
This is TurboTextField.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* TurboTextField.m
 *   TurboTextField is a subclass of TextField which installs
 * the TurboTFCell class as it's Cell class.  It also overrides
 * textDidGetKeys:isEmpty: in order to support "length watching"
 * and the ability to restore the previous text after a paste has
 * failed because it is too long.
 * You may freely copy, distribute, and reuse the code in this example.
 * NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or  implied, as to its
 * fitness for any particular use.
 * Written by:  Sharon Zakhour 
 * Created:  Oct/91

#import "TurboTextField.h"
#import "TurboTFCell.h"

@implementation TurboTextField

// See the README.rtf file (change history -- 4/27/92) for more information
// as to why the cell class is set in -initFrame as opposed to +initialize.
- initFrame:(const NXRect *)frameRect
    id newTextField;
    [[self class] setCellClass: [TurboTFCell class]];
    newTextField = [super initFrame:frameRect];
    [[self class] setCellClass: [TextFieldCell class]];
    return newTextField;

- setMaxLength: (int) length
    return [cell setMaxLength: length];

- setAutoJump: (BOOL) flag forLength: (int)length
    return [cell setAutoJump: flag forLength: length];

- setAcceptsReturn: (BOOL) flag
    return [cell setAcceptsReturn: flag];

- setCustomFilter: (NXTextFilterFunc)aFilter
    return [cell setCustomFilter: aFilter];

#define TOO_LONG		1

- textDidGetKeys:sender isEmpty:(BOOL)flag
    int oldLen, error = 0;
    char	 *temp;
    if (!flag)
	temp = malloc([cell maxLength] + 1);
	[sender getSubstring:temp start:0 length:[cell maxLength]];
	temp[[cell maxLength]] = '\0';

	// First check to see if the string is too long.  This will only
	// occur when pasting since the text and character filters
	// handle keyboard entry.
	if ([cell maxLength] && [sender textLength] > [cell maxLength])
	    error = TOO_LONG;
	// Next, run this text through the filter.  This will
	// catch any illegally formatted paste.
	if ([cell checkString: temp] == NO)
	    error = ILLEGAL_STRING;

	switch (error)
	case 0:
	    // No error -- so save current input text and return
	    [cell setOriginalText: temp];
	    return self;
	case TOO_LONG:
	    NXRunAlertPanel (NULL,  "String too long...","OK", NULL, NULL);
	    NXRunAlertPanel (NULL,  "Illegally formatted string...","OK", NULL, NULL);
	// Now replace the original text (because an error was encountered)
	[sender setSel: 0 : [sender textLength]];
	oldLen = strlen([cell originalText]);
	if (oldLen)
	    [sender replaceSel : [cell originalText]];
	    [sender replaceSel: ""];
	[sender setSel: oldLen: oldLen];
    // If a delegate has been installed, let it have a crack at this...
    [super textDidGetKeys: sender isEmpty: flag];
    return self;


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