
[View DBTVTest_main.m] 
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This is what Mike Ferris posted to the next-prog mailing list some time ago. As he never uploaded it to an archive server, I do that now for him.


== Andreas == ah@fml.tuwien.ac.at
Wir entschuldigen uns fuer die Strapazen (Douglas Adams). NeXTmail accepted.

From: Mike Ferris <mferris@trirex.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 92 10:50:57 -0500
To: next-prog@cpac.washington.edu (Next Programmers)
Subject: Sample of how to use DBTableView outside of DBKit
Reply-To: mferris@trirex.com (Mike Ferris)


I have seen a few people mention that a DBTableView is good for more than DBKit stuff.  Some have asked how to use a DBTableView without DBKit.  I asked myself this question too, and since it wasn't really obvious, I thought you'd like to see the little program I wrote to prove it could be done and teach myself how to do it.

Here it is.


This is a complete 3.0 project directory.

The trick seems to be that you need properties to assign to at least one axis of your table.  The properties must conform to the DBPOroperties protocol.  The class SimpleProperty handles that.  Then you need an object to act as the DataSource of the table.  It must conform to the informal DBTableDataSources protocol.  The Tester class handles that.

Have fun.

Mike Ferris                 Everybody understands Mickey Mouse
mferris@trirex.com          Few understand Herman Hesse
Trirex Systems, Inc.        Only a handful understood Einstein
(212) 856-9000              And nobody understood Emperor Norton

From: William Shipley <wjs@omnigroup.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 92 17:12:37 -0800
To: next-prog@cpac.washington.edu (Next Programmers)
Subject: Re: Sample of how to use DBTableView outside of DBKit

It's my understanding that TableView doesn't use the DBProperties protocol, that the identifier you pass it for each row (or column) is simply an opaque 32-bit entity that's used only to distinguish the rows (or columns).

In the case of DBModule, the column identifiers it uses are DBProperties, but TableView doesn't care what they are, since it never sends any messages to them.

Thus, your SimpleProperty class is unneccesary.

-William Shipley
The Omni Group
DBKit consulting

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.