This is VisibleOne.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]
// // A Visible View // Randy Nelson, NeXT Developer Training // Created 5-1-90 // Modified 9-3-90 for 2.0 // // You may freely copy, distribute and reuse the code in this example. // NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, as to // its fitness for any particular use. // #import "VisibleOne.h" #import "StringManager.h" #import <appkit/View.h> #import <appkit/publicWraps.h> #import <dpsclient/wraps.h> #import <appkit/graphics.h> #import <appkit/Application.h> #import <appkit/Font.h> #import <appkit/Form.h> #import <appkit/Control.h> #import <appkit/Button.h> #import <appkit/NXImage.h> #import <objc/NXStringTable.h> #import <libc.h> #import "SubViewFramer.h" #import "Drawgrid.h" #import "SomePS.h" #import "Appender.h" @implementation VisibleOne //sets clipping off - initFrame:(const NXRect *)framerect; { [super initFrame:framerect]; [self setClipping:NO]; //because we read strings in our drawSelf:: //we must assure they'll be there by the first time it's called stringSet = [[[StringManager alloc] init] stringSet]; //save some defs in the window server somedefs(); return self; } //translate - setSelfOrigin:sender { //the slider returns values that are the opposite of what we need [self setDrawOrigin:([translateX intValue] *( -1)) :([translateY intValue] *( -1))]; [window display]; return self; } //scale - setSelfScale:sender { //can't scale by zero if ([scaleX floatValue] == 0) { [scaleX setIntValue:1]; } if ([scaleY floatValue] == 0) { [scaleY setIntValue:1]; } [self scale:[scaleX floatValue] :[scaleY floatValue]]; [window display]; //reset the interface values [scaleX setIntValue:1]; [scaleY setIntValue:1]; return self; } //rotate - setSelfRotation:sender { [self setDrawRotation:[sender intValue]]; [window display]; return self; } //move frame - frameMove:sender { [self moveTo:[frameX intValue] :[frameY intValue]]; [window display]; [self setTrackingRect]; return self; } //rotate frame //tracking rects don't work when your frame is rotated - frameRotate:sender { [self rotateTo:[sender intValue]]; [window display]; return self; } //resize frame - frameChangeSize:sender { [self sizeTo:[frameWidth intValue] :[frameHeight intValue]]; [self setTrackingRect]; [window display]; return self; } //sent by the preferences buttons to force a redraw, reflecting their new state - newDisplayState:sender { [window display]; return self; } //delegate method of app - appDidInit:sender { NXRect aRect = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; [appender appendToText: [stringSet valueForStringKey:"Received appDidInit:"]]; //gets the image for compositing & scales it to frame myPic = [NXImage findImageNamed:[stringSet valueForStringKey:"Logo"]]; [myPic setScalable:YES]; [myPic setSize:&frame.size]; //sets up the subViewFramer as our superview newSuperView = [SubViewFramer alloc]; [newSuperView initFrame:&aRect]; [window setContentView:newSuperView]; [newSuperView addSubview:self]; [newSuperView display]; [self setTrackingRect]; [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; return self; } //allows us to become first responder - (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder { [appender appendToText: [stringSet valueForStringKey: "Received acceptsFirstResponder -- returning YES"]]; return YES; } //allows us to use the mouse click that activates the window - (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse { [appender appendToText: [stringSet valueForStringKey: "Received acceptsFirstMouse -- returning YES"]]; return YES; } //draws the view and then calls the superview for framing - drawSelf:(NXRect *)r :(int)c { NXPoint zero = {0.0, 0.0}; [self updateVitals]; if([compositeIndicator state]){ [myPic composite:NX_SOVER toPoint:&zero]; } if([drawGridIndicator state]){ PSselectfont( (char *)NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey:"Times-Italic"]), 24.0); PSsetgray(NX_WHITE); RNdrawgrid(); } if (NXDrawingStatus != NX_DRAWING) { //make sure we send the defs to the printer or pasteboard somedefs(); } //draws