
This is Timing.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]


This class implements a simple interval timer to aid in measuring drawing performance.  Itİll measure either wall or CPU time spent within an interval delineated by a pair of messages to the Timing object.  Itİs most useful in situations where you need to measure not only the time spent within the process, but also the time spent in other processes, most notably the Window Server.  CPU time includes process time, system time on behalf of the process, and Window Server time on behalf of the process.  The results are most accurate if averaged over a number of passes through the interval, and the Timing object will keep track of:  number of times entered, cumulative elapsed time, and average elapsed time.

Use the +newWithTag: method to create a Timing object.

Use the -reset message to reset the Timing object before entering the timing interval for the first time.

A timing interval is delineated by an -enter: message and a -leave message.  enter: takes a single argument that specifies either WALLTIME or PSTIME.

Use the -summary: method to have the Timing object print out a summary to the stream that is passed in as the argument to summary:.  Alternatively, the Timing object provides methods for querying it for the appropriate values.

Hereİs an example of its use.  

	- action4:sender
		int i=100;
		id t4 = [Timing newWithTag:4];
		[t4 reset];
		[self lockFocus];
		[t4 enter:PSTIME];
		[self drawCachedLines];
		[[self window ] flushWindow];
		[t4 leave];
	[self unlockFocus];
		[t4 summary:sender];
		[self addSummary];
		return self;


#import <objc/Object.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#import <sys/resource.h>
#define PSTIME 0
#define WALLTIME 1

@interface Timing : Object
	struct timezone tzone;	
	struct timeval realtime;
	struct rusage rtime;
	double synctime;
	int	   stime;
	double cumWallTime;	/* cum. wall time app + server */
	double cumAppTime;	/* cum. app process + system time */
	double cumPSTime;	/* cum. Server time on behalf of the 
						   app */
	double avgWallTime;	/* (cum. wall time app + server)/
						   cumTimesEntered */
	double avgAppTime;	/* (cum. app process + system time)/
						   cumTimesEntered */
	double avgPSTime;	/* (cum. Server time on behalf of 
						   the app)/cumTimesEntered */
	double tare;		/* used to account for ipc overhead */
	int	   cumTimesEntered;	/* number of times timing interval 
							   entered since last reset */
	int	   tag;			/* identifies timer object */
	int	   wallTime;	/* flag to specify whether wall or process 
						   time is desired */

+newWithTag:(int) aTag;
	/* Creates a new timing object with tag = aTag */

	/* Starts a timing interval measuring either elapsed wall time 
	   if wt ==WALLTIME or elapsed process time + system time + 
	   Server time if wt == PSTIME.  Sets the wallTime flag to be 
	   equal to wt. */

	/* Called by enter: if WALLTIME is desired.  You should call 
	   enter: rather than call this method directly. */

	/* Called by enter: if PSTIME is desired.  You should call 
	   enter: rather than call this method directly. */

	/* Called by leave if WALLTIME was specified on the previous 
	   enter.  You should call leave rather than call this 
	   method directly.  Updates cumWallTime based on the elapsed 
	   time. */

	/* Called by leave if PSTIME was specified on the previous 
	   enter.  You should call leave rather than call this method 
	   directly.  Updates cumPSTime and cumAppTime based on the 
	   elapsed time. */

	/* Call leave to leave a timing interval.  Depending on 
	   whether WALLTIME or PSTIME was specified on the previous 
	   call to enter:, leave will invoke wallLeave or psLeave. */

	/* Resets the values of cumWallTime, cumPSTime, cumAppTime, 
	   cumTimesEntered and 	other variables to 0 in preparation 
	   for measuring a series of timing intervals.  Should be 
	   called prior to running a timing test. */

	/* Calculates averages.  Called automatically by summary:. */

	/* Writes out a summary to stderr.  
	   Depending on the current value of wallTime will write out a 
	   summary for either wall time or ps time. */

-(double) cumWallTime;
	/* Returns cumWallTime if wallTime == WALLTIME, 
	   -1 otherwise. */

-(double) cumAppTime;
	/* Returns cumAppTime if wallTime == PSTIME, -1.0 otherwise.  
	   cumAppTime represents the cumulative time spent in the 
	   process and system calls made by the process.  It does not 
	   include time spent in the Server. */

-(double) cumPSTime;
	/* Returns cumPSTime if wallTime == PSTIME, -1.0 otherwise.  
	   cumPSTime represents the cumulative time spent in the 
	   Window Server on the behalf of the process. */


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