
This is PreferencesBrain.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Generated by Interface Builder */

// This object is the central clearing house for the preferences.  It
// handles I/O between the Preferences Panel controls and it stores stuff
// in the defaults database.  It also tells the app when things change.
// The app can also query it to find the state of various preferences.

#import <objc/Object.h> 	/* superclass */
#import <appkit/appkit.h> 	/* matrix controls' methods */
#import <stdio.h>		/* strcpy */
#import <stdlib.h>		/* malloc */
#import "GameBrain.h"		/* where to send change alerts */

@interface PreferencesBrain:Object
	// various controls on the Preferences... Panel
	id	speedButtons;		// buttons to set game speed on pref panel
	id	preferencesPanel;	// preferences panel instance
	id	musicButtons;		// radio buttons for music on/off
	id	effectButtons;		// radio buttons for sound effects on/off
	id  demoSwitch;			// "Demo Sound" switch
	id  alertSwitch;		// "Alerts" switch
	id  autoUnPauseSwitch;	// "Auto Unpause" switch
	id  autoStartSwitch;	// "New Game on Launch" switch

	id  gameScreen;			// GameView instance/subclass
	id  gameBrain;			// GameBrain instance
    // instance variables to hold preferences and game status:
    int speed;
    BOOL music, effects, alert, demoSound, autoUnPause, autoStart;
    char *defaultPlayerName, *version;	// used for internal purposes.

- init;					// designated initializer

// methods called by the app to access the various preferences
- (BOOL)firstTimeCheck;	// first time running this version?
- preferencesPanel;		// returns the id of the Preferences Panel
- (int)speed;			// return game speed
- (BOOL)music;			// return music status
- (BOOL)effects;		// return effects status
- setDefaultPlayerName:(char *)aString;	// change default player name
- (const char *)defaultPlayerName;  // return ptr to defaultPlayerName string
- revert:sender;		// return to default values
- setAutoUnPause:(BOOL)al;
- (BOOL)autoUnPause;
- (BOOL)alert;
- (BOOL)demoSound;
- (BOOL)autoStart;
- setAutoStart:(BOOL)al;
- setAlert:(BOOL)al;

// Interface Builder (IB) methods:
//	(called by various controls on the Preferences Panel)
- readDefaults:sender;		// read preferences from defaults database
- writeDefaults:sender;		// write preferences to defaults database
- speedChange:sender;		// target of speed pref. matrix
- preferences:sender;		// called by Preferences... menu item
- musicChange:sender;		// target of music on/off matrix on pref panel
- effectsChange:sender;		// target of effect on/off matr. on pref panel
- alertChange:sender;		// turn alert panels on/off
- autoStartChange:sender;	// auto start game on launch on/off
- demoSoundChange:sender;	// turn off sound only in demo
- setBack:sender;			// set the background image
- revertBack:sender;		// revert to default background image
- back1:sender;				// call up background #1
- back2:sender;				// call up background #1
- back3:sender;				// call up background #1
- unPauseChange:sender;		// turn off auto un-pausing


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.