; // 0.1 m1Ind0 = 0.0; // FM index values m1Ind1 = MK_DEFAULTINDEX; // 1.0 ampAtt = freqAtt = m1IndAtt = MK_NODVAL; // Attack times (not set) ampRel = freqRel = m1IndRel = MK_NODVAL; // Release times (not set) bright = 1.0; // A multiplier on index bearing = MK_DEFAULTBEARING; // 0.0 degrees cRatio = MK_DEFAULTCRATIO; // Carrier frequency scaler. m1Ratio = MK_DEFAULTMRATIO; // Modulator frequency scaler. portamento = MK_NODVAL; // Rearticulation skew duration (not set) svibAmp0 = svibAmp1 = 0.0; // Periodic vibrato amp svibFreq0 = svibFreq1 = 0.0; // Periodic vibrato freq rvibAmp = 0.0; // Random vibrato amplitude /* MIDI parameters */ velocity = MK_DEFAULTVELOCITY; volume = modWheel = afterTouch = MIDI_MAXDATA; afterTouchSensitivity = velocitySensitivity = 0.5; pitchbend = MIDI_ZEROBEND; pitchbendSensitivity = 3.0; } static double midiVal(int midiControllerValue) /* Convert from int between 0 and 127 to double between 0 and 1 */ { return ((double)midiControllerValue)/((double)MIDI_MAXDATA); } -_updateParameters:aNote /* Updates the SynthPatch according to the information in the note and * the note's relationship to a possible ongoing phrase. */ { BOOL newPhrase, setWaveform, setM1Waveform, setM1Ratio, setOutput, setRandomVib, setCRatio, setAfterTouch, setVibWaveform, setVibFreq, setVibAmp, setPhase, setAmpEnv, setFreqEnv, setM1IndEnv; void *state; // For parameter iteration below int par; MKPhraseStatus phraseStatus = [self phraseStatus]; /* Initialize booleans based on phrase status -------------------------- */ switch (phraseStatus) { case MK_phraseOn: /* New phrase. */ case MK_phraseOnPreempt: /* New phrase but using preempted patch. */ newPhrase = setWaveform = setM1Waveform = setM1Ratio = setOutput = setRandomVib = setCRatio = setAfterTouch = setVibWaveform = setVibFreq = setVibAmp = setPhase = setAmpEnv = setFreqEnv = setM1IndEnv = YES; // Set everything for new phrase break; case MK_phraseRearticulate: /* NoteOn rearticulation within phrase. */ newPhrase = setWaveform = setM1Waveform = setM1Ratio = setOutput = setRandomVib = setCRatio = setAfterTouch = setVibWaveform = setVibFreq = setVibAmp = setPhase = NO; setAmpEnv = setFreqEnv = setM1IndEnv = YES; // Just restart envelopes break; case MK_phraseUpdate: /* NoteUpdate to running phrase. */ case MK_phraseOff: /* NoteOff to running phrase. */ case MK_phraseOffUpdate: /* NoteUpdate to finishing phrase. */ default: newPhrase = setWaveform = setM1Waveform = setM1Ratio = setOutput = setRandomVib = setCRatio = setAfterTouch = setVibWaveform = setVibFreq = setVibAmp = setPhase = setAmpEnv = setFreqEnv = setM1IndEnv = NO; // Only set what's in Note break; } /* Since this SynthPatch supports so many parameters, it would be * inefficient to check each one with Note's isParPresent: method, as * we did in Simplicity and Envy. Instead, we iterate over the parameters * in aNote. */ state = MKInitParameterIteration(aNote); while (par = MKNextParameter(aNote, state)) switch (par) { /* Parameters in (roughly) alphabetical order. */ case MK_afterTouch: afterTouch = MKGetNoteParAsInt(aNote,MK_afterTouch); setAfterTouch = YES; break; case MK_afterTouchSensitivity: afterTouchSensitivity = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_afterTouchSensitivity); setAfterTouch = YES; break; case MK_ampEnv: ampEnv = MKGetNoteParAsEnvelope(aNote,MK_ampEnv); setAmpEnv = YES; break; case MK_ampAtt: ampAtt = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_ampAtt); setAmpEnv = YES; break; case MK_ampRel: ampRel = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_ampRel); setAmpEnv = YES; break; case MK_amp0: amp0 = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_amp0); setAmpEnv = YES; break; case MK_amp1: // MK_amp is synonym amp1 = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_amp1); setAmpEnv = YES; break; case MK_bearing: bearing = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_bearing); setOutput = YES; break; case MK_bright: bright = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_bright); setM1IndEnv = YES; break; case MK_controlChange: { int controller = MKGetNoteParAsInt(aNote,MK_controlChange); if (controller == MIDI_MAINVOLUME) { volume = MKGetNoteParAsInt(aNote,MK_controlVal); setOutput = YES; } else if (controller == MIDI_MODWHEEL) { modWheel = MKGetNoteParAsInt(aNote,MK_controlVal); setVibFreq = setVibAmp = YES; } break; } case MK_cRatio: cRatio = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_cRatio); setCRatio = YES; break; case MK_freqEnv: freqEnv = MKGetNoteParAsEnvelope(aNote,MK_freqEnv); setFreqEnv = YES; break; case MK_freqAtt: freqAtt = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_freqAtt); setFreqEnv = YES; break; case MK_freqRel: freqRel = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_freqRel); setFreqEnv = YES; break; case MK_freq: case MK_keyNum: freq1 = [aNote freq]; // A special method (see <musickit/Note.h>) setFreqEnv = YES; break; case MK_freq0: freq0 = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_freq0); setFreqEnv = YES; break; case MK_m1IndEnv: m1IndEnv = MKGetNoteParAsEnvelope(aNote,MK_m1IndEnv); setM1IndEnv = YES; break; case MK_m1IndAtt: m1IndAtt = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_m1IndAtt); setM1IndEnv = YES; break; case MK_m1IndRel: m1IndRel = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_m1IndRel); setM1IndEnv = YES; break; case MK_m1Ind0: m1Ind0 = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_m1Ind0); setM1IndEnv = YES; break; case MK_m1Ind1: m1Ind1 = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_m1Ind1); setM1IndEnv = YES; break; case MK_m1Phase: m1Phase = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_m1Phase); /* To avoid clicks, we don't allow phase to be set except at the start of a phrase. Therefore, we don't set setPhase. */ break; case MK_m1Ratio: m1Ratio = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_m1Ratio); setM1Ratio = YES; break; case MK_m1Waveform: m1Waveform = MKGetNoteParAsWaveTable(aNote,MK_m1Waveform); setM1Waveform = YES; break; case MK_phase: phase = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_phase); /* To avoid clicks, we don't allow phase to be set except at the start of a phrase. Therefore, we don't set setPhase. */ break; case MK_pitchBend: pitchbend = MKGetNoteParAsInt(aNote,MK_pitchBend); setFreqEnv = YES; break; case MK_pitchBendSensitivity: pitchbendSensitivity = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_pitchBendSensitivity); setFreqEnv = YES; break; case MK_portamento: portamento = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_portamento); setM1IndEnv = setAmpEnv = YES; break; case MK_rvibAmp: rvibAmp = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_rvibAmp); setRandomVib = YES; break; case MK_svibFreq0: svibFreq0 = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_svibFreq0); setVibFreq = YES; break; case MK_svibFreq1: svibFreq1 = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_svibFreq1); setVibFreq = YES; break; case MK_svibAmp0: