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A Toolbox for Drag-and-Drop Applications

Release 1.2, June 7th, 1994
©1994 by H. Scott Roy

IconKit is an Objective-C class library for building drag-and-drop applications.  It recreates the shelves, browsers, folders, and suitcases that are present throughout the basic NEXTSTEP applications:

·	The file browser and shelf in Workspace.
·	The bookshelves in Librarian.
·	The project browser in ProjectBuilder.
·	The suitcases in InterfaceBuilder.
·	The feature browser used to configure a DBTableView.

IconKit contains all the objects one needs to build new applications of this kind.  It is fully integrated with InterfaceBuilder, providing a palette and inspectors for all the IconKit classes.  It comes complete with source code, documentation, and an example application that mimics the NEXTSTEP Workspace file viewer.

IconKit is freely distributable and free for noncommercial use.  It costs money for a commercial license, but you are allowed to use IconKit get your application working before deciding whether to purchase it.  The General Objectware License that covers this policy is broadly applicable, and other developers are encouraged to adopt it for their own software.

IconKit should work on any system running NEXTSTEP 3.0 or later.

What's In This Distribution

Here is a summary of the files in this release:

Documentation/	Complete documentation of the IconKit classes, including a conceptual overview of the overall design.  This introductory document is a good place to start to understand how all the pieces of IconKit fit together.

Classes/	Source code for the kit, including a ProjectBuilder file to produce both an InterfaceBuilder palette and a library archive ready to be linked into your own applications.
FileViewer/	A Workspace lookalike that demonstrates the kit in action.

Widgets/	A nib file that highlights the IconKit palette and inspectors.  It contains examples of common ways to configure the IconKit objects.

1ŠReadMe.rtf	This file.  Included at the end are the full payment terms for a commercial license as outlined in the General Objectware License.

2ŠInstallation.rtf	Instructions for modifying the ProjectBuilder makefile to put the header files, sources, documentation, and library archive where you want them.

3ŠReleaseNotes.rtf	A listing of what's new in this release, known bugs, instructions for reporting new bugs, and an indication of possible future work.

4ŠLicense.rtf	The General Objectware License under which IconKit is being offered.  This license agreement should be of interest beyond IconKit and can be freely used by other developers to make their own objectware available.

5ŠBrochure.ps	A handy one page summary of IconKit that you can leave on your boss's desk to convince him to buy commercial IconKit licenses.


IconKit may be freely distributed, in whole or in part, provided only that this file and the General Objectware License are neither removed nor altered in any way.  The complete kit is available from either of the two archive locations,

cs.orst.edu   (USA)
ftp.informatik.uni-muenchen.de   (Germany)

In the event that you cannot locate IconKit at either of these two locations, you should contact the author to receive the complete distribution.  All questions and correspondence are welcome!

H. Scott Roy
2573 Stowe Ct.
Northbrook, IL  60062-8103


Commercial Use

IconKit is freely distributable and free for noncommercial use, but costs money for a commercial license.  You should read the General Objectware License carefully to understand the obligations that go along with noncommercial use, as well as to understand the point at which you need to decide whether to get a commercial license.

If you find the terms of the noncommercial license unacceptable, you can purchase a commercial license under either of the following two plans:

1.	If you intend to sell finished software that uses IconKit, you can pay an initial fee equal to the selling price of one copy of your software plus a 5% royalty on all revenues, up until you have paid off 1.5 times the amount indicated by the second plan below.  Royalty payments should be made on the first of each month and reflect all new copies sold.

2.	Payment is $700 for a single developer at your site using IconKit.  Volume discounts for additional seats are available at the following rates:

Seats	Cost per Additional Seat 

€€€€2-5	$ 400
€€€€6-10	$ 300
€€11-50	$ 200
€€51+	$ 100
	Upgrades from previous versions of IconKit are free of charge for licenses purchased before July 1st, 1994.  Thereafter licenses may be upgraded by paying the cost differential (if any) between the old version and the new.
	If you are using IconKit in any program you do not wish to offer for sale, and which you do not wish to make freely available, you must purchase a license according to this second plan.

The royalty arrangement is intended to make IconKit affordable for small developers who are unsure what kind of profits to expect on their finished work.  Note that under both plans, once you've paid in full once, the kit is yours for commercial use in any number of applications.  You needn't pay anew for every new program.

If you received IconKit through the efforts of an authorized reseller, such as Paget Press and their Electronic App Wrapper, you should contact them to purchase a commercial license.  Otherwise you can purchase a license directly from the author.  Send a check payable to H. Scott Roy to the address indicated above.

If you finish your application and think that these prices are too high or low, I would appreciate it if you could let me know.  The only way I can price things fairly is with feedback from potential customers.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.