the views basic contents somePS(); //displays the bounds rect PSsetgray(NX_BLACK); sprintf(buffer, NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey:"bounds.origin.x %.1f,.y %.1f"]), bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y); PSmoveto(bounds.origin.x, (bounds.origin.y - 18)); PSselectfont((char *)NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey:"Times-Italic"]), 24.0); PSshow(buffer); NXFrameRect(&bounds); //calls the subViewFramer, our superview [newSuperView frameMe:self]; return self; } //indicates the mouse down with a beep - mouseDown:(NXEvent *)e { sprintf(buffer, NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey: "Received mouseDown: -- window coordinates %.f, %.f"]), e->location.x, e->location.y); [appender appendToText:buffer]; NXBeep(); return self; } //indicates at the location of the mouse at mouse up using instance drawing - mouseUp:(NXEvent *)e { NXPoint mousePoint = e->location; sprintf(buffer, NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey: "Received mouseUp: -- window coordinates %.f, %.f"]), e->location.x, e->location.y); [appender appendToText:buffer]; [self convertPointFromSuperview:&mousePoint]; [self lockFocus]; PSselectfont( (char *) NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey:"Times-Italic"]), 24.0); PSsetgray(NX_DKGRAY); PSnewinstance(); PSsetinstance(YES); PSmoveto(mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y); PSsetgray(0.0); PSrectfill(mousePoint.x-2.0, mousePoint.y-2.0, 4.0, 4.0); PSmoveto(mousePoint.x+4.0, mousePoint.y+4.0); sprintf(buffer, NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey:"%.f, %.f"]), mousePoint.x, mousePoint.y); PSshow(buffer); PSsetinstance(NO); [self unlockFocus]; return self; } //tracks the mouse entering the view - mouseEntered:(NXEvent *)e { sprintf(buffer, NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey: "Received mouseEntered: -- window coordinates %.f, %.f"]), e->location.x, e->location.y); [appender appendToText:buffer]; return self; } //tracks the mouse leaving the view - mouseExited:(NXEvent *)e { sprintf(buffer, NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey: "Received mouseExited: -- window coordinates %.f, %.f"]), e->location.x, e->location.y); [appender appendToText:buffer]; return self; } //gets keyUps - keyUp:(NXEvent *)e { [appender appendToText:[stringSet valueForStringKey:"Received keyUp:"]]; return self; } //gets keyDowns - keyDown:(NXEvent *)e { sprintf(buffer, NXUniqueStringNoCopy( [stringSet valueForStringKey:"Received keyDown: -- char '%c'"]), e->data.key.charCode); [appender appendToText:buffer]; return self; } //checks to see if the mouse down was in this view - hitTest:(NXPoint *)aPt { [appender appendToText: [stringSet valueForStringKey:"Received hitTest:"]]; if ([super hitTest:aPt]){ [appender appendToText: [stringSet valueForStringKey:" -- YES inside this view"]]; return self; } [appender appendToText: [stringSet valueForStringKey:" -- NO not inside this view"]]; return nil; } //updates the statistics matrix - updateVitals { [[[[[[[[[[vitalMatrix setFloatValue:bounds.origin.x at:0] setFloatValue:bounds.origin.y at:1] setFloatValue:bounds.size.width at:2] setFloatValue:bounds.size.height at:3] setFloatValue:[self boundsAngle] at:4] setFloatValue:frame.origin.x at:5] setFloatValue:frame.origin.y at:6] setFloatValue:frame.size.width at:7] setFloatValue:frame.size.height at:8] setFloatValue:[self frameAngle] at:9]; return self; } //for communication with the transparent superview - (BOOL)wantsTransparency { return [transparencyIndicator state]; } - setTrackingRect { NXRect aRect; //registers the tracking rect aRect = frame; [superview convertRect:&aRect toView:nil]; [appender appendToText: [stringSet valueForStringKey:"Sending setTrackingRect:... to window"]]; [window setTrackingRect:&aRect inside:NO owner:self tag:23 left:NO right:NO]; return self; } - infoPanel:sender { if(infoPanel == nil){ [NXApp loadNibSection:"Info.nib" owner:self]; } [infoPanel orderFront:sender]; return self; } @end
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