
This is the README for WhosOnFirst.1.0.s.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]


	This is a simple program I wrote so that I could learn 
how to display Icons on the screen.  It's not GREAT code.  I actually
wrote my own linked list handing routines instead of using the 
objective C ones...  I was so intent on figuring out icons, I didn't
want to bother looking at the List Object :-).  Maybe next version.


	Each icon is a window.  The window has no minuaturize or
close buttons so the content view is basically the icon.  The 
contentView of the window is an instance of IconView.  IconView 
simply implements the drawself, init, and set instance variable 
methods (nothing too special).  The whole thing is very little 
code and it should be pretty easy to figure out.  I have alread 
received lots of responses about this program so it looks like I'll
be adding some enhancements in the near future.


	A c function (called who) is called every 5 seconds using
the DPS timed entry call.  This function performs the following 

	Maps /etc/utmp file into memory.

	Checks all entries against its own linked list.
		If entry exists, that entry is marked.
		If entry does not exist, it is set up and entered
		 into the list.

	All entries in the linked list which are no longer in the
	 /etc/utmp file are removed from the list, objects freed, etc.

	Icons are displayed as the list is traversed.

	Closes memory mapping.

NOTE: Thanks to Jayson Adams whose ALTDOCK program helped me to 
	understand how Icons "work".

Please send any questions or comments to me at:


Enjoy the program and Code.

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