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#import <gamekit/gamekit.h> #import <math.h> // Note: There are plenty of nice ways to do all this. What I'm going // for here is blinding speed. Therefore, I have a lot of special cases // and other things that take advantage of 2-d geometry. The tradeoff is // that I don't care how much code it takes if it is _fast_. I have defined // a few geometric functions here to make the code easier to read...and I // realize that sacrifices speed, my my sanity is more important that // ultimate speed... double GKDistanceBetweenPoints(NXPoint *point1, NXPoint *point2) { // using standard 2-d distance formula: d=sqrt(x^2+y^2) float x = point1->x - point2->x; float y = point1->y - point2->y; // it might make sense to do a fast approx. of sqrt() here instead... return sqrt(GK_SQUARE(x) + GK_SQUARE(y)); } BOOL GKOuterLineSegmentIntersectsRect(NXPoint *point1, NXPoint *point2, NXRect *rect) { // assumes neither point lies inside rect; if that's true, you have // intersection already, so don't call here! double slope, intercept1, intercept2; NXPoint max = { NX_MAXX(rect), NX_MAXY(rect) }; // is line completely to one side of the rect? if (((point1->x < NX_X(rect)) && (point2->x < NX_X(rect))) || ((point1->y < NX_Y(rect)) && (point2->y < NX_Y(rect))) || ((point1->x > max.x) && (point2->x > max.x)) || ((point1->y > max.y) && (point2->y > max.y))) return NO; // find y-coord of line when it crosses max.x and min.x...if // one of these points is min.y<point<max.y have intersect on sides // of rect. Have intersect on top or bottom if one is above max.y // while the other is below min.y... slope = (point1->y - point2->y) / (point1->x - point2->x); intercept1 = slope * (NX_X(rect) - point1->x) + point1->y; intercept2 = slope * (max.x - point1->x) + point1->y; if (((intercept1 > max.y) && (intercept2 < NX_Y(rect))) || ((intercept2 > max.y) && (intercept1 < NX_Y(rect))) || ((intercept1 < max.y) && (intercept1 > NX_Y(rect))) || ((intercept2 < max.y) && (intercept2 > NX_Y(rect)))) return YES; return NO; } // I should probably make this an inline procedure... double GKSegmentAngle(NXPoint *point1, NXPoint *point2) { // for speed I assume point1 is left of point2 double deltaY = GK_VECTOR_Y(point2) - GK_VECTOR_Y(point1); double deltaX = GK_VECTOR_X(point2) - GK_VECTOR_X(point1); return (asin(deltaY/sqrt(GK_SQUARE(deltaX)+GK_SQUARE(deltaY)))); } // this should probably be inline... BOOL GKPointAboveLine(NXPoint *point, NXPoint *start, NXPoint *end) { // YES if point is above the line defined by start and end // if the end points of the line form a vertical line (unlikely but // possible) then points to the left of the line are considered to // be "above" the line. double x1 = GK_VECTOR_X(start); double diff = GK_VECTOR_X(end) - x1; // only calc it once... if (ABS(diff) < 0.00001) { // if x1 and x2 are too close together, // we may still encounter problems with overflow/underflow... // so I'm using a small delta; if the slope is more than 100000, // we figure that the line is vertical for all intents and purposes. // We check the point's y coord against y-coord of line // interpolated/extrapolated to same x-coord (I did a little // algebra to y=mx+b to make it faster) if (GK_VECTOR_Y(point) > (((GK_VECTOR_X(point) - x1) * ((GK_VECTOR_Y(end) - GK_VECTOR_Y(start)) / diff)) + GK_VECTOR_Y(start))) return YES; } else { // vertical line case -- need to avoid divide by zero! if (GK_VECTOR_X(point) < x1) return YES; } return NO; } // this should probably be inline... BOOL GKPointsOnSameSideOfLine(NXPoint *point1, NXPoint *point2, NXPoint *start, NXPoint *end) { // YES if point1 and point2 are on same side of line // defined by start and end if (GKPointAboveLine(point1, start, end) == GKPointAboveLine(point2, start, end)) return YES; return NO; } BOOL GKPointInTriangle(NXPoint *point, GKTriangle *tri) { int left, first, second, x[3]; x[0] = GK_VECTOR_X(GK_VERTEX(tri, 0)); x[1] = GK_VECTOR_X(GK_VERTEX(tri, 1)); x[2] = GK_VECTOR_X(GK_VERTEX(tri, 2)); // sort vertices. need to know leftmost point and then which point // is next going counter clockwise ("first") if (x[0] < x[1]) { if (x[0] < x[2]) { left = 0; first = 1; second = 2; } else { left = 2; first = 1; second = 0; } } else { if (x[1] < x[2]) { left = 1; first = 0; second = 2; } else { // this code is repeated from above...I did this for speed left = 2; first = 1; second = 0; } } if ( ((!GKPointAboveLine(point, GK_VERTEX(tri, left), GK_VERTEX(tri, second)) && GKPointAboveLine(point, GK_VERTEX(tri, left), GK_VERTEX(tri, first))) || (!GKPointAboveLine(point, GK_VERTEX(tri, left), GK_VERTEX(tri, first)) && GKPointAboveLine(point, GK_VERTEX(tri, left), GK_VERTEX(tri, second)))) && GKPointsOnSameSideOfLine(point, GK_VERTEX(tri, left), GK_VERTEX(tri, first), GK_VERTEX(tri, second))) return YES; return NO; } static id theGKColliderInstance = nil; @implementation GKCollider + new { if (!theGKColliderInstance) theGKColliderInstance = [[[self alloc] init] buildHashTable]; return theGKColliderInstance; } - buildHashTable { // set up the method hash table collisionHash = [[HashTable alloc] initKeyDesc:"i" valueDesc:"!" capacity:10]; // ***** I assume that casting to void * is OK for all these -*key: // methods; ie. I don't need a pointer to an int...the docs are unclear [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_RECTANGLE_SHAPE * GK_RECTANGLE_SHAPE) value:@selector(rect:intersectsRect:)]; [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_RECTANGLE_SHAPE * GK_CIRCLE_SHAPE) value:@selector(rect:intersectsCircle:)]; [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_RECTANGLE_SHAPE * GK_TRIANGLE_SHAPE) value:@selector(rect:intersectsTriangle:)]; [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_RECTANGLE_SHAPE * GK_COMPOSITE_SHAPE) value:@selector(rect:intersectsComposite:)]; [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_CIRCLE_SHAPE * GK_CIRCLE_SHAPE) value:@selector(circle:intersectsCircle:)]; [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_CIRCLE_SHAPE * GK_TRIANGLE_SHAPE) value:@selector(circle:intersectsTriangle:)]; [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_CIRCLE_SHAPE * GK_COMPOSITE_SHAPE) value:@selector(circle:intersectsComposite:)]; [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_TRIANGLE_SHAPE * GK_TRIANGLE_SHAPE) value:@selector(triangle:intersectsTriangle:)]; [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_TRIANGLE_SHAPE * GK_COMPOSITE_SHAPE) value:@selector(triangle:intersectsComposite:)]; [collisionHash insertKey:(void *)(GK_COMPOSITE_SHAPE * GK_COMPOSITE_SHAPE) value:@selector(composite:intersectsComposite:)]; return self; } - (BOOL)object:actor1 collidesWith:actor2 { NXRect bounds[2]; int ret, swap, type[3]; SEL method; // first, check the bounding boxes. If they don't intersect, // then it is pointless to go any further. [actor1 getBoundingBox:&bounds[0]]; [actor2 getBoundingBox:&bounds[1]]; // Note: intersection is still NO if edges shared... have to have // true intersection to get a YES. This leniency shouldn't pose // a problem, but you should understand the limits of NXIntersectsRect. if (!NXIntersectsRect(&bounds[0], &bounds[1])) return NO; // get the collision method's selector and whether or not // to reverse the arguments: type[1] = [actor1 collisionType]; type[2] = [actor2 collisionType]; type[0] = type[1] * type[2]; // a shortcut to speed up rectangle/rectangle intersections if (type[0] == GK_RECTANGLE_SHAPE * GK_RECTANGLE_SHAPE) return YES; // note we return a YES if couldn't find collision method; we're // reverting to the bounding box intersection if (!(method = (SEL)[collisionHash valueForKey:(void *)type[0]])) return YES; // call the collision method swap = (type[1] > type[2]); if (swap) ret = (int)[self perform:method with:(id)[actor2 shapeStruct] with:(id)[actor1 shapeStruct]]; else ret = (int)[self perform:method with:(id)[actor1 shapeStruct] with:(id)[actor2 shapeStruct]]; // using ret as an int avoids trouble with machine dependencies // (a BOOL is defined as a char; docs say that this would be dangerous, // presumably due to byte-ordering difficulties.) if (ret) return YES; return NO; } - (int)rect:(NXRect *)rect1 intersectsRect:(NXRect *)rect2 { // we never call it, but it is here for completeness. return