svibAmp0 = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_svibAmp0); setVibAmp = YES; break; case MK_svibAmp1: svibAmp1 = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_svibAmp1); setVibAmp = YES; break; case MK_vibWaveform: vibWaveform = MKGetNoteParAsWaveTable(aNote,MK_vibWaveform); setVibWaveform = YES; break; case MK_velocity: velocity = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_velocity); setAmpEnv = YES; break; case MK_velocitySensitivity: velocitySensitivity = MKGetNoteParAsDouble(aNote,MK_velocitySensitivity); setAmpEnv = YES; break; case MK_waveform: waveform = MKGetNoteParAsWaveTable(aNote,MK_waveform); setWaveform = YES; break; case MK_waveLen: wavelen = MKGetNoteParAsInt(aNote,MK_waveLen); setWaveform = setM1Waveform = setM1Ratio = YES; break; default: /* Skip unrecognized parameters */ break; } /* End of parameter loop. */ /* -------------------------------- Waveforms --------------------- */ if (setWaveform) [CARRIER_UG setTable:waveform length:wavelen defaultToSineROM:newPhrase]; if (setM1Waveform) [MODULATOR_UG setTable:m1Waveform length:wavelen defaultToSineROM:newPhrase]; /* ------------------------------- Frequency scaling --------------- */ if (setCRatio) [CARRIER_UG setIncRatio:cRatio]; if (setM1Ratio) /* Since table lengths may be set automatically (if wavelen is 0), we must account here for possible difference in table lengths between carrier and modulator. */ [MODULATOR_UG setIncRatio:m1Ratio * [MODULATOR_UG tableLength] / [CARRIER_UG tableLength]]; /* ------------------------------- Phases -------------------------- */ if (setPhase) { [CARRIER_UG setPhase:phase]; [MODULATOR_UG setPhase:m1Phase]; } /* ------------------------------ Envelopes ------------------------ */ if (setAmpEnv) MKUpdateAsymp(AMP_ENV_UG,ampEnv,amp0, amp1 * MKMidiToAmpWithSensitivity(velocity,velocitySensitivity), ampAtt,ampRel,portamento,phraseStatus); if (setFreqEnv) { double fr0, fr1; fr0 = MKAdjustFreqWithPitchBend(freq0,pitchbend,pitchbendSensitivity); fr1 = MKAdjustFreqWithPitchBend(freq1,pitchbend,pitchbendSensitivity); MKUpdateAsymp(FREQ_ENV_UG,freqEnv, [CARRIER_UG incAtFreq:fr0], // Convert to osc increment [CARRIER_UG incAtFreq:fr1], freqAtt,freqRel,portamento,phraseStatus); } if (setM1IndEnv) { double FMDeviation = [CARRIER_UG incAtFreq:(m1Ratio * freq1)] * bright; /* See literature on FM synthesis for details about the scaling by FMDeviation */ MKUpdateAsymp(IND_ENV_UG, m1IndEnv, m1Ind0 * FMDeviation, m1Ind1 * FMDeviation, m1IndAtt,m1IndRel,portamento,phraseStatus); } /* ----------------------------- Vibrato ---------------------------- */ if (setVibWaveform) [SVIB_UG setTable:vibWaveform length:128 defaultToSineROM:YES]; if (setVibFreq) [SVIB_UG setFreq:svibFreq0 + (svibFreq1-svibFreq0) * midiVal(modWheel)]; if (setVibAmp) [SVIB_UG setAmp:svibAmp0 + (svibAmp1-svibAmp0) * midiVal(modWheel)]; if (setRandomVib) { [NVIB_FILTER_UG setB0:0.004 * rvibAmp]; /* Filter gain (rvibAmp) */ [NVIB_FILTER_UG clear]; /* Clear filter state */ if (newPhrase) { [NVIB_FILTER_UG setA1:-0.9999]; /* Filter feedback coefficient */ [NVIB_UG anySeed]; /* Make each instance have different vib */ } } /* ------------------- Bearing, volume and after touch -------------- */ if (setOutput) [OUTPUT_UG setBearing:bearing scale:MKMidiToAmpAttenuation(volume)]; if (setAfterTouch) [FM_ADDER_UG setScale:(1-afterTouchSensitivity) + afterTouchSensitivity * midiVal(afterTouch)]; return self; } @end
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