NXIntersectsRect(rect1, rect2); } - (int)rect:(NXRect *)rect intersectsCircle:(GKCircle *)circ { // This code is derived from the book Graphics Gems, ed. Andrew Glassner. // algorithm reported by Clifford A. Shaffer; it's really rather obvious // when you think about it. // NXRect origin should be min point, width/height positive. double radiusSquared = GK_SQUARE(GK_RADIUS(circ)); // translate to circle's center is the origin. // and the rect looks like this: (max, min are points) // +========MAX // | | // MIN========+ NXPoint max = { NX_MAXX(rect) - ((circ)->center.x), NX_MAXY(rect) - circ->center.y }; NXPoint min = { NX_X(rect) - GK_CENTER_X(circ), NX_Y(rect) - GK_CENTER_Y(circ) }; if (max.x < 0) // Rect is to the left of center if (max.y < 0) // in lower left corner return ((GK_SQUARE(max.x) + GK_SQUARE(max.y)) < radiusSquared); else if (min.y > 0) // in upper left corner return ((GK_SQUARE(max.x) + GK_SQUARE(min.y)) < radiusSquared); else return (-(max.x) < GK_RADIUS(circ)); // to west of circle else if (min.x > 0) // Rect is to the right of center if (max.y < 0) // in lower right corner return ((GK_SQUARE(min.x) + GK_SQUARE(max.y)) < radiusSquared); else if (min.y > 0) // in upper right corner return ((GK_SQUARE(min.x) + GK_SQUARE(min.y)) < radiusSquared); else return (min.x < GK_RADIUS(circ)); // to east of circle else if (max.y < 0) // to south of circle return (-(max.y) < GK_RADIUS(circ)); else if (min.y > 0) // to north of circle return (min.y < GK_RADIUS(circ)); return YES; // rect surrounds circle } - (int)rect:(NXRect *)rect intersectsTriangle:(GKTriangle *)tri { // This one is my algorithm... int i; for (i=0; i<3; i++) // if any point is in the rect, we have intersection. if (NXMouseInRect(&(tri->points[i]), rect, NO)) return YES; // Now it gets hairy... we need to see if the triangle (1) encloses rect, // (2) clips a rect corner, (3) slices rect, or (4) misses the rect. // can check for (2) and (3) with line-rect intersections: if (GKOuterLineSegmentIntersectsRect(&(tri->points[0]), &(tri->points[1]), rect) || GKOuterLineSegmentIntersectsRect(&(tri->points[1]), &(tri->points[2]), rect) || GKOuterLineSegmentIntersectsRect(&(tri->points[2]), &(tri->points[0]), rect)) return YES; // check for (1)... triangle enclosing rect? Yes if any point in // rect is in the triangle. { NXPoint corner1 = { NX_X(rect), NX_Y(rect) + NX_HEIGHT(rect) }; NXPoint corner2 = { NX_X(rect) + NX_WIDTH(rect), NX_Y(rect) }; NXPoint corner3 = { NX_X(rect) + NX_WIDTH(rect), NX_Y(rect) + NX_HEIGHT(rect) }; if (GKPointInTriangle(&(rect->origin), tri) || GKPointInTriangle(&corner1, tri) || GKPointInTriangle(&corner2, tri) || GKPointInTriangle(&corner3, tri)) return YES; } // none of the above, so we assume a miss. return NO; } - (int)rect:(NXRect *)rect intersectsComposite:comp { // ***** need to write this part ***** return NO; } - (int)circle:(GKCircle *)circ1 intersectsCircle:(GKCircle *)circ2 { // if the dist. between centers is less than the two radii added // together, then we have an intersection. Proof is obvious. float d = GKDistanceBetweenPoints(GK_CENTER(circ1), GK_CENTER(circ2)); if (d < GK_RADIUS(circ1) + GK_RADIUS(circ2)) return YES; return NO; } - (int)circle:(GKCircle *)circ intersectsTriangle:(GKTriangle *)tri { // Three checks: (1) YES if any triangle vertices are in the circle // (2) YES if Triangle encloses circle, and (3) YES if a triangle edge // (line segment) intersects the circle. // ***** need to write this part ***** return NO; } - (int)circle:(GKCircle *)circ intersectsComposite:comp { // ***** need to write this part ***** return NO; } - (int)triangle:(GKTriangle *)tri1 intersectsTriangle:(GKTriangle *)tri2 { // YES if any points of one triangle are inside the other triangle // also need to check if any of the sides intersect each other to // take care of overlapping triangles // ***** need to write this part ***** return NO; } - (int)triangle:(GKTriangle *)tri intersectsComposite:comp { // ***** need to write this part ***** return NO; } - (int)composite:(GKTriangle *)comp1 intersectsComposite:comp2 { // ***** need to write this part ***** return NO; } @end
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